I'm hearing that will all get resolved in Secret Wars and this is just setting that up.
Caught the flick yday, enjoyed it a lot despite all the cameos being spoiled to me. Got a neat li'l DheartsW bracelet and a jacket pin, lol. *L*O*V*E*D* seeing the Flying Bathtub, but it probably means we won't get it in the coming FF movie so I haz a sad now.
A big fat rumor that will actually be confirmed or proven wrong tomorrow is
Avengers 5 will be announced to now be AVX at SDCC, with that serving as the love letter to the Fox X-men, leading into the reality crashing event of Secret Wars, which will may even be two parts, and result in setting the new normal for the MCU going forward.
But we'll see...
Watched this for the 2nd time today. I think I enjoyed it more on the 2nd viewing. So damn good!
What a fun fun movie. Going to watch it again later today.
"Friends don't let friends leave the house looking like they fight crime for the L.A. Rams"
"Pegging isn't new for me friendo, but it is for Disney."
I didn't notice it the first time around...
Your friendly neighborhood cleaners.
Stanlee Steamer
Wonderful film,
This movie understood what a Deadpool movie should be, a fun fan service journey, and the fact they can include a great and impactful story along the way is just aa bonus. They course corrected the mistake they made in Deadpool 2 where they didn't transition the comical scenes into the serious stuff very well. Here they gave major plot points and character spotlights room to breathe, and if there was something comical, it wasn't ham fisted and didn't take away from what they were doing.
And what a sublime love letter this is to the Fox Movies, which are getting a resurgence of popularity recently. The clips and BTS montage during the credits was a thoughtful and genuine send off to that era of movies that many still love and they clearly hold in high esteem too.
I really enjoyed that character. Emma's physicality - very still but still threatening - and then the finger play. Her soft tone belying cruelty - but a playful kind. I feel like there's some rewriting that happened that kind of truncated her arc a bit - her and Paradox was quite rushed and looked... not great, going into the subway.
But I think what I really needed to see was her experience in the Time Ripper. What was she seeing? We have Wade and Logan re-experiencing highs and lows - but I wanted to know what she was experiencing. Was she fingering her way across universes and smashing? She only wanted The Void to survive - but that's such a boring motivation, and one I feel got slapped on her to get the runtime down. I kinda hoped she was looking for a Charles who proved to love her like they said he would. I think Corrin and McAvoy could be very interesting together, but this kind of scene probably would have played out a lot like Wanda vs. Xavier in MoM. I have never cared one bit for Cassandra Nova - but now I want more.
Also, if Wolverine's shirt gets exploded off, it would have been equally funny if Wade's pants exploded off.
I agree about wanting to see more of this Cassandra Nova. Very nice performance that made the character more interesting than the movie really needed her to be.
Emma Corrin was amazing as Cassandra Nova, but damn, I kept thinking "Eat a sandwich" every time I saw her. She looked unhealthily skinny.
Aside from the spam Pyro definitely finished off, what was everyone eating in The Void? Headpool's body?
Enjoyed the film. It was the Deadpooliest Marvel film: heart, crude, blood, creative cussing, and action. I wasn’t spoiled by all the cameos but they all made sense. I had many laugh out loud moments as well as just a good feeling about Fox-verse getting the spotlight for a bit. I have that damn song from the beginning of the film on loop in my head. Hilarious gratuitous violence. Hugh Jackman looked magnificent in this and brought all of the gravitos to his role while also realizing how silly it all is. Damn did he look freaking amazing in the cowl: ”like Batman but can still turn his neck.” The plot is dumb and how it plays out is very much just there to show off Deadpool and Wolverine. The entire film and its dialogue is meta. Some clever quips and some barrage of banter. It’s good. Worth a rewatch for sure. There are hundreds of thousands of Easter eggs. I’m sure those YouTubers were passed out after blathering about all of them. This will make Disney money. It told a good overall story. Passion. I saw passion in this more so than some of the more recent projects. Not disrespecting the film makers and actors. I think they in general pour their passion into their work. They’re artist for the most part. This one looked like passion which inspires a positive reaction.
I think it was a mistake to have the eye lenses for him instead of letting us see his eyes.
I think I agree. The white of Deadpool's eyes work for that character, but the white in Wolverine's cowl always looked really fake - and it makes me wonder if that really was Hugh with the shirt off or a head paste. Also, everytime he did a Wolverine sprint way down low, or even the pose at the end of the bus, they never nailed how that should look.
They made that joke about his post-divorce body and honestly, of all the jokes, that was the one I went "oooohhh." I know he had to have signed-off on it, but yikes.
Also, 'TrenchPool' with the gasmask was the coolest variant.
The mask was 100% cgi on Hugh at all times, sadly.