Forum went down before I got to talk about this show with anyone.
Really just awful. Had some potential in the beginning but lost it real quick. Really hope they start to re-evaluate their approach to Disney+ shows.
Haha, totally worth waiting for the forum to come back up, huh?
Haha, totally worth waiting for the forum to come back up, huh?
Just need to commiserate with someone because I have never been this let down by an MCU property ☹️
Haha, totally worth waiting for the forum to come back up, huh?
Just need to commiserate with someone because I have never been this let down by an MCU property ☹️
I'll admit I'm another who felt let down by it. Even some of the Phase Four stuff that others didn't enjoy (like Eternals, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel) I still got a lot of enjoyment out of. Secret Invasion, I admit, I didn't finish. I watched the first three episodes and the only scene I really liked was the one with Fury and Talos in the train car. And I liked that scene A LOT. But the show was losing me so I decided to stop until the finale premiered then just binge it, hoping that would make it a better experience. I just never got around to binging it. I never expected something with the scope of the series, but I don't see why a six episode series couldn't have been more interesting and intriguing than it was.
Still hopeful for Loki and really looking forward to Echo. I know, I know, but I'm still looking forward to it.
Don't know how to feel about Echo, but based on the recent quality of Disney+ shows I don't have a lot of faith. And the decision to drop it all at once seems to mean they don't have much faith in it either.
Hopefully it's a pleasant surprise. Secret invasion set the bar real low...
I'm hoping Echo is the Gotg3 of Disney Plus.
Talk about a face plant.
A show focused on "THE spy" and yet there was very little competent spy stuff going on.
Where were all of Fury's cool spy tech or network contacts? The writers really wanted to make it a point that Fury was on his own in this situation, yet he was beamed down from a space station at the beginning of the show and beamed back up at the end. President Ritson specifically stated that, "Agent Fury is building up the most complex aerospace defense system in the history of mankind" and we know from the end of Far From Home that SABER is a joint Human/Skrull venture. So, all of the SABER tech and gadgets and all of the Skrulls working with Fury on SABER are suddenly out of the picture once he beams down to Earth?
I really wanted this to be a competent spy-thriller and it just wasn't enough spy nor competent.
And yeah, after much of Phase 4, I've had a wet blanket thrown over my enthusiasm for whatever is coming next.
The Spy Who Shagged Me was a more convincing spy thriller.
This show was just terrible. And I've liked 90-ish percent of all MCU content. I've never been a 'hater' of any of this stuff, except the Winter Soldier show. That suuuucked. But this show? I couldn't even get past two episodes. It sucks so bad. In every way. And worse.. it sucks in ways that have the potential to mess up the MCU going forward. I can't believe this was filmed and released.
Can't believe we had a evil Rhody, and he never suits up.
Nick Fury vs. War Machine could have been epic because it's so lopsided in the badguys favour.
I didn't bother finishing the last episode. after the main conflicts were resolved. I'm sad I bothered getting that far.