eric stolz?
The Founder
Only watched it because hey, who doesn’t love Michael Keaton? It’s good though, it goes into the backstory of McDonalds going from a single restaurant created by a couple of brothers to the rapacious and ruinous multinational corporation it is today. You start out rather sympathetic to Keaton’s character…and by then end you wish you could go back in time and dump him in a goddamn volcano.
I didn't hate The Flash and enjoyed a lot of it, even Ezra-focused stuff; but all the stuff I didn't like was all Ezra stuff. He really does run ridiculously.
Overlord (8 out of 10)
Pretty good flick, im a big fan of WW2 and zombies so this was perfect. the main actor did a good job. 3 things bothered me though. the zombies needed to be more scary looking, alot of them looked kinda normal but with a transparent slime, meh. 2nd, the movie kinda dragged alittle towards the middle of the flick. the ending was kinda flat. they just the typical/generic,"bomb explosion" to destroy the zombies. it did have a good music score and made it atmospheric, it kept you in suspense with the score/music.
I finally watched The Big Short. Great performances and very well done but I'm very curious how accurate the attitudes of the people they were portraying were to real life.
The Founder
Only watched it because hey, who doesn’t love Michael Keaton? It’s good though, it goes into the backstory of McDonalds going from a single restaurant created by a couple of brothers to the rapacious and ruinous multinational corporation it is today. You start out rather sympathetic to Keaton’s character…and by then end you wish you could go back in time and dump him in a goddamn volcano.
I watched it relatively recently as well, and went into it with that exact same "who doesn't love Keaton" attitude. I found it really interesting that the movie didn't really seem to fully realize he was the villain.
The wife and I finally caught The Lost City last night. I adore Sandra Bullock and she was great. Channing's comedic timing is way better than he ever gets credit for, as well. Overall, it's just a silly comedy movie, but my wife and I actually loved it. Lots of fun to watch.
Tatum is hilarious in everything they let him try to be, imho. I hope they get a far better character for him to be in the MCU than Gambit. If he were younger he'd be a great Johnny Storm.
Iron Monkey (10 out of 10)
This flick is excellent, no complaints, just watch it. it was produced by Quentin tarantino. Oldie but goodie.
good storyline and pure fighting action. big fan of old school martial arts movies.
Caught Blue Beetle last Friday, and snagged the popcorn bucket Bug to upgrade to a full 18th ship for whatever Ted Kord figure I eventually customize. It's a pretty standard superhero origin that's perfectly cromulent for what it wants to do. The villains aren't much to speak of and there's a bit too much George Lopez scene-chewing but it's a solid flick with a lot for we BB fans to love - even Kord fans like me. I'm *very* excited by the post-credit scene and would kill to get the trilogy it promises.
@nightwolf I just bought the blu-ray after having owned the VHS back in the day (skipped the Mirimax version). Still a favorite. The female monk is badass! And I was shocked to just find out that was a girl playing Fei Hung after all these years. She did a great job for her one and only film.
@nightwolf I just bought the blu-ray after having owned the VHS back in the day (skipped the Mirimax version). Still a favorite. The female monk is badass! And I was shocked to just find out that was a girl playing Fei Hung after all these years. She did a great job for her one and only film.
I didnt know that either, interesting. Good purchase Mr. Potato
Zombie (1979) (3 out of 10)
I expected more from this movie since its so overhyped in the horror community. didnt like it, half of the movie is slow, it only picks up the last 20 mins, not good. the only good parts was the gore and the 80's zombie score/music of the movie. the famous worm eye zombie came out for like 1 minute in the movie, wanted to see more of him since he was a cool design. i guess they just made him for the cool VHS movie paper cover, pure overhyped movie, its bad.
I saw mission impossible 7, very good action film.
I heard there was a bad ass FIAT 500 car chase scene, how was that?
I was thinking of checking Zombie (Zombi 2) out pretty soon. Your thoughts express what I had a feeling would be the case. Maybe Zombi 3 is better.
Zombie (1979) (3 out of 10)
I expected more from this movie since its so overhyped in the horror community. didnt like it, half of the movie is slow, it only picks up the last 20 mins, not good. the only good parts was the gore and the 80's zombie score/music of the movie. the famous worm eye zombie came out for like 1 minute in the movie, wanted to see more of him since he was a cool design. i guess they just made him for the cool VHS movie paper cover, pure overhyped movie, its bad.
What?! What about the wood in the eye? What about zombie vs real shark?!