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Lucid's Legends: Best of the Bronze Age

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Lucid Silverback
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Custom classic Wasp figure made from the Avengers Forever ML figure, the maskless head that came with x23, lots of Apoxie Sculpt and paint. Her antennae are snipped needles embedded in her head.

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Lucid Silverback
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Custom MOLE MAN made from the old dark days Hasbro Mole Man. Fully resculpted head, modified cape, Dremeled clothing wrinkles, and lots of paint.

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Lucid Silverback
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Custom IRON FIST made from a Hydra trooper (Bucky buck), Punisher head, custom collar, and the old tb Iron Fist's belt tassels.  Btw, the collar was cut from the lid of a chicken-flavored Temptations tub. Lol

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Lucid Silverback
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I modified the original TERRAX BAF by discarding the ill-fitting plastic pauldrons/chest piece and fully sculpting a replacement. I also added details to his gloves and boots and then painted them all metallic red.

I enthusiastically assert that most-if-not-all cosmic characters only benefit from having metallic paint applications.

TFitz and NORM reacted
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Amazing stuff! Also amazing how many of these have now been officially made by Hasbro. So how about making a FA Wonderman. 😉 

Lucid Silverback
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@tfitz now that I've finally ordered some paint, I just may do that.


I constructed this Ch'Od way back in the day but, was never super jazzed up about his mouth.  So, since the recently released BaF was objectively pitiful, I decided to rebuild it and also rebuild his lil' buddy Cr'Eee. You can see my pitiful first attempt on the far left and the new one in the middle, next to the Hasbro version.

I still need to fabricate a space rifle for him but, for now, he's done.

Lucid Silverback
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Here's my take on the bronze age DORMAMMU. You know the one after he started lifting, ditched the barbecue grill and shoulder pads, and just rocked the unitard? He's basically on the Batroc body.

Yeah, I took some artistic liberty with his belt. I think it came out sexy.


Lucid Silverback
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Here's what I did with that random LILANDRA head pack-in that came with Mystique.  Like most, I put it on the Sable body and got out the ol' Apoxie Sculpt.  I altered and fused a mystery cape to her one shoulder and tried to make a decent brooch. Meh.

Other than that, applied a metallic blue to her and done!  Not sure where the scepter or gun came from but I want to say DCUC Manta?

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Posted by: @feces-flinger

@tfitz now that I've finally ordered some paint, I just may do that.

If you figure out a way to do that infinity logo around his waist, please lmk.


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