Brace yourselves for my basic ass top 10ers. Just the baddies for now.
1.) Magneto 😆
I just want a badass, classic, definitive Mags & I feel like it hasn't been nailed yet
2.) Toad
In one of his pudgy pre90s depictions. I like the way this one looks..
3.) Avalanche
classic . stocky
4.) Mystique
Of all the characters they cursed with the Kate Bishop mold, she was the one that saddened me most
5.) Deathbird
6.) Apocalypse
Preferably Fall of the Mutants accurate, but would be down for the retro figure in blue colorway as well.
7.) Sebastian Shaw
I need that buff shirtless bastard
8.) Sabretooth
Like so
9.) Sentinel
Big, classic, accurate ones. Yea right, but hey I can dream.
10.) Ahab
One of my top favorite figures as a kid and knew absolutely nothing about him
Top 10 protagonizers
1.) Archangel
Updated w/ new wings + retracted wings
2.) Cyclops
3.) Iceman
redo + detachable inhibitor belt
4.) Beast
pre90s blue
6.) Binary
A good one
7.) Kitty Pryde
8.) Havok
classic, maybe on retrocard
9.) Gambit
1st appearance
10.) Domino
ugh, damn, of course - scrap my list, first appearance gambit all the way.
also yes please to select style retracted wings for an archangel.
1. Rachel Phoenix
2. Perez Beast
3. Classic Banshee
4. Psylocke (armored)
5. Feral
6. FA Kitty Pryde
7. Hepzibah
8. Raza
9. Cyclops (redo of the classic 70s/80s costume)
10. Domino (redo of classic X-Force, minus the dumb headset).
1. Classic Mastermind
2. Brood ( have they not done army builders of this?)
3. Shadow King (astral plane form)
4. Kulan Gath
5. Cameron Hodge
6. Unus
7. Belasco
8. Classic Goblin Queen
9. N'astirh
10. S'ym
Id be cool with a 1st appearance Gambit. Original costume, throwing spikes, original face portrait before they “pretty boy’d” him up. He got bumped down my list, as it seemed like Hasbro was going to ignore that version, after all this time.
For that matter, while I know I’m in a minority on this one, but I’d like an age regressed Storm too. Thought about buying more team packs to kit bash one on the Jubilee buck, but I’m not ready to invest that much money just for fodder.
This is tough to narrow to ten since I can rattle off 50 pretty easy when considering all the different characters and eras! My first ten right now would be:
X-Men '97 Cable
Cameron Hodge
Team X Wolverine
Given the Fabian Cortez leak I would put other Acolytes on the bad guy list with Orphan Maker, Proteus and Holocaust.
Also, I always though an AoA Magneto from X-Men Omega with all the etal junk serving as batttle armor would make for a cool deluxe figure.
Given the Fabian Cortez leak I would put other Acolytes on the bad guy list with Orphan Maker, Proteus and Holocaust.
Also, I always though an AoA Magneto from X-Men Omega with all the etal junk serving as batttle armor would make for a cool deluxe figure.
Would love to get Holocaust slid in there as an AOA holdover if that's the only way they'll do him. And I have spent years trying to make the perfect "final showdown" Magneto in his black bodysuit but still haven't found a completely suitable look I'm happy with. So far the Cloak body w/ AOA Magneto's head on it is the best I've got, with flesh toned hands swapped in. I've not attempted to add in the garbage armor yet or know why he'd really need it since he just ripped Apocalypse in half at that point. But it's a cool scene.
I just realized that next year will be 30 years since AoA, and The Clone Saga. That one started in late 2024, but mostly took place in 2025 in a long drawn out Spidey tale - we're getting Kaine and Hasbro will celebrate nearly any anniversary they can. So I can see Holocaust and some others.
bit off topic but what photo hosting site does everybody use now? I wonder if photobucket think they went the right way when they started charging.
I've been looking forward to this and dreading it in equal measure. The heroes section was brutal.
Shout out to the X-Men, where 80% of my heroes were women without trying. I doubt I could do the same with any other superhero group.
- Magik
- Psylocke (Armored)
- Rogue (Uncanny Avengers)
- X-23 (Krakoa)
- Jean Grey (New X-Men)
- Rachel Summers
- Armor
- Temper
- Cypher
- Wolverine (X-Men Evolution)
- Sentinel (12 inch)
- Cassandra Nova
- Exodus
- Deathbird
- Lady Mastermind
- Frenzy
- Cameron Hodge
- Greycrow
- Ahab
- Danger
I only have a Top 10 that mixes the heroes and villains.
#01.) Storm in her black Outback era uniform
#02.) Colossus in his 1990s Gold Team uniform
#03.) White Queen in her classic costume and sold separately
#04.) Pyro in his classic costume with brighter suit colors
#05.) Ian McKellen Magneto in his classic trilogy costume with removable helmet
#06.) 'X-Men: The Movie' Storm
#07.) 'X2' Jean Grey with alternate 'X-Men: The Movie' head
#08.) 'X2' Cyclops with an alternate 'X-Men: The Movie' head
#09.) 'X-Men: The Last Stand' Rogue
#10.) 'X-Men: The Last Stand' Iceman
Honorable mentions go to "Astonishing X-Men" Kitty Pryde, Acolyte suit Colossus, Xorn, classic Mastermind, '80s/early '90s suit Sabretooth on a bigger body mold (that recent skinny body mold version that Hasbro was so underwhelming to me), and "X-Men '97" versions of Beast, classic clothes Jubilee, Xorn, Mr. Sinister and '70s suit Cyclops, which almost made my Top 10 list. I almost listed the missing characters from 'Deadpool & Wolverine', but I'll save those for the inevitable MCU characters Top 10 wishlist thread.
Joe Mad Storm
AOA Storm
Rachel Summers
Eric The Red
Cassandra Nova
Special Oversized Figure
Cameron Hodge
All add to my list:
Amber Hunt (en Flame)
Sienna Blaze
I forgot my TRUE most wanted because it is a character revisit but not costume:
I don't know why I love this look so much... but I do!
Dear Hasbro / Santa Claus, we want the whole Shiar Space Adventure team!
Since Astonishing X-Men is still a huge want for most, I thought I should post this here for the uninformed.
John Cassaday has passed. 🤨 😕 He was only 52. His run on Astonishing X-Men, Planetary and his Lone Ranger covers will stick with me forever. Heck, if you are a Batman fan and you didn't read the crossover with Planetary, that's a must read.
Between the gut punch from James Earl Jones and this, what a terrible couple days!
Link regarding his passing here:
X-Men and X-adjacent
1 - First Appearance/Training Uniform Kitty Pryde
2 - First Appearance/Early 80s Rogue
3 - Graduation Uniform Human Beast
4 - Graduation Uniform Jean (based on the original look, not the House of X style)
5 - Excalibur Rachel (Hound)
6 - Excalibur Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde (with her 80's hair, not cosplay Kitty - hate to waste a spot here but the figure we got annoys me too much)
7 - X-Factor Bobby Drake (not-iced)
8 - X-Factor Human Beast
9 - Male New Mutants (same as the female set, with heads for Doug, Sam, Roberto)
10 - Mimic
I am assuming that Green Banshee, X-Factor Angel and other basic repaints will appear.
X-Men bad guys - honestly this list isn't that long...they've done pretty well for my main X-Men villains really.
1 - Harry Leland (Hellfire club)
2 - Mastermind (Trenchcoat)
3 - Mesmero
4 - Mark 1 Sentinels (taller than the video game recent release)
5 - Demon Bear (likely impossible, but maybe under the Dragon Man program)
6 - Deathbird
7-10 - ???? - Imperial Guard or Reavers to fill those in more???