Huh I'm surprised. Looked fake to me. Perhaps it was "enhanced" with CGI too aggressively then.
There were at least a few physical mask/helmets made. Adam Savage has a video on his "Tested" YT channel with the company who made the suits, and they showed off how the head gear is put on.
Lol, look who thinks 'superhero' is an actual genre of literature!
And how is 'survive' a negative critique in the face of DC rebooting their film universe *again* while Marvel is still on their first one? 'LOL, LOOK AT THESE DUMBASSES DOING THE THINGS NECESSARY TO SUCCEED!!!'
You don't have to like a thing, but a sentient being with intellectual integrity will have legitimate reasons for disliking a thing. Just admit a former girlfriend said Ryan was hot one time and now you hate everything about him. I'm the same way with John Travolta, man. It's okay, so long as you're man enough to admit you've got un-related reasons to hate a thing despite its artistic merits.