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Superman (2025)

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Gunn always has *some* humor in his scripts but nobody calls Day of the Dead or Slither comedies.  Nobody would say Gunn's treatment of The High Evolutionary was comedic, either.  The boy can cook a solid story when he wants to.

fac reacted
🦇 Est. 2017 🕸️
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The bald/rock skin looking guy is MetaMorpho !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I admit Christopher Reeve was really my first exposure to Superman, and he was pretty lighthearted a lot of the time. So yeah, some humor, for me, is to be expected.

Posted by: @adrienveidt

Gunn always has *some* humor in his scripts but nobody calls Day of the Dead or Slither comedies.  Nobody would say Gunn's treatment of The High Evolutionary was comedic, either.  The boy can cook a solid story when he wants to.

I didn't even realize he wrote Dawn of the Dead. I was aware of his Troma stuff, and Scooby Doo heh.

Slither though... yeah it's not a comedy, but I'd call it a black comedy for sure. The dialogue is dry but hilarious throughout. He definitely leaned into silly and humorous more with the Guardians, but like you said, he can still do levels of heavy and disturbing.


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I just question if he can do sincere that seems sincere...

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Yes. I also hope they don’t go overboard with the comedy but just a few comedy snippets here and there but not to the point the movie becomes more comedy than anything else.

Also concerning Gunn’s realization to Cornswet’s remarks………… Not to sound like a dick but isn’t that what the majority of the Superman fandom has been screaming for this entire time and Gunn just realized it then?  Not making kids afraid of him is pretty much part of the whole “bright hero schtick” we all wanted.  Superman doesn’t want any innocent kids or adults afraid of him. Gunn shouldn’t have been afraid or hesitant to use  the brighter suite in the first place. Superman is not an XMan.🤪Superman can be serious but he can also be a little corny, old fashioned sometimes, a Boy Scout, a do gooder, but he also has the power to split the planet in half.

Red trunks returns.

Bright colored costume returns

Spitcurl returns  

Hope returns

He even brought the dog

Superman returns

Look up……and let’s go!!


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Posted by: @fac

I just question if he can do sincere that seems sincere...

You wanna go watch the first 10min of GotG1 again?


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I told my wife that story about the costume (she's a MUCH bigger Superman fan than I've ever been), and she was appalled Gunn didn't already think that way about it.

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Posted by: @adrienveidt

Posted by: @fac

I just question if he can do sincere that seems sincere...

You wanna go watch the first 10min of GotG1 again?


I probably should have said "will do" instead of "can do"...

Sure, the first few minutes opening is emotional, dramatic, serious - but I'd say it is almost melodramatic? And one scene is a bit different than sincere as a tone for a whole film that doesn't undercut itself - which I don't think he was trying for with GotG anyway.

Captain America - The First Avenger was sincere in how it viewed Steve Rogers as a hero - that's the tone I am hoping for. Conversely the silliness around Thor in Love and Thunder undermined the sincerity of both Gorr's and Jane's storylines - which was a shame to me as both were great when Waititi was taking it seriously. Gunn and Waititi are similar to me in that I think need someone to check their instincts towards over-the-top-ness at times.

For what it's worth, I think Gunn can find the right balance if he wants to, and maybe with Supes he finally has the character where he knows he needs to avoid the snarky-ness as Supes is not a misfit. He's never had creative control over a character like this before. 

Gunn talking about Krypto as a "bad boy" is one place I can see some humor coming in, as a super-powered barely housebroken dog would be funny. Guy Gardiner should be amusing in his cockiness and attitude. Clark's bumbling act can add some chuckles. But Supes kindness and desire to help people needs to be played straight at all times or else he can seem naive or simplistic not noble and steadfast.



adrienveidt reacted
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@ru1977 It never occurred to me that way either. But it makes sense in terms of articulating it as the anti-Batman costume (where Bats is trying to invoke fear, Supes is trying to invoke hope).

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Posted by: @ru1977

I told my wife that story about the costume (she's a MUCH bigger Superman fan than I've ever been), and she was appalled Gunn didn't already think that way about it.

I'm a fan and it's a new viewpoint for me because Kal is never the person that designs the outfit in any canon, so his motive for wearing that specific outfit over another never comes into question.  He wears it because his mom designed it/it's his family crest.  If there's ever been any explanation for why it's colorful it's because his mom wanted it to distract people from looking at his face too closely or whatnot.

Now, he is absolutely the sort that would change his outfit if he then discovered it did scare children; but that'd be afterwards.  It's not the reason he put it on the first time, and it's not the reason he continues to prefer it; but it is a nice addition to his reasons; IMHO.


fac reacted
🦇 Est. 2017 🕸️
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Posted by: @leor

Red trunks returns.

Bright colored costume returns

Spitcurl returns  

Hope returns

He even brought the dog

Superman returns

Look up……and let’s go!!

Hell yea, the hype is real !!!!!!!!! Superman is back !!!!!!!!!!

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Oh yeah, I remember when I thought of Gunn as a horror director, back when he was a judge on Scream Queens.  Come to think of it, I used to think the same thing about Sam Raimi.

I was so glad to see the trunks return. I don't care about any argument about it looking silly or trying to justify why they're there, Superman just looks off to me without them. It's like when they put Wonder Woman in pants. My mental icon-receptors are not prepared to receive them. 

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@fletch I've never been able to see Raimi as horror. I think his most earnest attempt at horror was Drag Me To Hell, and he still has to throw in three stooges gags.

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This is just speculation and I’m probably wrong but looking at the short scene from the trailer of the Kent farm, I’m assuming that’s Jonathan(Pa) Kent with  Clark. Traditionally on the big screen it’s been Jonathan who usually passes away first. I wonder if Gunn decided to change that and have Martha pass first with Jonathan this time surviving and being the one left with Clark. 

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@leor You are correct. That is Pruitt Taylor Vince, who was cast as Pa Kent.

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