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Yeah, L&T had great elements. I wasn't even bothered by the silliness though. I rarely, if ever, have an issue with tone shifts. I dunno, maybe my love of gallows humor makes it less jarring for me? Or maybe it did bother me and I just don't put it in those words, but a lot of the movie just fell flat for me..some parts made me laugh, some made me feel, but some were just bland and that's what I recall when I consider rewatching. Eventually I'll have to give it another chance tho.

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Saw it with a group of my buddies on Sunday and definitely enjoyed the film.    I definitely appreciated them tying together some plot strings from MCU projects that aren't likely to get sequels like Hulk and Eternals.    I enjoyed the performances.


One thing that was definitely noticeable to me was how they cut out the super-hero portions of Sabra's character.    She was now only featured in her spy persona -   though we did get one glimpse of her super suit under her blazer toward the end of the movie.     I wonder if we'll ever get to see those deleted scenes that feature her super powered alter ego in action or if that will stay in the vault forever.


I agree that Carl Lumbly's performance was excellent.    I would love if someday we could get a Disney+ special, sort of like they did with Werewolf By Night,  that delved into the story of Isaiah Bradley and showed his, now buried costumed adventures -  maybe as a set up for Patriot to show up for whatever Young Avengers project they decide to do...


Anyway -  I like that they didn't kill the villains which allows for Sidewinder to come back -  perhaps with a team in tow -  to menace our heroes again in the future.    The Leader may also have an opportunity to return.   And clearly we aren't done with the Red Hulk.   


I was definitely satisfied with the film and plan to see it again in the theater.    Also glad to see it do better than $100 million domestically in it's opening weekend which isn't terrible for a February release.   It's a far cry from the pre-pandemic glory days - but it probably won't totally crater either.


Hopefully Thunderbolts is even better.

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I haven't seen Cap 4 yet, but I agree Lumbly needs something on Disney Plus. I'd pitch a series. Not just ten episodes, but multi-season even. It could be a relatively low budget thriller series with him as the only super powered character because the drama isn't going to come from him meeting a bigger, stronger enemy. His main antagonists are always going to be his supposed allies. Doesn't need big, CG action sequences with things exploding and crashing, but serious and strong character moments. Yes, action sequences, fighting, covert missions, etc, but really put everything into the character and story.

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Posted by: @fac

Posted by: @sgtstinky

They took what worked so well in Ragnarok and turned it up to a silly level that just didn't work in what should have been one of the more emotionally brutal movies with what happens with Jane. 

I agree with this, the tonal shifts to silliness hurt the film, and I dislike parts of that, but still felt the opening with Gorr, the story of Jane and Thor drifting apart and Mjolnir protecting Jane, and then Jane's sacrifice but Gorr's daughter "living" and Thor taking her on - all of that was strong enough that I appreciated it.


Which is what frustrated me so much. What could have been back to back great Thor movies. 


fac reacted
Perpetually Confused
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Love and Thunder had a good plot but needed to take itself way more seriously. They wasted a lot of good elements. And too much Korg. He's only good in moderation.

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As much as I don't hate on Waititi, I admit Korg was overdone in L&T.

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That's why I think L&T is more rewatchable than BNW - all of those threads are good, just woven together wrong. BNW doesn't have good threads (though the suits are slick).

Speaking of...

Posted by: @red_ogre

[Isaiah's] pleas to be careful of his suit, a symbol of respect, while he's being forced to the ground broke my heart.

When Ruth handed his suit back to him, I really wish she had said "I had it drycleaned." As an apology.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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I was expecting that too! Such a weird missed opportunity.

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I woke up this morning to this:

I don't think this art is from Doomsday.  I think it's from Secret Wars.

White Doctor Doom.  On his left is, I believe, Sue and Franklin.  On his right is Doctor Strange.  The man on his knees is Reed Richards.  And behind him is Yelena Belova. 

Planet Hulk?  Or are they on Battleworld?  I knew Bruce would play a part, but it's nice to see Jennifer and Skaar.

A variant of T'Challa.  Will this be the MCU's new Black Panther?


Don't go away, more to come.

Ru1977 reacted
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I almost posted about that earlier but I wasn't sure how anyone felt about leaks anymore.

This was my favorite:



SDcomics reacted
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From the Fantastic Four.  Not much new here, except our first look at Shalla Bal, aka the Silver Surfer.

Ru1977 reacted
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@ru1977 I totally forgot to include that one!  Thank you!

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These next two images are concept art from the Vision series.  I think.  That's my guess, anyway.

Well, we knew the Legendary Star-Lord was going to return.  And Vision appears to have all his marbles back.


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Yeah, real treasure trove this morning!

I feel confident the next few years are gonna be incredible.

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Saw Brave New World - thought it was fairly good actually, good to revisit the Hulk cast and storylines, the impact of the Eternals, and so on. Thought the social commentary worked better here than in FatWS - which seemed more heavy handed (I still find the idea that Sam couldn't get a loan to be absurd) - while this time it was a bit more nuanced and meant more to the story.

Did not understand why the Secret Service started shooting at Red Hulk. Or why exactly he was in the Raft at the end - I mean he was the victim of a plot to mutate him, even if he clearly took advantage of Stern, its not like he chose to become a Hulk and rampage about. Not sure why Stern turned himself in, unless that leads to something about Secret Wars...

I think the film was really hurt by the trailers and leaking Red Hulk ahead of time. Clearly the film was written and filmed for the audience to wonder what was happening to Ross and to be shocked by the transformation. 

I also think, even though no one really paid much attention to Secret Invasion, the fact that both Ross and Fury used superpowered individuals as tools to build their careers was a problem. 

Twice now that the real world has impacted a Cap production, first Covid impacted FatWS focusing on medication not getting to those suffering from some pandemic, now reworking the character of Sabra I suspect due to the Gaza conflict.

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