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What a Marvel choice. If TPTB would just *commit* during pre-production to a look, the movies would look 10% better from the start.

I thought the cowl looked weird and ill-fitting - and now I realize it's because they Jane'd it. How Jane's helmet was always pasted on in Post, like it's that easy and cheap to make it not look ridiculous. Undermined her and now undermined Wolverine. Or how Ant-Man's helmet popping on and off and on and off and on and off wasn't incredibly ugly and distracting, or how Cassie's ponytail was magically blowing in the wind even though it was inside a helmet .000011 seconds previously. At least Evangeline had the right haircut for this in Quantumania and always wanted her hair to look like it had been inside a helmet.

Sorry, helmet rant over. That's just very frustrating.

EDIT: I was researching this and found this VFX edit of a fan digitally adding the mask on to the trailer shots - and it looks on par with the movie. It's good work, but the final film should have effects far better. Un/fortunately.

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The other one was Sam's cowl when he became Captain America in the F&WS show. There's no way to practically make clothing do that, so it had to be digital. I'd rather it be digital and comic accurate than practical and make sense, heh.

Good grief. Admin
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I bet Hugh Jackman doesn't really have claws.

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He doesn't. But y'know what he did have? Physical prop claws.

Good grief. Admin
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Ryan Reynolds deserves whatever he got paid for getting stabbed so many times by them.

KnightDamien reacted
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Behind the scenes image

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Thank you! I knew they had to have a real helmet. Who knows how many times the real helmet made the final cut, but I knew they weren't that bad to not have one.

Perpetually Confused
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There were a few scenes where I could tell the mask was real, but it was largely CGI. Including that one scene where Wolverine was notably entirely CGI. That was weird and bad.

Shinigami Customs
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Huh I'm surprised. Looked fake to me. Perhaps it was "enhanced" with CGI too aggressively then. 

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Posted by: @tfitz

Emma Corrin was amazing as Cassandra Nova, but damn, I kept thinking "Eat a sandwich" every time I saw her. She looked unhealthily skinny.

Its the rare woman allowed in Hollywood under the age of 50 that isn't

Posted by: @schizm

 Also, everytime he did a Wolverine sprint way down low, or even the pose at the end of the bus, they never nailed how that should look.


I was just into the fact that they did it. The way Wolverine charged was my favorite thing about the movie. Too much "samey" fighting styles in Marvel in general.


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I watched with my wife, and then I watched again with my daughter. Great movie. Don't think I could have really asked for more or for anything to be done differently. I was sort've hoping we'd get a scene of Deadpool calling backup and X-Force showing up to redeem themselves, but oh well.

I had a damn good time. Both times. And I'll watch it again when it comes out on DVD. Can't say that for many movies these days, let alone MCU movies. So I'll take it.

My only complaint isn't even really related to the movie itself; the theatre plays films just way too goddamn loud. And I'm saying that as a hardline metal-head that is, also, aging. Just reinforces my belief that, in the year of our lord 2024, not releasing films on streaming at the same time as theatres isn't only classist, but ableist as well.

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

And I'll watch it again when it comes out on DVD. Can't say that for many movies these days, let alone MCU movies. So I'll take it.

Agreed! I've rewatched some of the recent MCU movies but not super excited to do it (and one was almost against my will. It was sit outside in the scorching heat or watch Quantumania in the air conditioning). Though... I still think Marvels is a lot of fun. But D&W is their best since... I guess GOTG3 for me.

Posted by: @theknightdamien

My only complaint isn't even really related to the movie itself; the theatre plays films just way too goddamn loud. And I'm saying that as a hardline metal-head that is, also, aging. Just reinforces my belief that, in the year of our lord 2024, not releasing films on streaming at the same time as theatres isn't only classist, but ableist as well.

Yeah, I'm with you again. I get some parts should be louder than the dialogue, but... I wouldn't mind dialogue being louder, heh. Or maybe adjust the sound in the film so the dialogue immediately after action scenes is higher than usual, then gradually lower to regular settings until the next loud action bit? I dunno. But I went to see it last Sunday morning, and it was nice being in a theater with only a few other people. That helped me a lot, since I prefer watching at home where I can pause, rewind, raise and lower volume, and also really focus on what I'm watching rather than struggle to tune out chatter and commentary. But I guess the time to go is when most others are praising the Lord.

But if they released on streaming at the same time, or even the Monday after, I'd be THRILLED.


mr potatohead
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I had fun, but just thought the film was OK overall.  My 3rd favorite Deadpool, 3rd favorite Wolverine and, coincidently, 3rd favorite film I've seen at the theater this year.  For me, the splitting the difference between franchises didn't work in it's favor.  I feel with a different director this could've worked much better, but I've never been a fan of Levy.  His films always miss the mark for me.

This film made D feel a bit long in the tooth as it didn't seem as original/surprising/fresh as the previous ventures in terms of story and comedy.  I'd be fine with this being a last hurrah for Reynolds.  Not as emotionally involved as I wanted to be.  The big reveal of Wolverine's motivation was shit.  Weak and such a letdown after all that build up.  That's not any Logan I know from film or even the comics.  It almost could've been a completely new character.

The homages and riffing on the various comic Logans was nice.  Wolvie's mask/cowl was both cool and goofy at the same time.  Depending on the angle, it could shift closer to one end of the spectrum or the other.  I side with those that feel the white eyes pushed it over the top in the goofy direction.  The action was pretty good, though, shortly after the start of the Deadpool gauntlet I was pretty burned out on the CG fisticuffs.  The cameos were, sadly, the highlight of the film.  I'm glad I forgot about some of them.  The only one I never heard about was CE, and the twist on that not to mention his entire through line was hilarious.  

I'm sure the film will grow on me with repeated viewings.  Heck, I will need them just for the sake of the aforementioned gauntlet scene.  I enjoyed it enough that I would buy it next year when I can get it for under $15--unless Disney produces something other than their standard video releases for this film, but I won't hold my breath.  

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Very good! On the other hand, you shouldn't rely on the depth of the scenario. The cameos are enjoyable but you have to be at least a little familiar with the Marvel universe, the actors are all very good.

🌜Est. 2017 🐺
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Saw this last nite and it was trash. Way too many jokes and Ryan Renolds always plays himself over and over again in each movie he is in, he has no fucking flexibility in his so called "acting". He is fucking annoying to me. I never liked deadfool as a character so theres that as well. Marvel has been going down hill for along time now. The whole movie is actually one big cringe. This is NOT a superhero movie its a comedy. Marvel has to rely on comedy just to survive with their repetitive, played out superhero movies.

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