@yojoebro82 Bluey has indeed made me misty-eyed in the past, but The Sign didn't get me mostly because I felt the end was a cop-out. My adult brain was too busy thinking about how the ending would be a huge financial burden or demand litigation.
@yojoebro82 @misfit Okay, I just watched the new Bluey with my wife and son. I definitely didn't get misty-eyed, but I was also definitely super emotionally invested in two cartoon dogs selling their house, so.... there you go. Genuinely a phenomenal episode and, again, just such a perfect cartoon. The writers for that show deserve every accolade to be able to make a 'kids' show' of that caliber, for sure.
@yojoebro82 @misfit Okay, I just watched the new Bluey with my wife and son. I definitely didn't get misty-eyed, but I was also definitely super emotionally invested in two cartoon dogs selling their house, so.... there you go. Genuinely a phenomenal episode and, again, just such a perfect cartoon. The writers for that show deserve every accolade to be able to make a 'kids' show' of that caliber, for sure.
I mean, there's kids' shows and movies that have their fair share of subtle adult innuendo thrown in (less and less subtle these days, it seems), it's designed for adults to get so they won't get bored off their ass it and goes over the kids' heads. Then there's Bluey where the writing is such that the kids and adults can both take enjoyment and humor from the same thing. That takes some talented writing.
This show is one of delayed resolutions. Two weeks ago, Storm and Forge are about to be lunch for a demon, but we get no resolution last week. Then last week all hell breaks loose on Genosha, but now we're going back to Texas and even beyond the stars to deal with one of the loose threads of the original series. It's not a complaint, merely an observation and I do like that this show is embracing the weekly release schedule by building anticipation for each episode. It's so much better than the Netflix dump model where we all binge it for a weekend and it's out of our system within a week.
This one did feel like a cooldown of sorts. There was still plenty of drama in both locations, but basically anything would feel like a cool down after the last 7 minutes of the fifth episode. I thought they did a good job illustrating the dilemma in space even though the audience is likely to be aligned in what they want to see come of it, but that's partly because we're armed with more information. The stuff with Storm and Forge still had some odd pacing issues (she loves him now?), but it came to a nice crescendo that I think most will enjoy. I don't necessarily know what's going to happen next (though I definitely have ideas about who orchestrated the attack on Genosha following the closing scene), but DeMayo admitted they're building towards a big climax and the mere fact that the season ends on a three-parter is evidence of that. I can understand, given the constraints of a 10 episode season, how a plot like Lifedeath could be truncated into what we have here if the show is maneuvering its pieces into place for the finale. As much as I enjoy the slow burn, I can acknowledge that this isn't the sort of show that would be given such a luxury by the powers that be at Disney and Marvel. In some respects, it makes me think of Game of Thrones which adapted the entire first book of that series as its first season, but once it was a huge hit, was able to slow things down. Of course, it eventually sprinted to an unsatisfying conclusion and I'd be lying if I didn't have shades of that final season at times when it comes to this show, but here I'm more forgiving since it's likely a matter of necessity. With Game of Thrones, basically everyone working on the show just wanted to get it over with and it showed.
Huh. Should have expected that.
Sure. That's good. But how did this all change her on a cellular level? Or change her back? Or were Beast and Forge just wrong and she was never that damaged? "Brilliant" scientists. And I HATE when characters are very near death and then heal instantly. And hey - Doctor Strange magic! Truncated storytelling, like them being in love - wasn't the last thing she said to him "I hate you"?
Her overalls are still cracking me up, and then her Thor-level costume reset. Okay... we now know her secondary mutation is hair growth.
Xavier was the same as ever. I liked putting them in school. I really wish Lilandra had come with an unmasked head. But we can surmise from Gambit's hallucinatory appearance that Magneto is alive - or else Charles would certainly have seen him instead.
But the opening credits removing Magneto and Gambit - yikes. Felt weird to see Nightcrawler included.
This show is one of delayed resolutions. Two weeks ago, Storm and Forge are about to be lunch for a demon, but we get no resolution last week. Then last week all hell breaks loose on Genosha, but now we're going back to Texas and even beyond the stars to deal with one of the loose threads of the original series. It's not a complaint, merely an observation and I do like that this show is embracing the weekly release schedule by building anticipation for each episode. It's so much better than the Netflix dump model where we all binge it for a weekend and it's out of our system within a week.
Back in the day most shows were like this. When something terrible happens and you have to wait a week to find out what happens next. You wait and instead it's an episode about another character and you realize that you have to wait another week. Good Times.
Or maybe Forge machine worked and Storm needed time.She was never that damaged?
I'm glad they give Storm her better costume. And happy Nightcrawler in the team now.
Despite ongoing pacing issues in other episodes, this is the first episode of the series so far that I can genuinely say I didn't just dislike, but actively hated whilst simultaneously being bored out of my mind for most of it.
Forge and Storm's romance sucks. It's probably this show's worst victim of the breakneck pace and lack of breathing room for any element of the story. I don't believe any of it. Not for a second. She loves him. She hates him. She loves him again. He's instantly healed by a magic cactus or some shit. Her mutant powers returning also allow her to magically craft an entire costume AND regrow all of her hair in a split second. Like what the fuck is going on with any of this? It's all just SO bad. It's just bad. It's bad writing. It's bad storytelling. It's thoughtless to the point of being blatantly ridiculous. Genuinely one of the worst things I've seen on TV since the end of Game of Thrones.
Also don't like anything going on with Xavier. On a foundational level I can't get behind Xavier being alive and fairly healthy and not having bothered to even send a postcard to his 'beloved' students and best friend down on earth literally heartbroken and mourning his death. I know he's been portrayed in different ways in the comics, but I just don't see '90s 'toon Xavier as such a massive asshole.
And the 'I took over your minds and now we're in a classroom because I like being a teacher' thing was eyeroll-inducing.
Also also - he sees Gambit's death; a later addition to his team that he seems to have barely interacted with directly most of the time, instead of the death of his actual closest friend to whom he left his estate and control of the X-Men because he trusted and cared about him so much? ..Why? Just thought Gambit looked cooler as a Sentiskeleton than Magneto?
Sorry fellas. I know I'm probably in the deep minority here and I definitely don't want to take away anyone else's enjoyment of the show. Which I get, because I've really been enjoying the show so far. But this episode fucking suuuuuuucked in virtually every way in which I can think of to judge the quality of a TV show.
Despite ongoing pacing issues in other episodes, this is the first episode of the series so far that I can genuinely say I didn't just dislike, but actively hated whilst simultaneously being bored out of my mind for most of it.
SpoilerSpoilersForge and Storm's romance sucks. It's probably this show's worst victim of the breakneck pace and lack of breathing room for any element of the story. I don't believe any of it. Not for a second. She loves him. She hates him. She loves him again. He's instantly healed by a magic cactus or some shit. Her mutant powers returning also allow her to magically craft an entire costume AND regrow all of her hair in a split second. Like what the fuck is going on with any of this? It's all just SO bad. It's just bad. It's bad writing. It's bad storytelling. It's thoughtless to the point of being blatantly ridiculous. Genuinely one of the worst things I've seen on TV since the end of Game of Thrones.
Also don't like anything going on with Xavier. On a foundational level I can't get behind Xavier being alive and fairly healthy and not having bothered to even send a postcard to his 'beloved' students and best friend down on earth literally heartbroken and mourning his death. I know he's been portrayed in different ways in the comics, but I just don't see '90s 'toon Xavier as such a massive asshole.
And the 'I took over your minds and now we're in a classroom because I like being a teacher' thing was eyeroll-inducing.Also also - he sees Gambit's death; a later addition to his team that he seems to have barely interacted with directly most of the time, instead of the death of his actual closest friend to whom he left his estate and control of the X-Men because he trusted and cared about him so much? ..Why? Just thought Gambit looked cooler as a Sentiskeleton than Magneto?
Sorry fellas. I know I'm probably in the deep minority here and I definitely don't want to take away anyone else's enjoyment of the show. Which I get, because I've really been enjoying the show so far. But this episode fucking suuuuuuucked in virtually every way in which I can think of to judge the quality of a TV show.
Storm spontaneously spawned her costume with electricity in the original series, so that's nothing new. Also, Magneto isn't dead, that was definitely a hint towards that
Magically craft an entire costume AND regrow all of her hair in a split second. Like what the fuck is going on with any of this?
She did the same thing in the first episode of original X-Men TAS lmao. And no, it's not "one of the worst things. This title still belongs to most of other Disney+ slops like: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Secret Invasion, Echo, etc.
Maybe because Magneto is not dead?
Also also - he sees Gambit's death, a later addition to his team that he seems to have barely interacted with directly most of the time, instead of the death of his actual closest friend to whom he left his estate and control of the X-Men because he trusted and cared about him so much? ..Why? Just thought Gambit looked cooler as a Sentiskeleton than Magneto?
I suspect (though I could be entirely wrong?) Maybe there was a problem with the editing on the series because while I am seriously enjoying this series I can definitely see why people are saying it feels rushed also. Probably would never happen, but if there was an editing dispute, I'd love to see a showrunner's cut as well someday.
I suspect (though I could be entirely wrong?) Maybe there was a problem with the editing on the series because while I am seriously enjoying this series I can definitely see why people are saying it feels rushed also. Probably would never happen, but if there was an editing dispute, I'd love to see a showrunner's cut as well someday.
I think it's just a case of trying to emulated the original series, which also sped through some stories and then took its time with others
Forge and Storm's romance sucks. It's probably this show's worst victim of the breakneck pace and lack of breathing room for any element of the story. I don't believe any of it. Not for a second. She loves him. She hates him. She loves him again. He's instantly healed by a magic cactus or some shit. Her mutant powers returning also allow her to magically craft an entire costume AND regrow all of her hair in a split second. Like what the fuck is going on with any of this? It's all just SO bad. It's just bad. It's bad writing. It's bad storytelling. It's thoughtless to the point of being blatantly ridiculous. Genuinely one of the worst things I've seen on TV since the end of Game of Thrones.
Don't disagree with any of this, or your critiques on Xavier's plotline - though I liked the classroom bit. Those idiot aliens needed a good lesson, now that the Shi'ar are being held accountable for how their culture "absorbs" others (don't know if that's always how they've been portrayed or if that is new).
I just rewatched the original finale to see if I remembered it right - I don't mind that Xavier hasn't let them know his condition. He's so separate from them that at this point it makes sense to not interact/interfere because unless he's going to return home, he's just stirring the pot. He might not have realized they would consider him dead and activate his will and give his X-Men away. But I don't begrudge him the chance at a new life.
I rewatched Lifedeath Part 1 before rewatching this episode and this is definitely my least favorite episode so far. The goodwill they built up for Storm in the first two episodes pretty much evaporated when Forge approached her in that bar. Her motivations are still murky to me, and how she was her own problem? She loved being a mutant.
But I did catch Bastion in Forge's photo - I would LOVE this show to tackle Zero Tolerance!
And tackle Operation Zero Tolerance they did!
What a way to come back. Incredible show throughout and didn't falter all the way to the finale. I thought they were going the Onslaught for a hot minute. But that's the beauty of this show, they still absolutely could. They've set up so many interesting storylines going forward.