maybe for its time it was better in that time frame? alot of people rave about it though in the horror community.
Zombie (1979) (3 out of 10)
I expected more from this movie since its so overhyped in the horror community. didnt like it, half of the movie is slow, it only picks up the last 20 mins, not good. the only good parts was the gore and the 80's zombie score/music of the movie. the famous worm eye zombie came out for like 1 minute in the movie, wanted to see more of him since he was a cool design. i guess they just made him for the cool VHS movie paper cover, pure overhyped movie, its bad.
What?! What about the wood in the eye? What about zombie vs real shark?!
oh yea, that wood spike in the eye was superb. love gore.
To me, the gore was the selling point. Rather than leaving a lot to the imagination like a lot of horror at the time, Fulci (and his ilk) went the complete other way.
Watched Operation Mincemeat on Netflix, about the British Intelligence operation to fool Hitler the Allies were going to invade Greece instead of Sicily. Ian Fleming is a supporting character and we see some drops of where his James Bond novels were germinating in his head; but most of the story is about the two officers in charge fighting their superior, managing the details of the plan, and their failing personal lives. Quite good stuff, imho; and I teared up a bit at the end. Well-told tales of what all went down in WWII often hits harder than other historical dramas, for me at least.
I thought I posted about this a while ago, but I ended up watching the new Turtles movie: Mutant Mayhem. Watched it with my son. I actually kind of expected him to lose interest early on. He's not as interested in Turtles lately as he used to be, and he's always struggled to keep his attention on it (the only real exception being the '91 film - which he was actually glued to when we watched it - but even the original and 2001 cartoons he struggled with).
Anyway... my son loved it. Just got a huge kick out of the whole thing. He also specifically called out how much he liked that they had their normal weapons - since the last iteration of TMNT did the stupid magic weapon thing and he didn't like that any more than I did.
I also loved it. It was a lot funnier and more interesting than I expected it to be. Sometimes I still do the old fuddy duddy thing of 'this isn't MY TMNT.. they changed too much!' But I'm trying to train myself out of that. My version(s) of TMNT will always exist. This definitely isn't that. It makes what I'd call pretty fundamental changes to the lore and everything. But I enjoyed the hell out of it.
I also loved it. It was a lot funnier and more interesting than I expected it to be. Sometimes I still do the old fuddy duddy thing of 'this isn't MY TMNT.. they changed too much!' But I'm trying to train myself out of that. My version(s) of TMNT will always exist. This definitely isn't that. It makes what I'd call pretty fundamental changes to the lore and everything. But I enjoyed the hell out of it.
And what's the fun in revisiting a well-trod franchise if you're just going to repeat what's already been done?
Totally Killer
The Halloween-Back to the Future mash up I didn’t know I needed, very silly, very fun.
Wife and I watched "The Creator". It's fine. I never felt sympathy for the main character. The wartime imagery was a little too been-there-done-that. The SFX for the robots though? *chef's kiss* That will be the new standard that other scifi movies are judged on. They were more expressive than a lot of flesh and blood actors.
Totally Killer
The Halloween-Back to the Future mash up I didn’t know I needed, very silly, very fun.
I was just eyeing this movie the other day. Think I'll give it a watch.
Howl's Moving Castle
A confusing disappointment. Visually, it was interesting. Story wise, it was a mess of pointless plots.
Monster Squad. I watch it every year around this time. It’s crude, rude, ridiculous, it is full of most of the 80s bad stereotypes. It wants to be Goonies but with Universal Monsters instead of a gang of killer thieves.
A new observation that hit me watching Werewolf by Night. The amulet is the Bloodstone isn’t it or based on the idea.
It’s okay. It makes me cringe and laugh at the same time. It’s a must watch like Army of Darkness. Only that’s a better movie. I do like the creature effects. I do like the corny way they gather weapons to fight the monsters. Mummy’s demise is ironic. Dracula being petty with dynamite was funny. It’s worth a watch to see all the 80s isms.
Caught Killers of the Flower Moon the other night, pretty good but probably too long for most people (personally I don't mind a long movie if it merits the length in what it has to tell me).
The bye bye man (2 out of 10)
Just horrible. it was like watching Twilight. seemed like a CW tv show. i dont recommend it. bad acting too. backstory is non existent.
Good GODDAMN, Godzilla Minus One is a fucking masterpiece. Strip out all the Godzilla stuff and it's an Oscar-worthy movie about a guy dealing with his actions and failures during wartime. This is absolutely first time I've ever given a single damn about the humans in a Zilla flick, much less could name any of them; but this move damn-near had me in tears over Koichi's guilt and Noriko's want for Koichi's love. It's also the first time I've seen Godzilla as legitimately terrifying.
See this movie, NOW.
Straight Outta Compton (8 out of 10)
Pretty good movie. im a big fan of NWA. they were ahead of their time and were pioneers of rap for sure. the reason i gave it a 8 is cause i felt like they showed the group more separated in the movie than together, kinda threw off the storyline alittle. if youre a hip hop head, you have to see this. being raised in NYC in the 80/90's i saw the birth of hip hop, it was amazing. One of my fav. tracks from NWA is "F##k the police", its a classic!