I think the characters were poorly developed because I suspect the films went into development with marketing goals more than story goals - each of the original cast gets their swansong film, let's have a female "Luke" and a hunky "Vader" for romantic tension, and let's develop a trio of new core characters like the PT (Anakin, Padme, Obi-Wan) and OT (Luke, Leia, Han), and make sure that we have new stormtrooper designs and keep characters that can be anyone like Chewy, 3PO, R2, etc.
RE:Skeleton Crew - I suppose the working assumption is that Jod was the captain who was deposed. His crew is giving him a chance to redeem himself by hoping the kids lead them to the treasure planet (hence the easy and convenient escape), but will Jod bond with the kids and not want to harm them at the end, becoming a hero?
I liked that at least some of the kids were skeptical in episode 3, and that Captain Jack's* response that he was waiting for a ship to escape on made sense. I was also skeptical but unless there is some point of view tomfoolery it seems like he is playing his own angle, not working with the rest of the pirates.
Better than I was expecting, in part because they have modulated the kids to be smart enough yet not too smart, semi-capable but not too capable.
*Too cute with the names still for me.
I'm so glad they got the big mysteries out of the way. Not a Jedi, definitely the pirate captain, the kids know why everybody reacts that way to the name At Atin. It honestly would've been painful to watch a show that tried to pretend those were all still mysteries to the viewers. It's clear Captain Silva (ugh*) still can't be trusted, and there's the bigger mystery of why At Atin is hidden to see us through to the end.
And since I already claimed KB to be my favorite, I was happy to see her stepping out from being just a wingman and being a bit of a boss girl.
I have to say, though, that my favorite moment was seeing Wim's reaction to getting shown the gunner's seat. I never liked that kid more than I did at that one moment.
* I swear, if his name turns out to be something like Lonjin Silva, I'm taking you all with me.
I also like that the X-Wing pilots also acknowledged not taking the ship down so as to not hurt the kids. Wim as a gunner was awesome. That kid had wonder and excitement in his eyes. Jod Na Nawood/Crimson Jack/Captain Silva and whatever alias he has out there still to be revealed does seem to be on a mission to redeem himself and Brutus may be the only one in the know. I mean they are all opportunists as pirates. The mystery of At Atin is intriguing. Supervisor? Captain of the Onyx Cinder? Made up position? System set up to guard the treasure? Why did the Republic see need to hide At Atin? What makes them a treasure? What is the great work? Will the parents catch on? Will they save the kids from Jod and the pirates? Will he bond with the kids and not betray them? There is a lot of the story to unfold that engages me.
I also like that the X-Wing pilots also acknowledged not taking the ship down so as to not hurt the kids.
That should've been Carson Teva. We all know it.
Interesting episode, left me curious about the fighting tribes and what happened. I suspect that we will have a few more episodes like this of visiting the other At A... worlds while giving each of the kids a subplot to flesh out their characters, like Neel this week. (I assume someone will guess that if two of these planets had a tower, the others might as well, and those towers might have the coordinates to At Attin intact).
The Battledroid cruiser suggests this planet didn't make it through the Clone Wars unnoticed.
SM-33 played out as I think it had been suggested about his knowledge of At Attin.
One thing that hasn't been explored too much in SW I don't think, but this got me thinking about - "humans" seem to be all over, did they go and colonize a lot of planets? What was the original "human" world, Coruscant? Did they bring things like Eopies with them?
The repeat line, “Can’t say I remember At Atin” was clever.
Droids are interesting. R2 and 3PO seemed a bit more autonomous than other droids. K2 seems pretty autonomous too.
Really good episode of SC this week, feel like it took it up a notch.
Bryce Dallas Howard.
That was a great episode! Character development. Interesting sets. Nice twists. Real stakes. Heart. More than previously shown.
First off the Spa may have the appearance of upscale but it is still just a hang out for thugs. Tossing the ship. Giving very little care about the wise elders they knew were kids. Hopefully the New Republic shuts the place down.
Interesting backstory about KB being rebuilt due to an accident. Great moment with her and Wim.
Great moment with Fern and Neel which shows more leadership qualities for her. The kids really stepped it up.
A slide just like Goonies. I thought it funny.
Captain Jod showing his charisma. I didn’t notice but did 33 get taken back to the pirates lair? I suppose he has the coordinates to At Attin so he has to have been grabbed.
Solid episode.
Crab looked great. Lead up to the crab played well into the suspense.
Bryce Dallas Howard is good. Quite good!
Finally got caught up on Skeleton Crew after the holidays. Have to say I'm really enjoying it. It is quite refreshing to have a jaunt in the Star Wars universe with a story that in no tangible way connects with the Skywalker storyline in any real way and also has very little to do with push and pull of the Jedi and Sith or even the plight of the Mandalorians. This feels like exactly the kind of romp in the Star Wars universe I had been hoping for.
Sure some of the call backs to movies like the Goonies slide are a bit heavy handed and silly - but all in all it's done a good job of developing the characters, making the story interesting, fleshing out these various planets and keeping things fun and interesting.
I've enjoyed this and am intrigued to see where it goes. Why is At Attin still hidden from the rest of the galaxy? What are the ramifications of it becoming unhidden?
Jod is ruthless. Dang.
I wonder how they will resolve this?
Carson Teva shows up and arrests Jod.
Carson Teva Mando shows up and arrests Jod.
Seriously though, I think that having Jod at this point seem like he will not turn out OK in the end is fairly interesting. I certainly was expecting a more traditional "kind of bad, but the kids warmed his heart" direction. Not sure about that now.
I will say this, the sheer amount of Republic credits seems like it could become a plot point for the future.
1100+ vaults like that can build an army.
So much money.
I listened to an interview of Ravi. He said the last episode was long around 50 min and full of twists and turns.
Cant wait.
Could it build a First Order army?