Eat Thanksgiving dinner at the dining room table? Oh, no, take a seat on the couch. There is no dining room table. There is only a landing pad for my G.I. Joe Classified Series Dragonfly XH-1.
What are you talking about? Obviously the Dragonfly should be the centre piece for your Thanksgiving dinner. I mean c'mon it fits the theme since it can't fly (toy) just like a Turkey.
Just don't let anyone try and carve it. 😋
If anyone cares Cobra Island Roadblock is at Ross level pricing on the Target site. Like less than $6. More tuning fork rifles for your army builders.
Edit: Ah crap. I accidentally posted on the wrong thread and others have already posted about the sale. Ah well. Carry on.
Just imagine gutting out your whole house for a 1:12 Haslab Flagg.
At best my wife would let me set it up in the front, or back yard and that would be it. Of course then I would also have to reinforce it so it would be comfortable as a bed because that would be where I would be sleeping for the rest of my life if I even tried to get something that big.
As it is I already gave thanks this Thanksgiving (Canadian Thanksgiving is in October), for my wife continuing to put up with my hobby.
Watching the unboxing videos as people get their Dragronfly has me regretting not backing one. I just don't have the space, but man it sure looks cool!
I honestly don't regret not having the giant helicopter as there is zero space for it .... but I sure do wish I had those figures it comes with. Sigh.
A 19 pound box is expected from Hasbro tomorrow via Fedex. The Dragonfly is going to have to chill out in my studio in the box for a little while, but I am legit excited to see it. I need the dopamine boost.
I received the 'left the building'" email and no other tracking update past label created until it arrived today in CT. It has one more stop at a distro center then out for delivery. Weird how it traveled cross country without a scan.
I had one thing to do. I had a whole year to find a spot for a helicopter and I failed. One thing! A whole year! 🤣
Fedex texted me a link saying a package is arriving tomorrow, but the link goes to a Page Not Found. Old Pulse says it's still expected in December. I guess I'm sitting around all day waiting to see what happens.
I wouldn't have minded a way to disassemble this bad boy in a pinch. Maybe a quickrelease button to separate the tail and pull out the prop. Since there appears to be a zero chance of it ever going back in the box, that at least makes me less compelled to keep the box intact. I may toss the innards and keep a flattened outer box. There's even some YouTube tricks showing you how to take apart the huge Tie-Fighter, but I don't see it happening here.
My Dragonfly did indeed get delivered without notice from Hasbro. Then I got an email saying it was shipping out. Then 1 minute later an email saying it was delivered.
Does anyone know why there's a panel on the bottom of the tail section?
Got my shipping notification last night. According to FedEx it should arrive tomorrow!!!!
Someone in Toronto (Canada) just got their Dragonfly delivered in the last hour. So Canada is starting to get it as well.
Are some people in the US getting their Dragonlfy without any type of shipping notification? Mine is still pending. No notifications at all so far and I’m in the west coast.