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Star Wars TV and Movie thread (spoilers)

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Posted by: @fletch

Anybody remember how we lossed our minds when Luke deflected blaster bolts? 

As much as I criticize a lot about ROTJ, one of my favorite moments in all of star wars is when the biker scout circles around to come back at Luke, and he turns on his saber. I love that so much because he is just so bad ass. Then he deflects the blasts perfectly, and every time I see it I STILL turn back into a six year old and, yes, lose my mind. And it's nothing compared to some of the stuff they've done since but I still love it.


fac reacted
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Yeah, the Jedi being disciplined, well-trained and tapping into the natural power of the universe to enhance their skills didn't make them superheroes but something to be respected, and you really see it as Luke progresses - from being in awe of Yoda getting his X-Wing out of the muck and having Vader beat him down in Empire to the Jedi Knight he is RotJ that stands up for what is right. But you feel like it took time and effort on his part and it took his own good character to pull it off. (One of the fairer critiques of the ST is that Rey had those skills come too easily)

I think the best possible Jedi tale to tell at this point would be the origins of the Jedi order and the presumed fracture with the Sith, and how they became the warrior monks from the initial people who could have dominated people mentally and physically to their own ends.

Ru1977 reacted
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Posted by: @ru1977

@fac going the live-action masters of the universe route there!

I had to look up that plot as I never saw that film, and glad I didn't. Just so long as Palpy does dastardly things like add his likeness to Mt Rushmore and put his head on the Statue of Liberty and Lincoln Memorial before the 12-year-olds win...


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@fac eh, you didn't miss much. Though some of the bad guys looked ripped from a McQuarrie sketchbook. And it did have the first post credits scene I remember seeing (not saying it's the first ever, just that i remember).

And I feel there is a place for that idea. Probably not robot chicken, but somewhere. It's awful and brilliant.

fac reacted
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Posted by: @fac

Yeah, the Jedi being disciplined, well-trained and tapping into the natural power of the universe to enhance their skills didn't make them superheroes but something to be respected, and you really see it as Luke progresses - from being in awe of Yoda getting his X-Wing out of the muck and having Vader beat him down in Empire to the Jedi Knight he is RotJ that stands up for what is right. But you feel like it took time and effort on his part and it took his own good character to pull it off. (One of the fairer critiques of the ST is that Rey had those skills come too easily)

I was sure Rey was genetically created so she could be the Emperor's new body so she had more midachlorians which would make her stronger & perhaps make harnessing the force easier for her. We already know the Emperor was into all kinds of mad scientist ideas to prolong his own life.

One could also complain that audiences these days seem to have no patience for character development in a movie. Therefore writers seem to go right into the action instead.

fac and Ru1977 reacted
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The Acolyte seems like a good example of that. It felt like every week fans were calling out plot holes that were eventually explained.

fac reacted
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@goldbug I know after The Force Awakens my guess at where they might be heading was that the playbook we saw in the PT and OT was Darth Plagueis's plan, which Palpy essentially stole when he killed him. That playbook was - destroy the Jedi order by manipulating a Jedi from inside, build a huge military, build a planet destroying superweapon, genetically engineer a powerful apprentice, take advantage of an ineffectual government. Which is a great plan, only foiled because Luke believed in his father, a concept that Palpy couldn't foresee. 

So the reason we saw the same general plan in place was that Snoke (possibly Darth Plagueis, not really dead) was rebooting the playbook, with Ben Solo to destroy the Jedi order and Rey to be the genetically engineered Jedi that he expected to turn. I still think that made more sense than Palpy coming back...

Or...some fan fiction

I thought there was a chance that Rey was a genetically engineered sleeper agent, designed to seem like the hero the Resistance needed, only to betray them. I thought if they were going to a do a twist, have Ben seem to convince Rey to join him against Snoke (like Vader trying to get Luke to join him) to put Ben in charge.

Only when the time comes, after it seems like she is going along with this (we think to end Snoke more than help Ben) and probably suspecting Ben was leading her into a trap, that in fact it was a trap for Ben when Rey sides with Snoke as she was groomed to do (unknowingly, like Order 66, and similar to how Palpy had Anakin kill Dooku). This would force Ben back to the side of the good guys. 

I think if the second film had ended with Sith Rey and Snoke together, the Resistance in tatters, and Ben landing on Ach-To looking for forgiveness and help - mimicking the same shot that ended TFA with Rey approaching Luke and Luke not saying anything. All of which could still lead to Luke getting into the fight in the final film and sacrificing himself, Ben breaking the hold on Rey as Luke did with Vader, and Rey and Ben forming the (stupid) Dyad to defeat Snoke with Rey and Ben both surviving to rebuild the Jedi Order, would have been cool.

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@ru1977 It never makes too much sense to call out plot holes when it is clear the story is designed to not be telling us everything, creating purposeful plot holes. So some of the plot hole complaints about the Acolyte were unwarranted to be sure.

Having said that, the Acolyte didn't really pull it all together but that was a failure of assuming they would get another season as much as anything I suspect. I do hope they figure out how to revisit that time period, even if it is one-shot special, to clean things up a bit.

I think there is a potentially great concept that the twins were the first attempt at an Anakin-like Sith-generated super-force user, but it failed because they were twins, which formed a symbiotic bond to balance out the dark and light sides of the Force, hence the twins oddly changing allegiances (as one went more light the other would go more dark). 

Ru1977 reacted
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Two random Star Wars thoughts:

I've never see the Holiday Special.  Will this finally be the year?  I'm a little scared.......

I hope the Mandalorian movie opens with Cara Dune gifting Mando a brand new Razorcrest.  That would be great.

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Posted by: @yojoebro82

I've never see the Holiday Special.  Will this finally be the year?  I'm a little scared.......

Dont Try It Obi Wan GIF by Star Wars

Posted by: @yojoebro82

I hope the Mandalorian movie opens with Cara Dune gifting Mando a brand new Razorcrest.  That would be great.

Has there been a new development or is she still dead off camera?


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Posted by: @ru1977

Posted by: @yojoebro82

I've never see the Holiday Special.  Will this finally be the year?  I'm a little scared.......

Dont Try It Obi Wan GIF by Star Wars

Posted by: @yojoebro82

I hope the Mandalorian movie opens with Cara Dune gifting Mando a brand new Razorcrest.  That would be great.

Has there been a new development or is she still dead off camera?


I didn't make it too far into season 3 before bailing but from what I saw she went off to join some military group?  Did they say later that she died?  I don't know.  She's my favorite Disney SW character, that's all I know.  And the Razorcrest being blown up was a low, LOW blow.


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@yojoebro82 Well, she kinda blew up behind the scenes as far as Disney firing her, so I think the Razorcrest has a far better chance at returning than Cara.

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I'm with Bro, that Season 1 crew was top-notch: Mando and Baby Yoda, IG-11, Cara Dune. Just mowing through Storm Troopers. 

I don't think the show got any better than that. 

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@fletch I understand why you feel that way, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I enjoyed parts of the second season as much as season 1, but for some reason, somewhere after the midpoint, I got WAY more interested and the show never got better than that for me.

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Hmmm... who may have happened at the midpoint that might have invested you...

Ru1977 reacted
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