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My son and I finished the new/final season of The Dragon Prince the other week. Legitimately love that show. It's one of my favorites ever. Also one of my son's favorites ever. Loved this season as much as the last season, which I loved as much as the previous seasons. Just an amazing show overall. I'd put it up there with Netflix She-Ra as some of my favorite animated stuff ever. With how much they were pushing that this is really going to be all we get unless they get greenlit for a whole new show... I was surprised by the ending being a BIT of a non-ending/to-be-continued kind of thing.
But damn, I hope they get the opportunity to explore what happens next.

I also finally finished that animated Terminator show. It was fine. I never found myself really giving too much of a shit about it.

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I'm watching Silo season 2, a very good sequel



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Wrapped up American Primeval yday and greatly enjoyed it.  Taylor Kitsch losing out on being the Next Big Thing due to his string of big movies bombing is absolutely the best thing for his craft as an actor, and Betty Gilpin is a lot more than a pretty face and large tracts of land.  I need to do some reading to know how historical this all is; but it definitely doesn't shine a flattering light on Brigham Young or the Mormon higher-ups; or of men in the Old West generally.

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Oh, and I finished up the Dune show as well.  I had stalled on it for a bit as it was a lot of talkingtalkingtalking but I did enjoy the season finale. 

My big issue with Dune is that it's fundamentally not science fiction, except how it shows Humanity reacted to the AI wars by completely stopping all civilizational advancement, and indeed reverted back to inherited monarchy with a bunch of magical stuff handwaved as 'directed breeding'.  It's visually gorgeous with some GoT-level set creation/scouting and I *love* the landing ship with the one wing to the side.  I love flying bricks for some reason.

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Posted by: @adrienveidt

 large tracts of land.  

Brilliant reference!


Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posts: 601

Shoresy (Season 4)

Such a damn fun show.  I'm always surprised how much heart there is in this one.  I think the fight culture is hockey is dumb.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  If you want to watch a fight, go watch a fight.  Boxing.  MMA.  Karate.  Slap fighting.  Why would you want to watch a couple of chuds yank on their opponent's jersey until they fall down.  Even with my overstated dislike of hockey, I love this show.  It's maybe not the most surprising in terms of story beats, but watching the characters make their personal journeys is a joy.


"When you don't know where to go, go where you're needed."

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Posted by: @red_ogre

Shoresy (Season 4)

Such a damn fun show.  I'm always surprised how much heart there is in this one.  I think the fight culture is hockey is dumb.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  If you want to watch a fight, go watch a fight.  Boxing.  MMA.  Karate.  Slap fighting.  Why would you want to watch a couple of chuds yank on their opponent's jersey until they fall down.  Even with my overstated dislike of hockey, I love this show.  It's maybe not the most surprising in terms of story beats, but watching the characters make their personal journeys is a joy.


"When you don't know where to go, go where you're needed."

I'm going to try Shoresy again when it ends.  I love Jared Keeso and was a huge Letterkenny fan (also a big hockey fan) but season 1 was just okay to me and then I didn't make it through season 2 because I lost interest.  I think it was just such a vast departure from Letterkenny for me that my expectations of the spin-off affected my enjoyment of it.  Now further removed from LK's end date, I hope I will feel differently because I really want to love Shoresy.


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I watched the first episode of Severence yesterday, but it's not something I'll be rushing back to. It's not the Brazil-like office dystopia I was expecting, and everything outside of "a handshake is available on request" was just kind of dull. 

I think I'm finally going to take the plunge on Apple+ so I can finally watch Silo, Monarch, and the alt-history moon landing series that I can't think of the name of right now. 

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Posted by: @fletch

I watched the first episode of Severence yesterday, but it's not something I'll be rushing back to. It's not the Brazil-like office dystopia I was expecting, and everything outside of "a handshake is available on request" was just kind of dull. 

I think I'm finally going to take the plunge on Apple+ so I can finally watch Silo, Monarch, and the alt-history moon landing series that I can't think of the name of right now. 

I'm kind of "meh" on Severance.  I binged the first season last month and it definitely gets better after the first episode but season two so far has not been as enjoyable to me as the first.


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Posted by: @adrienveidt

Oh, and I finished up the Dune show as well.  I had stalled on it for a bit as it was a lot of talkingtalkingtalking but I did enjoy the season finale. 

My big issue with Dune is that it's fundamentally not science fiction, except how it shows Humanity reacted to the AI wars by completely stopping all civilizational advancement, and indeed reverted back to inherited monarchy with a bunch of magical stuff handwaved as 'directed breeding'.  It's visually gorgeous with some GoT-level set creation/scouting and I *love* the landing ship with the one wing to the side.  I love flying bricks for some reason.


So... I think with the original Dune Herbert was much less interested in telling a Science Fiction story than he was in telling a story about outside powers exploiting an ancient desert location and people that they view as backward for a resource they deem vital to the function of their society -  and the dangers in ignoring those people and their 'primitive' beliefs.   

I mean its not even a subtle allegory about western powers' exploitation of oil in the middle east,  so I don't think Herbert was overly concerned with the science fiction aspect - that was set decoration to deliver his point.   

He probably also harbored a little paranoia about computers replacing people eventually - so allusion to a society where that plays out to the point humanity snaps back to a pre-computer paradigm made sense.

This prequel story was grafted on much later, though, after Dune had taken on a life of it's own.    Herbert definitely laid out the sort of skeletal framework so he could make historical references as he moved the 'modern' story forward -  but I'm not sure much of the plot of the show is actual Frank Herbert work.

I will say -  the show is better than any of Brian Herbert's novels... the father's talent was not conferred on the son, that's for sure.



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