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Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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Lightray is now out for his second round of whitening. We’ll see how he looks in another week of soaking in H2O2 in the sun. Temps this week are supposed to be in the low 90s, with plenty of sun.

Red Ogre
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Posted by: @zombief-body

I have that 4" SW Jabba that's a rubber body over an articulated armature.  It's literally sweating out a substance that looks like the oil at the top of a jar of natural peanut butter.

Jabba the Nutt?

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@red_ogre Creamy not crunchy!

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Posted by: @trunks3540

I'm also wondering why it's just white plastic. Like, I don't notice any other colors just changing over time. Although maybe it would be hard to? I'm also curious as to if we do revert the plastic back to white using whatever method we choose, if its not just gonna yellow again over time.

It's not just white plastic. DCUC Darksaid and Metron are a couple examples of color change over time for colors other than white.


Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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Okay, I have results to share.
For those unaware, this was the condition of my DCUC Lightray despite living in a non-smoking home, displayed in a cool place out of direct sunlight...

I placed him outside in direct sunlight in a clear plastic container with 3% H2O2 for a total of two weeks, and this is the result…

I’d say that came out nicely.

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@thor-el oh wow. Mine is nowhere near as yellow as yours was! I don't think I've seen one that bad. Mine is just slightly discolored. Glad to know there is a solution.

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That is nice. Mine isn’t as bad as yours but starting to get bad. What is 3% H2O2 ? By clear plastic container you mean a ziplock bag or Tupperware??

Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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Posted by: @derrabbi

That is nice. Mine isn’t as bad as yours but starting to get bad. What is 3% H2O2 ? By clear plastic container you mean a ziplock bag or Tupperware??

Three precent hydrogen peroxide in a clear, sealed (airtight) plastic container. I used a tupperware container with an added bit of plastic wrap between the edge and the lid so it sealed tight. The key to this working is the fumes moreso than the liquid itself. And time. Just be patient. Don't get anxious and crack it open to look at it. Seal it, put it in the direct sunlight, and forget about it for two weeks.

You can also use a clear glass jar with a lid, but the glass reflects more of the UV than the plastic does.

I currently have Cosmic Boy taking a two-week bath. We'll see if there's any improvement in him or not. I know the blues of the Super/Ultra man/boy figures won't change with this treatment.

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So he sits in the mixture but not necessarily submerged?

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Not yellow, but mine & my best friend's Mattel Masterverse Ram-Man's pants are splitting/disintegrating at each ribbed section, by just standing in a display (meaning not from constant moving around). *sigh* It's what, barely a year old? 🙄 

Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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Posted by: @derrabbi

So he sits in the mixture but not necessarily submerged?

Correct. You can submerge him totally and it’ll work fine. But mine wasn’t totally under and he still came out great. 


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It looks alot better, but how long before it happens again? I wonder if it's a good long term solution or not. That's just my curiosity talking. 

Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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From what I understand, it'll inevitably happen again but not for a few years. I think the only real long-term solution would be to paint the white on the torso and upper thighs. That would likely resist fading. But I'm not skilled enough (let alone with white paint) to do that. So I'll just likely give him another bath in a few years.

I also want to be clear to anyone who decides to give this method a try: Do this at your own risk. I take no responsibility if your figure(s) get damaged somehow.

Gay Geek & Gold Star Legends Collector
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This is all great information to have. I wish we knew what causes yellowing. Smoke free home here, figures are in the basement with very little sunlight. there's only 2 things I have that are yellowing, and its a giant life sized spider-man from spider-man 1 film, and a wall mounted light up spider-man head, both there eyes have yellowed over time, but i don't have a single figure that has oddly enough. 

Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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From what I've heard, and for the record this is heresay and I can't verify it, there's an additive to the plastic that makes it fire resistant. I think it's a safety thing they have to do. And it's that chemical that causes this discoloration over time. I've heard it's bromine, but I can't verify that.

Again, all heresay so take it with a very large grain of salt.

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