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2024 GI Joe (Classified?) Haslab speculation and discussion

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Since the Transformers team just announced they are going to be revealing their next Haslab on Jan. 30th I figured why not get a head start on the next Haslab speculation and discussion?  Granted there is an outside chance it won't be Classified related, but I mean, c'mon.   However I don't want to restrict the speculation too much.  Once we get a more concrete idea of what it will be *cough* Classified *cough* then the discussion will get more focused.

So since we are still so early into 2024 we should have some time for speculation and discussion.  Although wouldn't it be interesting if they decided to move the Joe Haslab up a couple of months?  I don't imagine they actually will since Classified, for now, seems to be their top tier 6" line and they are treating it as such.  So I imagine they'll keep it under wraps until SDCC, or at least the summer convention season to give it the highest possible profile.  However I won't be upset if I am wrong and they push it up a couple months.

Now as for the actual item.....

Right now the leading contender, at least from what I have seen for speculation, is the Rattler.  The next contender is the Moray (we had land, the air, so next should be sea for some people).  Of course it is focusing on the Cobra side of things under the impression of Cobra one year, Joe the other, etc. etc.

What do you guys think?

Personally I am more than happy with a Rattler being the next Classified Haslab.  I love me some Rattler and the colour scheme.  Also it is, relatively, small for an aircraft and could still come in at, again, a relatively reasonable price.  If it was the Rattler of course we would get Wild Weasel.  Then I think they would have a gunner for the turret, and then they would probably not get too creative and maybe try and copy the Cobra Hack from the Skystriker Haslab.   That would give us a generic Cobra Pilot and some kind of flight deck crew member.  As for the Rattler itself, I expect the usual cockpit detail and lighting, and maybe some minor exterior lights.  Though I don't know that it would be included.  Maybe a lever/switch action feature for the landing gear and/or wings?  After that it comes down to the ususal.  A flight stand of some kind, effect pieces for the weapons/missiles/bombs, stickers etc.

If it was the Moray I would imagine for figures it would be a standard Lamprey, some kind of officer/specialist Lamprey, an alternate look Eel and maybe some kind of new naval officer type trooper.  All the usual weapons, accessories, effects and stickers.  Maybe a working spotlight with alternate Cobra logo spotlight?  Light up panels/controls and possibly some kind of stand, although that might be trickier to do for a water vehicle.  Maybe a stand with some kind of wave effect design?

Of course there are any number of choices, but I tend to fall in behind these two popular choices right now.

Oh 2024, you are going to be a fun one to watch.

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I have been absolutely chomping at the bit to start conjecturing on the next Joe HasLab. So much fun to hear all the ideas, so thanks for getting us started. 

I think a Rattler is a very good guess. It's Cobra's turn, they'll want an air support to counter the Dragonfly, and Wild Weasel is still unmade. I'd bet on a red mask Cobra Trooper for the gunner seat, and maybe a flight suit Baroness to tie into the famous dogfight issue is the comic. 

I don't expect there to be any levers for landing gear or wing rotation (you'd have to do them manually like the Dragonfly rotor), but I'd really hope that Lenny's recent comments about collector shelf size means the wings would also fold up for flightline storage. 

I honestly don't see a big appeal to a water craft like a Moray. Just my opinion, but watercraft seem a little too specialized. Of course I feel the same way about snow vehicles and they seem really popular so what do I know. 

Also,  Lenny used the word "modular" in his interview with Dan Who about vehicles and playsets, and I took that out of context to mean they're dabbling in a G.I. Joe HQ or the 1/4 TerrorDrome we'd talked about on the old boards. 

And vaguely related to all of that is the tank chassis Ramen Toys is working on that will knock out a MOBAT, Wolverine and Bridge Layer with swappable parts. Now,  Ace does not care how wide a shelf is, so I'm assuming it'll be too big for my Billies, but I want the Wolverine more than anything so fingers crossed. 

Super Camel
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All I know, is I want some kind of damn boat.  I got flying machines, I got land machines.  Now I want a damn boat.

Honestly though, whatever it is, I'm getting it.

Red Ogre
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Whatever it is, I hope it funds. I'm in for land, out for sea and air.

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Oh man. I am giddy with Classified Haslab for 2024. 

Rattler - How much does that cost? $350? More? How big is it? Dragonfly is what 34” long? Rattler could be truncated sure but it has to be at least 36” long with a wing span close to that. If it had a fight stand we are talking Galactus amount of plastic used. So it have a Galactus price tag. I like the idea of flight suit Baroness idea. Sure it could have a gunner and ground crew members as stretch goals. I’d like vapor trails for missiles like the 3 3/4” Sky striker got. I want a Rattler and of course Sky Striker but I have to admit those will be expensive and big.

I like the idea of Mauler tank. A tank is too big for retail option and they can give it appropriate embellishments. 


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I'm kind of gauging my size expectations off the original prices.  The HISS and D'fly were $6-9 originally, so I think that's the size range they'd consider. The Rattler was $10, so might be the upper limit.

The Skystriker, MOBAT and WHALE, meanwhile, were $15-20, which makes me feel that's the range of "too big."

Not a flawless scheme, though. The VAMP for some reason sold for $9 and it got a mainline release (same for the Thunder Machine.)

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@fletch I like that idea of part of the wings being able to fold up for storage.  It would reduce the overall footprint on the shelf and make it a bit easier to fit.

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@red_ogre Why not sea or air?

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@prophet The Dragonfly has a flight stand, as does the Razor Crest and Skystriker.  None of those were significantly higher in price due to that. 

I also like the idea of a Flight Suit Baroness for the Rattler.  Maybe even a wetsuit/dive suit Baroness for a Moray. 

I think the Joe team, and maybe the Haslab team as well, have a good idea of what may or may not sell, and what pricing range they can get away with right now.   Maybe I'm wrong and they'll go crazy and ask too much for the next Haslab, but I think they'll try to keep it in the $300US range (+/- $50). 

Though I guess with the cost of the Ghost last year and whatever they will ask for the Transformers one (current predictions are Primus to go with Unicron so $500+ probably), they aren't afraid to still play with that $500 price tag.  Again I don't think they will do that for Classified.

Red Ogre
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Posted by: @canprime

@red_ogre Why not sea or air?

They're just not as appealing to me. I had the Skystriker and the Rattler years ago, but they were never my favorites. I could probably be tempted into a Water Moccasin, though.

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I would be shocked if we get anything bigger than the HISS or Dragonfly. A rattler just seems extremely unlikely. If i had to make a guess it would be a MOBAT. HISS sized and priced. If Cobra needs something to fight the dragonfly we are more likely to get general release FANG copters than a big ass bomber plane.

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The stun

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Maybe I'm misremembering.  My mind's eye had the old Rattler as the same size as the Dragonfly, with the wings exaggerating how big it is.  I also remember the Wolverine being the same size as the HISS. That's why they're always paired off against each other in my mind. 

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Posted by: @fletch

Maybe I'm misremembering.  My mind's eye had the old Rattler as the same size as the Dragonfly, with the wings exaggerating how big it is.  I also remember the Wolverine being the same size as the HISS. That's why they're always paired off against each other in my mind. 


The rattler was 24 inches long and 26 inches wide, the dragonfly 21 inches long and basically flat as it only had two blades. Being wider than it is long and longer than the dragonfly as it is would make it really inconvenient for almost every collector, specially since it was already significantly undersized for its scale, even compared to other vehicles. If we can't get something as iconic as an x-wing we are not going to get a rattler, that haslab would fail on its size alone.


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Thanks for the numbers, @threash.

That would put a HasLab Rattler at about 39" long (scaled to the D'fly's 34") with a wingspan of at least 42".

I'd said fold-up wings would be a requirement, but now I wonder if I'd have enough vertical clearance for them. 

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