I was binge watching the other day 'Hotel Hell' with Gordon ramsey. what a great show. ive seen his other shows but this is the best than the rest. the show is super funny. i think gordon is a badass, he's kinda my spirit animal. I just discovered it the other day and i was hooked.
Wrapped up the Venture Bros series last night, will catch the flick tonight.
Swamp Thing (DC universe) 9 out of 10
Damn, this show is superb. it is very well made. they went the horror/supernatural route which is perfect for a character like Swamp thing. the series structure reminds me of Breaking Bad, that's how good it is. the Swamp thing costume is excellent and badass. it has a great story line and has a decent amount of action. the stand out of the show is the horror and supernatural element. The music score is quite good too, gives off good atmospheric character to the series. the main female actress is a hottie and does a good job acting wise. there is also alot of great gore and horror special effects in this series. I was very impressed with this series, i cant believe it got canceled? its so good that some other streaming service should pick it up again. This show had the same demise like the Dark Crystal series , it was too expensive to continue and it shows, both shows are Masterpieces!
There is bad things about the series. the Blue Devil popping up in the series was a good idea but was executed badly. I understand they wanted to show another DC character in the show but it went downhill. Also, they made Swamp things personality a little too calm, he should be more badass. his badass personality does come out more in the last episode, they should have showed it more. they also did that "copycat villain" in the series, i hate when superhero movies or TV do that! 'Copycat villains' is when they do a duplicate of the hero but as a villain and has the same powers and look of the good version, think of it like Bizarro with superman. Ive seen tons of superhero shows and movies that do that.
Loki season 2. Well played Marvel. I don’t really care about the Multiverse plans for MCU. Whatever the overall plan if present, don’t care.
Hiddleston and cast told a thought provoking story that grows from the first season. This Loki variant has purpose. It’s quite good.
Loved the cast, returning and new. They are fascinating characters. OB is just living his best life. I enjoyed his line that this is a fiction problem. Really lends to the final solution that unfolds. The writers use imagery very well in this season.
I don’t really need a season three. This presented a nice ending. I do want to see Hiddleston do another story with Hemsworth. He brings the gravitas.
Yeah, I don't want to see the end of Hiddles playing Loki yet but this is a fantastic place to bow out if he wants to retire from the role.
The Fall of the House of Usher --
Holy hells! I really want to watch it again because I just know there's a thousand little pieces I probably missed. Mark Hamill was almost unrecognizable as Pym. The actor that played Verna was a level of sexy/scary that I don't think I've ever seen before.
Netflix' The Fall of the House of Usher was amazingly cool. I thought it'd just be an adaptaion of that one tale but it's really a love letter to the *entirety* of EA Poe's body of work and it's simply sublime. Miss it at your peril.
The actor that played Verna was a level of sexy/scary that I don't think I've ever seen before.
Carla Gugino is pretty damned good in everything I've ever seen her in, and goddamned hotter than the sun while doing so. It took me waaaaaaaaaay too long to catch the 'Verna' twist.
Am slowly making my way through The Curse which is probably the most unbearably cringey and toe-curlingly awful thing I've seen in years. That's not to say it's bad but rather the two lead characters are impressively false and oblivious, the most insincere gentrification types possibly ever and every time they open their mouths and engage with people around them I want to scream.
I watched a few things recently, but I'm still way behind on stuff I want to watch.
The final season of The Witcher was pretty mediocre. Knowing HC was off the show made it hard to invest in what was happening (my wife outright doesn't even care enough to watch the new season and this was one of her favorite shows for seasons 1 and 2). And they definitely went HARD on the season finale being a total non-ending to push you into the next season that, if I'm being psychic, no one is going to watch.
Onimusha on Netflix was a fun, if somewhat forgettable, animated supernatural samurai show. Also really good, but also pretty forgettable, was the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners cartoon. It sounds like I'm ragging on them, but I'm not. I really enjoyed both while I was watching them and now that I'm thinking about them again I could mostly tell you what happens in both shows. But, to explain it best; I had to scroll through TV Shows on Netflix just now to remind myself which show I was watching at the same time as Onimusha (Cyberpunk) because I honestly forgot the show even existed but I knew I watched -something-. So fun, but very literally forgettable.
The new season of Loki was also fun but, as time-shifting type things often do for me, it felt like it dragged a lot. Probably could have dropped an entire episode (in terms of runtime, not a specific episode) without losing any worthwhile story beats.
I'm pretty much shutting the company down from the 23rd through the 1st, so I'm looking forward to having more time to catch up on a few more shows. Really want to get into Lawmen, Gen V, Invincible, and some others.
I'm pretty much shutting the company down from the 23rd through the 1st, so I'm looking forward to having more time to catch up on a few more shows. Really want to get into Lawmen, Gen V, Invincible, and some others.
GenV was no less good than The Boys is. Not a lot that's new to the universe but ain't nothing wrong with getting more of what one already likes.
Invincible is taking a mid-season break due to a production hiccup, just FYI. Dunno when the second half of S2 is scheduled.
Blue Eye Samurai: I'm always highly skeptical of Netflix productions, but this was fantastic. To my fellow Weebs, give this one a look. It's a classic revenge story featuring a wandering ronin with some huge twists thrown in. It takes inspiration from classic Japanese cinema, and you can tell. I did feel the first half of the season was stronger than the latter half, but overall I'd say it's a 4.5/5. It's already been renewed for a second season, as well.
Blue Eye Samurai: I'm always highly skeptical of Netflix productions, but this was fantastic. To my fellow Weebs, give this one a look. It's a classic revenge story featuring a wandering ronin with some huge twists thrown in. It takes inspiration from classic Japanese cinema, and you can tell. I did feel the first half of the season was stronger than the latter half, but overall I'd say it's a 4.5/5. It's already been renewed for a second season, as well.
I'm only 3 episodes in, but the animation in this is BEAUTIFUL. Digging the story so far although, I'd say things have been extremely predictable. Excited to get to the rest of it.
Also, just finished The Recruit on Netflix and it was surprisingly good. Was looking for something to just have on and my wife and I both got hooked. Has a really interesting tone where it's played straight, but there's a fair amount of humor throughout.
Just going to jump in here - given the sad death of Andre Braugher, who is more noted for his work on Brooklyn 99 these days, I highly recommend watching (if you can find it) his first series Homicide: Life on the Streets which for me is one of the greatest TV shows of all time - if you enjoy good writing, no easy answers, grounded in reality, and complex characters and their interactions, this is for you. Braugher's character of Frank Pembleton is just perfectly performed and is the best part of a great show. Unlike any other cop show before or since I feel, and honestly still ahead of its time. Based in part on a non-fiction book written by the David Simon who would create The Wire.
If you can find it, make sure you watch in production order.
Braugher was also an excellent asshole in The Mist.
Watched all of Shorsey season 2 last night. I don't know if it really qualifies as binging because it's only 6 episodes. That's a tight 6 though. I might have liked this season more than the first.