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Anyone still making customs?

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You know, with paint and sculpting compound? Full fledged customs? Anyone doing their own 3D printing?

I’m not doing any of those things anymore, but I still admire those who do!

Lucid Silverback
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Hasbro has gotten pretty damn good at making killer legends as well as digging deeper into character selection. That, combined with their removal of joint pegs has definitely put a dent in my customizing endeavors.  But I do still have a few projects languishing in my fodder bin along with some stiff-but-still-viable Apoxie Sculpt.  I just need paint! Lol

JOEL aka JoMiHa and NORM reacted
Shinigami Customs
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Still fighting the good fight

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Lt I'rina here is a custom bash of the 2009 Uhura with the TVC Morgan Elsbeth and the head of the Joy Toy Saluk Legion space princess chick.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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The last time I sculpted with my hands was while making Mephisto and (the now garbage) Blackheart about 18 months ago. I stopped after that, as I was not happy with the results. Now I stick to painting, swaps and 3D printed parts.

🦇 Est. 2017 🕸️
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ohh, we got a new custom figures section now, awesome! you know me. im more of a tweaker and modder

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I generally finish a project in years time. It's not enjoyable when I rush through and there seems to be no time to be able to unwind with it like before with all of life at this point. 

I have a stockpile of old fodder cause of it. Toybiz Legends, Early Hasbro Legends and Even Early return of the Marvel Legends Hasbro stuff. I love and hate it at the same time. 

Have you found a part or piece that was in your bins for years and repurposed it to fit the newer scale/ bucks/ looks of the recent releases? I just was successful in using ML 15 Moon Knight gloves onto a Hellcat arms. I was quite proud of that. 

Also, on top of fodder piling up, I ended up buying a magnifying glass and light cause my eyes are not as good. I'd gotten old loving this little expensive hobby of ours. 

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I did this years Secret Santa, but it's definitely my last one. No knock on my recipients list, but my skill has gone down some and it doesn't seem right.

I have 1 last custom I need to finish for myself, but I'm waiting for a teen body with the updated articulation. I'm really hoping X-23 has it, though she's in a damn 2-pack.

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Is the Secret Santa swap here affiliated with the one on Instagram?

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@normdapito from my understanding, it's no longer TheFwoosh secret santa. Not affiliated.  I didn't participate this year... first time in a looooong time.  Like TFitz, my skills have gone down along with my available time.

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@normdapito I “retired” about 5 years ago. Went through a terrible divorce and lost my love for the hobby. Started and finished a few this year and yes with Aves Apoxie Sculpt and paint just like the old days(commissions from FigureRealm), but overall, not a lot.

BUT today I was wondering what you guys were up to. Definitely remember several of you old Fwooshers! Can you guys believe a lot of us have been at this for 20 years or more?!? Hope you’re all doing well!

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The most I tend to get up to these days is purchase fodder and upgrade kits/3D prints online and sit on them until Hasbro decides to make the thing I wanted. I think the only light customizing I did this year was the Baylon Skol height fix.
