Plus their comic Red Hulk reissue.
but I wouldn't worry about NEVER being able to get her.
This is accurate. The likely way this goes down is: it gets closer and closer to the actual release date, someone on the Minnesota Toy Posse FB group posts a picture if a sighting, my radar goes up for the next week or so, I hit stores armed with a DPCI or I wake up early and get lucky finding a store with "low stock" and an order pick up goes through. This is how things went down with the last couple of releases like this.
That or just bite the bullet and order from a Canadian retailer. I've seen the less accessible figures show up on some of these (my McFarlane Anne Hathaway Catwoman) sites and I'd imagine your proximity wouldn't be horrendous on shipping. Increasingly I shy away from running down figures at multiple stores just due to gas/free time/frustration level. I'll check in stores but only if it's on a to/from work trip.
DST announced a '97 Sunspot bust to go with their X-Men Animated line-up:
What do y'all think? It's an interesting and accurate way to portray his power and it looks pretty good but it also kinda looks like leprosy? I think the matte colors aren't helping either, even though they are accurate. This would look better with gloss.
I hope the first figure of him is still his jacket look, but when Hasbro gets to this I think the glossiness of plastic plus hopefully transparent effects help sell this look.
@schizm I just hope this doesn't mean they are finished with X-Men 97 statues. I've collected every single one and anticipate every release. There are still mainstay characters to be completed like Bishop, Cable, Colossus, Juggernaut, and Sinister. For goodness sakes they gave us Psylocke and Deadpool from this line.
DST announced a '97 Sunspot bust to go with their X-Men Animated line-up:
What do y'all think? It's an interesting and accurate way to portray his power and it looks pretty good but it also kinda looks like leprosy? I think the matte colors aren't helping either, even though they are accurate. This would look better with gloss.
I hope the first figure of him is still his jacket look, but when Hasbro gets to this I think the glossiness of plastic plus hopefully transparent effects help sell this look.
That actually looks gross to me. Giving me heebie jeebies.
Hahaha, little bit!
I doubt they are done with the classic looks - Bishop might even sell better with one '97 head and one classic, a little like what they are doing with the (fully classic) Morph.
I need Sinister and then my villain needs are complete and because I have Psylocke I'd like Angel and Iceman - and then I have to cut myself off. I never bought Deadpool and don't want to.
Oh, and a Dark Phoenix variant.
@normdapito I agree, Norm. I don't like that statue look for Sunspot at all. It looks like a disease.
@schizm You only need Sinister?? Oh I want Juggernaut and Sauron and Pyro, Blob,Avalanche. Like you said Dark Phoenix for sure too!
Who would you want in a wave four of the X-Men 97 line? The only characters I can think of are Beast, Forge, Val Cooper, Mister Sinister, and Bastion (first appearance).
Storm (tiara costume)
Cyclops (skullcap)
Cable (either costume)
Jean (Marvel Girl)
We're suppose to be getting Cable in wave 3.
Animated VHS box Mr. Sinister circumvents my need of him in a 97 wave. His true Abe Vigoda head just isn't that much of a need for me. I'd rather the effort went into Bastion.
I would appreciate a better 2pk of Avalanche and Pyro though more in line with the animated series.
And Storm, Cyke and Jean in two-packs. Storm and Forge in a two-pack makes way more sense than her and Logan - but I want Forge on the single card. Storm could come with The Adversary. Yawn. I mean yay.
Wave 4 -
Bastian - human on single card
Other version of Sunspot
Rogue - repaint from the Destiny pack
I would love a Trish Tilby / Val Cooper - make one's outfit right and come with the other one's alt head!!
Ended up ordering two Sentinels yesterday.
One thing I miss from the Haslabs is having a nearly-exact count of how many of them Hasbro made. We can only guess how many of these X-Men '97 Sentinels they're going to end up making.