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I fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally finished Defending Jacob the other night. What a mind-numbingly depressing show. Really great acting, though. One of those shows where everyone is nailing it and you start wondering if the actor playing the kid is a legit sociopath in real life because they're pulling it off a little too well.
Definitely a show that will never get enough love because it's just not the kind of show that attracts big viewing numbers. Worth watching, if you're into murder mystery drama .. things.

Also finished The Winter King the other day. It sucks. For all the reasons I banged on about earlier in this thread, it is just not really worth watching and I'd be very surprised if it gets more seasons, and WAY more surprised if it ever gets a conclusion.

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Posted by: @red_ogre

Watched all of Shorsey season 2 last night. I don't know if it really qualifies as binging because it's only 6 episodes. That's a tight 6 though. I might have liked this season more than the first.

I really want to like Shoresy.  I loved Letterkenny and Jared Keeso and I love hockey but it is just not a good show to me.  I realize I'm in the minority because I only hear good things about it but it just feels like it's straddling the line between comedy and drama and doing neither well, in my opinion.


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I finally watched the first season of Succession. I get why people are so into it, those who are, but really having a hard time caring about the characters. Not that I always need everyone, or even some of them, to be lovable or noble. I definitely enjoy plenty of stories where the cast are despicable, but while Succession has a lot of great moments, I'm not sure how enthusiastic I am to watch these people for three more seasons.

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Finally started TopBoy Summerhouse and TopBoy on Netflix. Shouldn't have waited so long. Obviously watched Fargo in the last few months. Both are great.

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I've been digging the historical docu-dramas on Netflix of late.  Watching Barbaren right now, about the lost Roman legion in Germany; caught the Alexander first season and dug it; caught the Ottoman Empire stuff about the fall of Constantinople and the second season about Vlad Dracul; all pretty decent.

KnightDamien reacted
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@adrienveidt I have a weakness for the docu-drama trash. Always have even going back to like the '90s History Channel stuff. And I get that it's entertainment first and foremost, but I really wish they'd work harder on getting the actual history right when that history is 100% established and not in dispute. And keeping stupid assholes that know absolutely nothing out of the equation would be great, too (I am probably the MOST Leftist person on Fwoosh, but Cleopatra was absolutely not black and we know this for a fucking fact, Netflix - stop mis-educating people for views).

Still, watching people cry themselves to sleep because Netflix correctly shows that Alexander wasn't straight has been terrific. And even when the armor and weapons are wrong, I do enjoy a historical battle scene.

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Same, same.  I already caught HBO's Rome so I don't feel any need to catch Cleopatra when it would reward them with a view for their lack of authenticity standards.  That whole kerfuffle would have evaporated if they simply hadn't called it a documentary;and in truth if Jada Pinkett wanted to have a show about a strong black woman from antiquity she could have done Hatshepsut, whose skintone and facial characteristics were very plausibly 'black'.

Speaking of strong women in antiquity, I'd dig a show on Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, too.

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

Still, watching people cry themselves to sleep because Netflix correctly shows that Alexander wasn't straight has been terrific.

....people question that? I realize I wasn't there to verify but I thought that was just accepted.


Magneto Was Right
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I don't know if the actress from HBO's Rome looked like the real Cleopatra, but she was very good in the part.

Posted by: @ru1977

Posted by: @theknightdamien

Still, watching people cry themselves to sleep because Netflix correctly shows that Alexander wasn't straight has been terrific.

....people question that? I realize I wasn't there to verify but I thought that was just accepted.


Homosexuality was invented in the 1950s to punish conservatives.

Posted by: @theknightdamien

(I am probably the MOST Leftist person on Fwoosh).



KnightDamien and Ru1977 reacted
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Posted by: @adrienveidt

Same, same.  I already caught HBO's Rome so I don't feel any need to catch Cleopatra when it would reward them with a view for their lack of authenticity standards.  That whole kerfuffle would have evaporated if they simply hadn't called it a documentary;and in truth if Jada Pinkett wanted to have a show about a strong black woman from antiquity she could have done Hatshepsut, whose skintone and facial characteristics were very plausibly 'black'.

Speaking of strong women in antiquity, I'd dig a show on Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, too.

The problem is that Jada Pinkett, who is an absolute fucking moron, didn't want a show about a strong black woman from history. What she wanted was a SPECIFIC woman to be black. Because she's an idiot. She literally had an 'expert' on that was just like 'my mom said Cleopatra was black, so I don't care what historians say, she was black' (paraphrased). Like.. fuck you. What an insipid way to be intentionally ignorant. No different from flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, and all the other wacko dipshits this planet doesn't need.

Also - YES to Zenobia. She's basically the Syrian Boudicca and that would be a cool show/docu-drama.

Posted by: @ru1977

....people question that? I realize I wasn't there to verify but I thought that was just accepted.


Yeeeeah. It's just part of the overall Alpha Male Christianization nonsense stuff people do to history in order to make it palatable to their personal beliefs and opinions. 'Alexander COULDN'T have been pansexual because I think he's cool' is basically the argument. And, if I'm being really honest, it's not that far removed from how even regular people view history. Popular culture has a serious problem with 'modernizing' and altering every aspect of history to make it work for us instead of viewing it as it was. Some people like angry Alex fans and Jada Pinkett just take it way further and decide history has to be what they wanted it to be -factually-, whether the facts support them or not.

But yeah, our boy Alex fucked. He got him some boys. He got him some ladies. If he met anyone that didn't align with either of those binary options, he'd get some of that too. And the real uncomfortable fact lots of people aren't ready for is that this statement applies to like... most ancient and medieval rulers. Because when you can do whatever you want - you do.

Posted by: @tsi

I don't know if the actress from HBO's Rome looked like the real Cleopatra, but she was very good in the part.

She was pretty excellent, yeah. I do think HBO erred a little too far on the 'bitches be crazy' reading of Cleopatra, but it's not entirely unsupported by evidence, so okay. In terms of looks, we can't say how well she looks the part in terms of body type or facial features. But Cleo was 100% Greek Ptolomy. Lighter skin and dark hair. So she's closer than anything Jada can dream up, at least.

Posted by: @tsi

Homosexuality was invented in the 1950s to punish conservatives.

🤣 🤣 🤣 

Posted by: @tsi


I did say probably!

I tend to think you represent a more tolerant version of Leftism, while I'm over here very loudly advocating for theft, piracy, the forced seizure of property, and execution of the extremely wealthy and powerful. But again, I said -probably-.


adrienveidt and Ru1977 reacted
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@theknightdamien really entertainingly put! Thank you.

KnightDamien reacted
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Posted by: @theknightdamien

I did say probably!

I tend to think you represent a more tolerant version of Leftism, while I'm over here very loudly advocating for theft, piracy, the forced seizure of property, and execution of the extremely wealthy and powerful. But again, I said -probably-.


Guillotine Gang reprazent!


KnightDamien reacted
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Shogun is kicking ALL kinds of ass. This is the kind of historical drama I respect. It's based on a book, which is based loosely on real history. Names and events have been altered, but the altered names also make it so much more palatable than just saying certain people did things that they very much did not do. Also, it pays way more respect to the real history even while being heavily fictionalized, than most of the 'history' dog shit out there.

Magneto Was Right
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Shogun rules. Even if I sometimes have trouble keeping up with it.

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@tsi  For sure. I think for anyone that doesn't regularly engage with Japanese culture (myself included) may struggle to keep track of who is who. Japanese pronouncing Japanese names don't always mesh with how a Westerner might read the name in subtitles, so it can get a little hard to follow for sure. The fact that it's still incredibly watchable and entertaining despite that speaks to its quality.
I really wish we could get more historical shows with this level of attention to detail and generalized accuracy. Not once have I seen a sword or piece of armor that didn't look right. The only exception is the pistols. Those are like a hundred years too early.

I've also been watching The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin with the family. I'm absolutely sure this show isn't for everyone and I'd be surprised if it lasts more than this season, but I actually love it. Like.. love it. It's hilarious and charming. It has kind of a modern Monty Python vibe, I guess? Maybe a little Mel Brooks.

Ru1977 reacted
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