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Your picks for a Spidey 5-pack?

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Yeah...  Man Wolf, Will o the Wisp, Swarm, Stegron and Cardiac are my biggest Spidey wants... so that would be my perfect 5 pack.   Put some kind of Spidey in it and I'm still buying.    Or add Calypso and make it a wave.   I'd be super happy with that.

But I like the cookie
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Marvel Legends Man
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The "'Cs" of Spider-Man


1) Chameleon (smoking jacket)

2) Cardiac

3) Calypso

4) Carrion

5) Chance

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How about a Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man themed box-set.

1. Spider-Man (RYV body with brighter reds and blues and a more classic head sculpt)

2. White Tiger (Hector Ayala)

3. Swarm

4. Lightmaster

5. The Spot

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The No Way Home villains. 

And I wouldn't even be surprised. They did the three Peters as a set, then will release them singly in a wave with some of the villains. So why not follow that up with those villains in a set with the other two?

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I'd want a Spider-Man Animated Series Season 6 themed set

  • Non Cel Shaded Spider-Man
  • Sandman
  • Betty Brant
  • Beetle
  • Jack O' Lantern

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Never cared for the scronny Speed Demon. 
Or the dark, metallic Beetle.  
Or the creepy faced Hydro Man without swappable arms
Or the modern Boomerang.  
And always liked the ‘armored’ Rhino.  
So I’d be down for a Sinister Syndicate set!.  

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Posted by: @ramkablam

Never cared for the scronny Speed Demon. 
Or the dark, metallic Beetle.  
Or the creepy faced Hydro Man without swappable arms
Or the modern Boomerang.  
And always liked the ‘armored’ Rhino.  
So I’d be down for a Sinister Syndicate set!.  


Not gonna lie I think that 5-pack would be an incredibly tough sell.   A bunch of second tier (at best) Spidey villains that we already have in our collection in a pack they'll charge $130 for.     There's zero percent chance I'd pay for that and I think virtually everyone would wait for a clearance price since not a single one of those figures fills a hole in the display that isn't currently filled.    The Boomerang is the best choice there since that costume is objectively better than the dark blue one they released... but it's not $100 better.


Squirrelly Member
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“S” themed 5 pack

1. Swarm

2. Squid

3. Spot

4. Stegron

5. Spider-Man (Last Stand)


or I’d even take a battle damaged Spidey for the 5 pack

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Slingers Box Set:

  • Prodigy
  • Dusk
  • Ricochet
  • Hornet
  • Obligatory Spider-Man 

My only issue is that I would want the Dusk figure to be a male body since I collect all of Spidey's alternate suits, but it makes more sense for Hasbro to release the female version--which would be totally fine as a new character. Would complete a core team in a single release. 

Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Posted by: @box

Slingers Box Set:

  • Prodigy
  • Dusk
  • Ricochet
  • Hornet
  • Obligatory Spider-Man 

My only issue is that I would want the Dusk figure to be a male body since I collect all of Spidey's alternate suits, but it makes more sense for Hasbro to release the female version--which would be totally fine as a new character. Would complete a core team in a single release. 

Why not have the obligatory Spidey be the male version of Dusk, and have it come with an alternate Peter head, and Spidey head?


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Posted by: @basil-elks

Posted by: @box

Slingers Box Set:

  • Prodigy
  • Dusk
  • Ricochet
  • Hornet
  • Obligatory Spider-Man 

My only issue is that I would want the Dusk figure to be a male body since I collect all of Spidey's alternate suits, but it makes more sense for Hasbro to release the female version--which would be totally fine as a new character. Would complete a core team in a single release. 

Why not have the obligatory Spidey be the male version of Dusk, and have it come with an alternate Peter head, and Spidey head?


I would love that. I don't know if it would sell in general, but it would definitely sell to me lol.


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first I would LOVE a Slingers set -  that was such a good book.  Criminally underrated.   And though I get the obligatory Spider-Man inclusion, I'd be a little bummed not to get the Black Marvel as he's the reason the team existed and there's no other way a Black Marvel figure is coming out.   Still, great idea for a box set and I hope it happens some day.

Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Posted by: @panthercult

I'd be a little bummed not to get the Black Marvel as he's the reason the team existed and there's no other way a Black Marvel figure is coming out.

I would love to see the Spidey animated series version of Black Marvel. 😀


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Posted by: @doober

I'm all about fitting villains we might not typically get into these Spidey sets, so your Scarecrow inclusion definitely got me thinking in that direction. Kinda leaning toward a "Where Monsters Dwell" type of vibe:

1. Swarm

2. Scarecrow

3. Blackout

4. Man-Spider

5. Mephisto

...............I would've thrown Deathwatch in there, too, but I figured I'd leave at least ONE oddball Spidey villain in there.


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