Right, if you're into The Wire, definitely give Homicide a shot.Β
That follow up David Simon show with Jon Bernthal as the corrupt cop is good too. Even if just a limited series. Certainly in the spirit of The Wire. Munmi Mosaku from Loki is really good in it.
On the subject of Interview with the Vampire, they did a tease for season 3. And I feel it's perfect.
Homicide is now available on Peacock. I checked out a few favorite episodes just to see how it looks - picture quality is great, especially in later seasons and on well-lit outdoor shots, but the show was broadcast at 4:3 and they are showing it 16:9 - like a lot of shows shot on film, it looks like they have picked up some side information in some shots as the negative likely had some excess on the sides, but losing some on the top or bottom. For a show that uses a lot of closeups at times and came out when TVs were smaller, I miss the extra headroom in the image as faces loom large at times on the larger TV, but I also understand why they did it.
I haven't done a comparison to the DVDs but it appears most but not all of the music was cleared. Some fan groups are tracking the music that was dropped, I have decided not to care too much about it, it is what it is.
I highly recommend getting through at least episode 4 of Season 3 - if you are not hooked by then you probably won't be.
I always forget what a great list of guest actors they had, and not just "oh look, its...: appearances but real roles. From Wikipedia, here are some of them that had key episodes -Β Steve Buscemi, Bruce Campbell, Vincent D'Onofrio, Charles S. Dutton, Edie Falco, Peter Gallagher, Moses Gunn, Jake Gyllenhaal, Neil Patrick Harris, James Earl Jones, Bruno Kirby, Jena Malone, David Morse, Terry O'Quinn, Chris Rock, J. K. Simmons, Eric Stoltz, Lily Tomlin, Robin Williams, Elijah Wood, Alfre Woodard.
Wrapped up Vikings, felt kinda meh about it at the end.
I think I railed about that one a long time ago. I never got past season 2 of Vikings. I don't get the praise it receives. At all. Easily one of the stupidest shows I've ever watched. Within the first few episodes my list of grievances with the choices being made was far, far longer than the things I liked about it. And the former list only got longer while the latter list did not.
The big problem with Vikings is that everybody thinks Ragnar was the best character and the show died when he did; but it's really Athelstan and the show died when he did.Β I dunno if I'm gonna watch Valhalla or not, my desire to see more sword-fights might not be enough for me to try.
Right now I'm catching Legion on Hulu and am halfway thru The Terror on NF now it's no longer behind that stupid AMC+ paywall.Β Fark you, AMC; you deserve to die for your greed.Β No service has such a good catalog to deserve having TWO content pay levels.
Fark you, AMC; you deserve to die for your greed.Β No service has such a good catalog to deserve having TWO content pay levels.
I actually think about this on the regular...Β it's frustrating.Β Β I missed the first few episodes of the most recent season of Snowpiercer but, since that show moved to AMC,Β those episodes are only available on AMC+ for streaming... rassum, frassumΒ Β
I participate in like six different streatming services (? -Β Disney+/Hulu; Netflix; Prime; Paramount+; Peacock; Apple+; and MAX- I guess that's eight)Β plus a a sattelite TV package.Β Β Β But there are some places I won't go and AMC+ is a bridge too far
Anyone else watching Say Nothing on Hulu? I'm six episodes in. I want to binge it but it's so heavy that I can only do so many at a time, usually one or two. I'm sure the topic is a hot one for some, but the performances are fantastic and I for one don't see it as romanticizing all that much.
So far, so good. i'm on episode 2. will do review once im done.
FallOut (7 out of 10)
Very good series. visually its beautiful. great acting and interesting story line. I have never played the game just heard about it BUT i am a huge BORDERLANDS fan and FallOut is very similar to that video game as well. Now, i haven't seen the Borderlands movie but they can use the backdrop from this movie for the Borderlands movie, a lot of resemblance in the environments.
The Ghoul is a badass zombie cowboy, he is the stand out in this series. I liked the plot twist in the series as well. One of the bad things about the series is that it needs alittle more action. its alittle slow at some points. After seeing this, wouldn't mind getting a Ghoul figure plus i wanna play the game now. I also like the old school 50's music soundtrack that plays during the series. i know Fallout is known for that in the video game with the 1950's theme.
Griselda (10 out of 10) Netflix series
Based on a TRUE STORY this series is Perfection. It's a Drug cartel flick that takes place in the 80's. the standout is the storyline and acting. I binged watched it on Xmas eve, well worth it. Pure action and gives you the sense that something bad is gonna happen every 15 mins. the main actress Sophia Vergara did a superb job, i heard she even won an award for that role.
Fun Fact: Griselda's nickname was The Black Widow, she would kill all her husbands
Ugh... Honestly, I was really disappointed in that show, especially knowing some of the details they omitted. They should have just claimed fiction as it went too bland in an effort to make her not be unlikable.
Netflix's Pantheon was brain-shittingly cool.Β There's a LOT going on in that show, with one of the scariest scenes since the Machines were testing humans in the AniMatrix' The Second Renaissance in it, because I know it's well within technological possibility.
Avatar:The Last Airbender (10 out of 10) Netflix series
Damn, this show is fucking fire. the new Aang is pretty good but needs alittle more acting skills. the standout is ZUKO (the main villian) he is a bad ass, his origins is better than Aangs, kinda sad really. The casting is pretty good. Sokka looks like the actual cartoon but in real life. Now i want a figure of Sokka. great action fight scenes with the elements. storyline is great and makes you feel like if you are on a journey. Always been a fan of this franchise, since the very beginning. Season 2 and 3 have been confirmed already but you never know with the dumbass idiots at netflix.