I really enjoyed Furiosa.
The Adventures of Mark Twain (claymation movie) - 10 out of 10
Superb movie, cant believe i didnt know about till now. im obsessed with claymation movies so its up my alley. the movie is NOT for kids. it an adventure movie with fun, trippy and dark undertones. reminded me of Pee wee's playhouse and Wizard of oz for some reason. the story line is chaotic but the movie is trippy so thats fine. i did notice it really didnt have a musical score, that would have made it even better but thats fine, just nit picking again. The people who made that movie have pure talent and very very creative.
Sidenote: this movie will easily go in MY top 50 movies of ALL time!!!
Totally forgot about that. I caught in on cable back in the late 80s (I believe) and it was surprisingly awesome.The Adventures of Mark Twain (claymation movie) - 10 out of 10
Superb movie, cant believe i didnt know about till now. im obsessed with claymation movies so its up my alley. the movie is NOT for kids. it an adventure movie with fun, trippy and dark undertones. reminded me of Pee wee's playhouse and Wizard of oz for some reason. the story line is chaotic but the movie is trippy so thats fine. i did notice it really didnt have a musical score, that would have made it even better but thats fine, just nit picking again. The people who made that movie have pure talent and very very creative.
Sidenote: this movie will easily go in MY top 50 movies of ALL time!!!
Totally forgot about that. I caught in on cable back in the late 80s (I believe) and it was surprisingly awesome.The Adventures of Mark Twain (claymation movie) - 10 out of 10
Superb movie, cant believe i didnt know about till now. im obsessed with claymation movies so its up my alley. the movie is NOT for kids. it an adventure movie with fun, trippy and dark undertones. reminded me of Pee wee's playhouse and Wizard of oz for some reason. the story line is chaotic but the movie is trippy so thats fine. i did notice it really didnt have a musical score, that would have made it even better but thats fine, just nit picking again. The people who made that movie have pure talent and very very creative.
Sidenote: this movie will easily go in MY top 50 movies of ALL time!!!
great Genius minds think alike.
Finally caught Sicario, was impressed by it in equal measure I was pissed off by it. Fuck the CIA.
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Finally caught Saw while sitting on my ass thanks to CenterPoint's incompetent fuck-wittery for the past week. Pretty fun flick, and I had no idea it had such a stacked cast.
Caught Bone Tomahawk on Netflix finally. Damn, that was pretty great.
I watched The Prestige again. I've really enjoyed most of Nolan's movies, but it's still my favorite.
Hotel Transylvania 2 (10 out of 10)
Love it, non stop fun from start to finish. the HT franchise is one of my fav. animated movies. very well done. Just to nit pick, i wish the Mummys design was alittle different. should be super skinny and looks better when he wears that mummy head dress thing. I like how they include modern elements in the movie like the cell phones. Due to the movie, now i call cream cheese 'scream cheese' I would also love if they did ARTICULATED figures from the movie. those evil huge bats that were with grandpa Drac would be killer. I would even say that this movie competes with Nightmare before Christmas. Yup, i said it.
(Mega Monster Battle) Ultra Galaxy: The Movie
Holy shit! It's like Infinity War for the Ultraman Universe a decade before Marvel did it--with at least cameos from every Ultra (not to mention many Kaiju, Choju and aliens) in the franchise's 40+ years at that point, including some that were only created for obscure cartoons or other properties. The new villain introduced is bad-ass and the new Ultra is pretty slick as well. The fight scenes and pace of action are very impressive. I admit going into the film without seeing any of the shows will make your head spin, but if you've seen at least a few episodes from different Ultra shows that would be enough to at least enjoy what's going on. It turns out 1 of the main characters in the film is someone I had no familiarity with, but now I can't wait to see his TV series.
Some background: (Almost) every Ultra gets a single TV season. At some point every season started following up with a "movie." Of the few I have seen, they have just been long episodes at or near feature length that serve as a sequel to the series after it has reached its conclusion. Some are better than others, but they are generally throwaway stories IMO. This is the 1st followup I've seen that actually looks and feels like a film (obviously not to Hollywood standard, so there are budget limitations) as opposed to a long TV episode and has the weight that lets you know it is important to the overall franchise.
Oddly enough, the series that this film follows (one of the few that got 2 seasons) doesn't even have a starring Ultra. You could say it finally gets its Ultra in the film--and he is one of the best they've ever created. The series was pretty divisive among fans, for its, uh, not so great CG and completely different story structure. But almost all of the Kaiju are still good old fashioned dudes in suits duking it out. I love it and the breaking of the mold it did--plus, there seems to be a lot more fight time in almost every episode compared to other Ultra series.
If you've enjoyed any Ultra series, I highly recommend you add it to your watchlist. I bought Millcreek's Blu-ray combo pack of the series and film (prefer subs over dubs), but these and many of the Ultra series/movies are on Tubi or even officially on Tsuburaya's Youtube channel (or non-officially on others'). If you're an Ultra fan and haven't seen this movie, you must.
Alien: Romulus
It mentally messed with me. It pulled a lot from Alien and some from Aliens which was awesome. A long awaited question is finally answered which is really cool as well. BUT THEN.... someone had the bright idea to pull a little something out of Alien 4. WHY??? While this is obviously purposefully vague as the movie just came out, but it will make perfect sense if you watch it.
It mentally messed with me.
This is what I'm worried about, heh. I think I've only seen his Evil Dead remake, which I wasn't a fan of. Not saying it was bad, just not for me. Not my Evil Dead. Which is fine. But I don't know if I want that sorta stuff in an Alien movie, even though I know most of the Alien movies have some gross and disturbing stuff. I think Aliens is the least that way, and maybe that's why it's my favorite. but I've read reviews of Romulus since I don't mind spoiling some things for myself, and I think I know some of the things you're alluding to. I'm sure I'll watch it, especially since my son is a hardcore Alien fan, and we actually just watched Prometheus last night. I enjoyed watching it a second time but also think two times is enough on that one, heh.
Production in the Alien: Romulus movie is fucking great. Story, plot and characters are horrendous. None of this makes any sense. It's just a rip-off of a previous movies.
We have an idiot with a British accent who hates androids, put sticks in slime holes and dies. A female character who dies at the beginning. A pregnant female character who dies at the end. A male character who dies near the end. Another "Ripley remake", but young and Andy. Didn't even remember their names....except Andy.
Hire a new charismatic actor? Why? I want a "fat bearded braindead 50 year old Johnny" to start clapping his hands when he sees this amazing Cameo. I'll also throw in a bunch of dialog and phrases from previous movies. Rip off some scenes from Aliens. Because thats cool! Just fucking gross.
Speaking of them, remember how Andy was able to hold a HUGE elevator with one hand? Alas, for some reason he couldn't break the glass when the door jammed in the red Facehugger room. That was my first idea - break the glass. Adamantium doors, am I right? If they could...none of this would have happened.
I don't even want to go into the details of why a huge station with REALLY valuable cargo belonging to an important corporation hangs in space for 100 days or more. You'd think Weyland-Yutani can send a research team to see what happened? Maybe then it would have made a good movie with good interesting characters? No? Ok...
The Final of the movie was fucking hilarious, though.
The marketing around Romulus made me realize I had never bothered to watch Covenant, so found that on demand. I actually liked Prometheus for the most part as it had some interesting concepts but was too obviously "part 1", but not enticing enough to make me want to see Covenant on release. Although the main thing that annoyed me about Prometheus was on full display in Covenant, which is the idea that people would wander around an unexplored planet wearing normal clothes and showing no caution at all to whether there might be spores or goo or some creatures that might not mesh well with human immune systems or want to eat you or whatever. Given the first film revolved around not following quarantine protocols, it bugs me that the three films are all effectively PSAs for following quarantine in space.
I came out of Covenant not sure I fully follow the timeline at this point, I thought in the original Alien the crashed ship they found with the alien eggs was 100's if not 1000's of years old, which not sure meshes with David's work in Covenant. Also, was every Engineer ever in that one city? As just OK as the two prequels were, I do wish they had finished the trilogy they started.
Anyway, the only two great films in the series remain Alien and Aliens (I saw Aliens in the theater when it was released and that was such an intense experience - made me a Cameron fan for life.)