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2024 GI Joe (Classified?) Haslab speculation and discussion

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@threash I think that while Lenny did mention they take shelf space and dimensions into account while designing the line, I don't think that means they won't go beyond reasonable shelf space for an item if they think it will sell.

So while the Rattler, and frankly the Dragonfly, are not necessarily shelf friendly, I think the chance of a Rattler is pretty high since it is one of the smaller aircraft (foot print wise) that can reasonably be made as a Haslab.  Smaller and it pushed the idea of what a Haslab should be, especially now with the talk of new price points for vehicles at "retail."   Larger and price becomes a big issue as well as space. 

So I don't think they will shy away from something like the Rattler just because it doesn't quite fit on a standard shelf.  Rather they'll take the risk under the assumption it will sell.  I mean look at almost all of the successful Haslabs to date.  The vast majority of them don't fit the dimensions of a standard shelf.  Whether it be from height (Galactus, Sentinel, etc.) or width (Unicron, Razor Crest, Ghost) they don't fit a standard shelf for display. 

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Pfft, never mind planes or tanks, throw a curveball and give me a bells and whistles 1/12 scale Palitoy Sealion, Hasbro. It's still my favourite 3.75 vehicle ever, just a beautiful and fun compact 2 man sub craft that makes the SHARC look as exciting as a brick in comparison.

(yes, I know Hell will freeze over first but a guy can dream yo!)

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I wonder if they'd consider an HQ or TerrorDrome which aren't really designed for shelves.

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Playsets generally don't sell as well.   Also, there's no way they'd make a Classified Terrordome.  It would be way too huge.  I wouldn't mind a Terrordome for 3.75", as it's the one big ticket Joe item I've never owned. 

I think the Rattler is a shoe-in as the next Haslab.   With a Mauler or MOBAT being next year's offerings. 

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So just to bump this thread a bit with Yo Joe June getting close.

Question for everyone.

With so much speculation about the next Haslab being the Rattler, and the general expectation forming that it will be (without any concrete evidence of course).   What would be your reaction if by chance it isn't the Rattler but rather something else?

I'm kind of in that category where I am expecting it to be the Rattler without any reason why I should expect it.  So if it isn't the Rattler I would probably be a bit bummed.  Now depending on what the Haslab actually was, if it wasn't the Rattler, that could take the sting out of the let down. 

Just don't know what other vehicle it could be that would mitigate that disappointment.  Maybe a Conquest or Moray?  Ooh maybe a HAVOC!?

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They’ve been pretty upfront with the Haslabs bouncing back and forth between GI Joe and Cobra. Since the Joes got one last year we at least know it’s Cobra this year. 

Personally, I don’t think it’s the Rattler. We had ‘land’ with the Hisstank and then ‘air’ with the Dragonfly so I personally feel like ‘sea’ is next. I suppose ‘space’ could on the table but I think an aquatic Cobra vehicle is next. 

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I kind of hope it's not the Rattler.  If it exists I'll buy it, but where would I put it?  Also, if we get a Rattler then everyone will demand a Skystriker.

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the HISS was so cool I know I'll be in, but I'm starting to get worried about space. To @buttmunch's point, a water Cobra vehicle would make a lot of sense... I feel like the water moccasin would be REASONABLY sized? Maybe too small for Haslab? But size-wize I could make room for a vehicle that size. I'm freakin' out about the copter, not gonna lie. The HISS fits nicely on top of a detolf. 

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If I were to take a guess, I'd say the Snow Cat.  Seems about the right size and level of detail, and they haven't shown Frostbite anywhere.  Rattler is a good guess as well.

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Honestly, the only HasLab I actually want is a Wolverine, but since Ramen Toys has me covered there, I'm not as anxious for it.  To me it's always been the opposite number for the HISS Tank (with similar size and cost back in the day) as opposed to the much larger MOBAT, so I'm ready to have one to stand opposite the HISS I already have.

Buuuut, I'm sure I could be talked into a Rattler.  It would all depend on whether or not the wings could fold back for ground parking (ie fit on a shelf).  Like with the Wolverine and HISS, I've always considered the Dragonfly to be the air equivalent of the Rattler, not the Skystriker.  They're basically both ground attack gunships, and despite one of the best Joe comics ever, I can't imagine a Rattler really engaging in a dogfight with a fighter jet.

I can't think of any water vehicle I'd be interested in.  *Maybe* the WHALE, but that'd be so massive I couldn't even pretend to find room for it.  Otherwise, there's just something about water vehicles to me that make them feel of more limited scope than an air or land vehicle.

About the only upset that would really get my interest is a base of some sort.  Something like NECA's Ninja Turtle sewer lair.  I'm skeptical something like that would be designed to fit my exact shelf size (NECA's sewer wasn't) and I'd likely be better off just making a dio on my own, but a Joe HQ or Terrordrome would really have my attention.

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Posted by: @vicious7171

If I were to take a guess, I'd say the Snow Cat.  Seems about the right size and level of detail, and they haven't shown Frostbite anywhere.  


I'm hoping it's not this because that might be the only HasLab vehicle I couldn't resist.   I don't really have the space for more large vehicles and I skipped the helicopter - even though it hurt -  for that reason.   But the Snow Cat was my favorite Joe vehicle growing up - and I honestly don't think I could resist,  especially if Frostbite was part of the package.    So low key - from a budget and space perspective I'm hoping they don't do this one.     


The Rattler I could skip fairly easily -  planes just take too much real estate to be displayed and I wouldn't miss it not being in my collection.


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I wouldn't be shocked if it was the Rattler. It does seem like the logical choice at this point. It's one of the more recognizable Cobra vehicles and its size does make it a Haslab. Cobra didn't many larger vehicles until 86 with the exception of the Moray and Rattler. Even the HISS was upscaled for Classified. The Night Raven is probably to big and the Stun seems a bit redundant so close to the HISS. 

That being said I wouldn't be shocked if its the rumored Snow Cat or Thunder Machine either. I know Lenny said it was to small for Haslabs. But that was last year and things could have changed. I could see either of them coming in around $175-200 range with lesser tiers then the previous years. Along the line of Giant Man.

What would shock me in a absolutely positive way is if it was the Whale. Yup  I know it would be huge and expensive. But that is my grail for Joe Haslabs

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I'm kinda thinking we might not see one this summer. We haven't had a tease of one coming soon in interviews and Haslabs rarely seem to happen at consistent times for a brand. We also got the VAMP this year and a Stinger coming later this year. I could see a spring 2025 one happening instead.

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Posted by: @thewyldman

I'm kinda thinking we might not see one this summer. We haven't had a tease of one coming soon in interviews and Haslabs rarely seem to happen at consistent times for a brand. We also got the VAMP this year and a Stinger coming later this year. I could see a spring 2025 one happening instead.

Both Classified Haslabs started in June, during Yo Joe June.   The HISS was right at the end of June (29th) and the Dragonfly was near the beginning of June (5th). 

So I think they have settled on Yo Joe June as their big month for reveals every year, and having the Haslab start during Yo Joe June to coincide with that.

I was wondering about that when the SW team said they were going to reveal their Haslab during their May The Foruth live stream, but then they cancelled the reveal.  Since they did The Ghost during SDCC, ending in September, I am thinking the teams have been communicating a bit more and are trying to stay out of each other's way for Haslabs.  So they are going to reveal/start their Haslab around SDCC again this year.

That leaves the Joe team lots of time to have a Haslab start in June.


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It seems like the current belief is that the Snow Cat and Thunder Machine are going to be Pulse releases at a new (higher) price point.  Again the current belief is that the Snow Cat and Thunder Machine, if released that way, would fall somewhere in the $150-$200 range.  Personally I would hope on the lower end of that price range, especially since, if they do a regular release (not Haslab) then it would most likely be the vehicle and one figure without any bells and whistles (lights, sounds, extra figures).

It will be interesting to see if they go that route since the VAMP was $100 and that seemed to surprise a lot of collectors who were speculating $125-$150 range before it was revealed.

I think the WHALE as a Classified Haslab is doable, but unrealistic.  It would be somewhere in the same scale as the Khetanna, and that was around 4' long (and for 3.75" figs).   The price on a Classified WHALE would probably be, at least $500US.   I would love it, but price and size would be a big issue.

I've said it before, but I would really love it if the Joe team could get us more 3.75" Haslabs.  However that seems even less likely now that Super7 has the license for O-ring releases.  So I guess I'll have to hope they get to some of the vehicles I really want updated, and they aren't ridiculously overpriced.   Because I would love an updated WHALE and Night Raven.  Both of those vehicles are getting way too brittle and could use updated releases to address the engineering problems of the originals (Night Raven cockpit, WHALE fans, etc).

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