@ru1977 The first Evil Dead has some humor but isn't really a comedy I don't think. Evil Dead 2 is the one where he goes further in the slapstick and stupidity of Ash direction.
Fun trailer. Cool to see them just dropping in a bunch of DC characters right from the start. Give comic fans what they want. I think this film has a chance to do for Superman what the MCU did for Captain America -- make me interested in a character I otherwise typically find boring and never bother with outside of necessary event and team-up stuff.
@ru1977 The first Evil Dead has some humor but isn't really a comedy I don't think. Evil Dead 2 is the one where he goes further in the slapstick and stupidity of Ash direction.
I definitely agree they get sillier with each installment, and the original is the closest to horror, but there's still a lot of silliness in the movie. Raimi and Tapert waving at the car in the beginning then that shot from the guy's crotch up at everyone screaming and Ash immediately over his shoulder, etc. Just, Raimi's style is inherently goofy. It's still happening in Spider-Man and even MOM, and a big reason I don't think I enjoy anything of his outside of something starring Bruce Campbell.
Fun trailer. Cool to see them just dropping in a bunch of DC characters right from the start. Give comic fans what they want.
Eh, I'm the exact opposite. The dropping in of a bunch of DC characters is the one big apprehension I have with this movie. I want this to be a Superman solo. I don't even want to see A-list Justice Leaguers in this, let alone B or C-listers. I'm hoping against hope that their screen time is at a bare minimum.
I'm fine with the colors and fine with the undies, but the design of the suit itself still doesn't have me sold. I'll get over this with a really good story.
Fun trailer. Cool to see them just dropping in a bunch of DC characters right from the start. Give comic fans what they want.
Eh, I'm the exact opposite. The dropping in of a bunch of DC characters is the one big apprehension I have with this movie. I want this to be a Superman solo. I don't even want to see A-list Justice Leaguers in this, let alone B or C-listers. I'm hoping against hope that their screen time is at a bare minimum.
I'm fine with the colors and fine with the undies, but the design of the suit itself still doesn't have me sold. I'll get over this with a really good story.
Totally fair and valid.
I think I'm just at the point where A) I don't give a single fuck about any more solo Superman stories - especially when it's basically always the same boring story with a different paint job (again, also possibly because I don't particularly like Superman) and B) I'm also just kind of tired of superhero stories in large universes that hand-wave away where ALL THE OTHER superheroes are. I feel like the universe feels more real and lived in if other characters are allowed to show up without the formulaic bullshit of every character needing their own special introduction movie or TV show before they're allowed to play with anyone else.
Definitely could go sideways, but I think Gunn, of all the current crop of superhero filmmakers, has the track record to show he can handle slamming lots of characters together at once without it feeling cheap or taking away from the actual story. I don't think Gunn will make it feel like he's just playing with action figures on the living room floor, as sometimes it can feel when too many names are dropped in together.
But I'm absolutely biased. When I have to put up with Superman, this is usually where I find him the least tedious; when he's interacting with both regular people and super people; where he's not only contrasted against normal people and 'the bad guy' - but when he's also contrasted against other 'good' people with powers. That's when he's interesting. To me.
Also, I just think Gunn is great with ensemble casts and is excellent at pulling B- and C-list comic characters and giving them some real life and legitimacy on screen. I'm way more excited for this than I ever was for the idea of yet another take on Superman on his own.
Also also.. I could SEE everything in the trailer. Thank fucking fuck we're getting someone rebuilding the DCMU that won't rely on just making everything pitch black and tinted brown or whatever. Justice League, Flash, and the Superman movies from not long ago look like dog shit. This looks bright and comic booky.
I'm cautiously optimistic based on the trailer. The Snyderverse always felt like it pulled together the worst instincts of post Alan Moore comic book writing, which is to try to make some grand statement on Superheroes and Their Very Serious Role In the Zeitgeist. There's nothing technically wrong with that, but it's the same thing that has plagued DC comics, with writers practically gluing long beads onto their faces and writing Superhero comics with a fountain pen, when in actuality Alan Moore himself got Supertired of that stuff decades ago--and I say that as someone who thinks Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow is one of the greatest Superman stories ever written.
Basically a lived-in, origin-free DC superhero universe populated with namebrand heroes and a dog wearing a red cape is exactly what I've wanted for what feels like centuries, and I really hope it doesn't suck.
People are saying Gunn mentioned that the other superheroes are there to show that this universe has other superheroes besides Superman in it. So I guess we won’t be wondering if there are other metas right off the “bat”. Lol. That it’s totally plausible that if a Demon or Dragon or Kami level threat should happen, Superman won’t be the only super to respond. Gunn said it will still be mostly focused on Superman and the other heroes have limited screen time. We shall see.
I LOVE when they mash up different superheros together versus a solo Supes movie, which is fine also for me but i prefer when they throw in more superheros. makes it more exciting IMO.
A shared cinematic universe should be a treat, not a shackle. It's fun when you see Loki transform into Captain America, but a soon as you start questioning why Tony doesn't make Iron Man suits for Widow and Hawkeye you've lost the plot.
I will never be mad at a Superman movie that doesn't take the time to explain where Batman, Flash. Wonder Woman, all the Green Lanterns, however many Hawk people there are, Shazam, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Dr. Fate, or Funky Flashman is.
People are saying Gunn mentioned that the other superheroes are there to show that this universe has other superheroes besides Superman in it.
You can establish that in a number of ways, though. Especially considering you have the Daily Planet in play. How easy would it be to insert a throwaway line about the JLA saving Europe last month, or news footage of Plastic Man rolling in the background of a scene?
or news footage of Plastic Man rolling in the background of a scene?
Oh man, PlasticMan is one of my favorites. If they ever put Plasticman in a movie, ill lose my mind!!!
@yojoebro82 That’s true. But from a visual standpoint in a big budget movie, that may go unnoticed by the general audience so they probably wanna go for bigger visuals. Most likely the superheroes are just making a screen appearance of a few seconds. Looks like there is a city level threat going on and Gunn is responding to those questions of where are the other heroes because “Are all the heroes busy? All the JLA? All the JSA? All the other street level heroes? There gotta be a few of them that can help Supes out what with all the damage going on all over the city.”
Watching reaction videos for Superman, now im more hyped up for the movie 😱
People are saying Gunn mentioned that the other superheroes are there to show that this universe has other superheroes besides Superman in it.
You can establish that in a number of ways, though. Especially considering you have the Daily Planet in play. How easy would it be to insert a throwaway line about the JLA saving Europe last month, or news footage of Plastic Man rolling in the background of a scene?
Absolutely. But we're also smart marks nowadays. We know those types of things are either plot convenience or financial convenience excuses and it's typically going to read that way. Maybe it works in smaller universes -- but the more superheroes you commit to adding to your movie (or comic, or cartoon) universe, the more absurd it becomes to have this massive global threat happening with a crawler at the bottom of the screen all like 'but everyone but Booster Gold and Black Canary were busy that day.'
Easy problem to defeat, though; make more superhero movies/TV where the threat is localized or personal. Then there's no reason to expect every able body to be getting involved. You don't expect Captain America and Vision to show up because DD is fighting Kingpin. You DO expect them to show up when a CGI blob army is demolishing a major metropolitan area. Right?