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Magneto Was Right
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I'm not a big fan of the cartoon, but I need a Bishop to display with my Gary Coleman Electric Company issue.


I might get that Wolverine too.  It looks great.

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I’m in for Gambit, Rogue, and Magneto. They’ll go right into the VHS display even though, chances are, they’re all getting re-released in that line. Considering how subpar Hasbro’s attempts at cel-shading were, I doubt very much that I’ll feel the need to double dip.

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I'm fairly surprised at the actual amount of new parts they made for this wave. They could have easily cheaped out and done all re-deco.

Apart from all the new heads, Storm has new upper arms and hands and legs are now pinless, Gambit a new coat, Rogue new chest, jacket and her boot details are sculpted on this time, so new upper and lower legs, Magneto new crotch and upper thighs, Bishop new legs.

I think the whole wave looks great and the more I see Storm rocking that mohwak, the more I'm liking it. Brings me back to the ML8 Mohawk Variant in this same costume.

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Ordered Rogue, Gambit & Magneto to go with a Marvel vs Capcom collection I've been making.

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All pinless? Yes please

Perpetually Confused
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Posted by: @darkxorn

I'm fairly surprised at the actual amount of new parts they made for this wave. They could have easily cheaped out and done all re-deco.

Apart from all the new heads, Storm has new upper arms and hands and legs are now pinless, Gambit a new coat, Rogue new chest, jacket and her boot details are sculpted on this time, so new upper and lower legs, Magneto new crotch and upper thighs, Bishop new legs.

I think the whole wave looks great and the more I see Storm rocking that mohwak, the more I'm liking it. Brings me back to the ML8 Mohawk Variant in this same costume.


Well, I'm sure the intention is to repaint these as comic book versions. 


This Magneto is great (although the arms seem too long or something? Probably an optical illusion) and I'm hoping we get another release down the road with at least an additional unmasked head. 


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Magneto is ok. Just ok. Best Legends Magneto? Yes. But he is far from great. His arms are too long. Some series 6 Juggernaut flashbacks. Someone from design team should fix this "arm problem". They probably won't...Grim Reaper body still has long arms and other legends too.

I think I like Retro Rogue more. She has better colors and head sculpt. Body looks the same to me (except pinless legs and...well her chest 🙂) 

Really like Storm. Finally, they gave her normal legs and not these "crooked branches". 

Gambit colors are perfect. This is what I always wanted. His head sculpt is too animated, but I can live with that. Maybe later we will have another Gambit with good comic head sculpt that you can put on this body. 

Wolverine is perfect. I don't think I need another Jim Lee\Animated Wolverine figure after that. Astonishing on the other hand...

Bishop new body looks good. Don't like his head sculpt though.

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Only ordered Wolverine and Gambit.  Magneto looks decent body/helmet wise but I don't understand why they shaded his eyes and his eyebrows stick out like a sore thumb being bright white.  I'll have to see how the old Magneto's head looks on this body.  Same with Storm, I don't like this new head, but if the body is less gummy I may opt for it and slap the old Storm head on it.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Does Magneto have an all-new body? I’m not sure if I recognize any of it. 

My favorite look for Magneto is still the fully shadowed helmet, so I want to see how this one looks with the alternate BAF Onslaught head. 

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Posted by: @darkxorn

I'm fairly surprised at the actual amount of new parts they made for this wave. They could have easily cheaped out and done all re-deco.

Apart from all the new heads, Storm has new upper arms and hands and legs are now pinless, Gambit a new coat, Rogue new chest, jacket and her boot details are sculpted on this time, so new upper and lower legs, Magneto new crotch and upper thighs, Bishop new legs.

There's even more newly sculpted parts than that.

Bishop is 100% new parts.

Magneto gets a new head, cape, torso, crotch, arms, hips, boots, feet.

Wolverine gets a new unmasked head, new pinless arms with sculpted hair, new hips, legs, and boots.

Storm gets a new head, upper arms, hands, legs.

Rogue gets a new head, jacket, belt, legs.

Gambit gets a new head, coat.

Maybe even more that I'm missing. 

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Posted by: @akatsuki

Does Magneto have an all-new body? I’m not sure if I recognize any of it.  


The pinless legs we've seen before on Fang. Everything else but the hands appear to be new.


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I would still like to see a Silver storm on that style of body.  In the once endless debate of White, Black, or Silver for that outfit, I always thought it was most likely silver in the comics of that Jim Lee era, and deffinitely in the Capcom fighting games like COTA and Marv Vs Capcom.


Since they are making variants so fast, and she is at least a B lister, why not?  We got 2 different Tigras, Silver Centurians and Julia Carpenter's in a silly amount of time.


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Magneto's arms are definitely long. Straight on pics in package really show it. That's not even what bugs me most about him. It's the red hands. Might do some swapping if the colors match.

I'll likely pick up a set to leave as is, and another set to become definitive pinless comic versions with head swaps from previous figures. Retro Rogue and Storm heads, 275 Gambit head, any of the new unmasked Wolverine heads, though this new unmasked head looks damn good too. I like Bishop a lot as is, but would entertain a head swap as well.

Magneto Was Right
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The feedback I've seen around Bishop's head sculpt has been almost entirely negative, but I really like it. Good look for the character IMO.

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