The Astonishing body definitely can't be used as a verbatim stock body for anything else, as others have noted the piping and sculpted in details. I was just referring more to the overall build of the body and what else they might swap onto it or use it as a template for. I still wish they'd resolve the forearm slices on Vulcan's body before using it for other figures, as others have mentioned SkyCycle Hawkeye is very similar and doesn't have that negative aesthetic.
I hope the Astonishing body doesn't become the new normal, it looks awful in a lineup with all the other Wolverines we've gotten proportion-wise. No boot swivel, can't put his head back much to do the fastball/comin-at-ya poses, and his arms are freakishly large to the point where the double elbows almost aren't necessary because the biceps inhibit your ability to bend his arms fully. I have it and it's an "okay" figure, but the twist torso lines the deco's up weird and to be honest I'd rather have the waist crunch than the more McFarlane-esque twistable chest/torso. It may look better in certain poses, but I wasn't that impressed with the range.
Not dissing anyone's taste if they like it, I just found the figure overall overall underwhelming despite the hype for it.
Strongly disagree about the elbow range and torso articulation. The elbows get pretty good range and that torso joint is the way of the future.
got a preorder processing soon email today for wolverine / sabretooth 2 pack at bbts
Same. While I've never had a PO not eventually come through at BBTS I admit, I was starting to get a bit worried.
I got that email too. Quite happy with it lol.
Me too! Glad it worked out.
Someone had posted that the new retro card Venom uses the same body as Sabretooth from this line. That is not the case, though the post did give me doubts. I double checked the Sabretooth I have and he just uses the previous incarnation of this build, with the standard ab hinge and neck hinge. I thought maybe he could be on the Venom body because I remember Sabretooth's neck movement was sort of restricted? But that's more because of the fur collar, and even with that, he has WAY more range that that dopey barbell neck on Venom. Venom is the first to use that new torso.
Someone had posted that the new retro card Venom uses the same body as Sabretooth from this line. That is not the case, though the post did give me doubts. I double checked the Sabretooth I have and he just uses the previous incarnation of this build, with the standard ab hinge and neck hinge. I thought maybe he could be on the Venom body because I remember Sabretooth's neck movement was sort of restricted? But that's more because of the fur collar, and even with that, he has WAY more range that that dopey barbell neck on Venom. Venom is the first to use that new torso.
It was me. I don't own Venom or Omega Red, so I was just guessing. Is it the same other than the torso?
It's a good body. Too bad it has such limited use.
Retro Venom and 50th Sabretooth share hips down to feet. Sabretooth got new pinless arms because of the spiked gloves. Unfortunately, the new torso for Venom isn't entirely an upgrade. You trade great ab crunch range thanks to the inverted ab crunch and mid torso pivot, but sacrifice the benefits of that crunch because of the limited neck range.Someone had posted that the new retro card Venom uses the same body as Sabretooth from this line. That is not the case, though the post did give me doubts. I double checked the Sabretooth I have and he just uses the previous incarnation of this build, with the standard ab hinge and neck hinge. I thought maybe he could be on the Venom body because I remember Sabretooth's neck movement was sort of restricted? But that's more because of the fur collar, and even with that, he has WAY more range that that dopey barbell neck on Venom. Venom is the first to use that new torso.
It was me. I don't own Venom or Omega Red, so I was just guessing. Is it the same other than the torso?
It's a good body. Too bad it has such limited use.
Every time this thread bumps I hope it’s someone saying there’s a website with a sale on the Lilandra set. I want Lilandra, but not enough to pay full price for a fairly useless Wolverine figure too.
It's weird, both the tuxedo set and the Lady Mandarin set are on Amazon proper, and have seen price drops of at least 15-20%. Obviously the Sabetooth set is the most popular and hardest to find, but the Lilandra set is only third party an Amazon. When the other two sets were on sale, the Lilandra set was no where to be found. I've seen all three of those sets at GameStop as well, but they never stick around very long, certainly not long enough for a promoted sale.Every time this thread bumps I hope it’s someone saying there’s a website with a sale on the Lilandra set. I want Lilandra, but not enough to pay full price for a fairly useless Wolverine figure too.
Sorry to bump again, but you're right, it would be nice to see that set drop in price because that Wolvie is VERY specific. I'm going to wind up pulling the arms off Hellverine to turn this one into a regular brown costume version.
I didn't look at how much she's going for on the aftermarket, but you could look into getting just Lilandra off of somewhere like Ebay or another site similar that exists. Could be cheaper if you don't really want the Wolverine.
Sorry to bump again, but you're right, it would be nice to see that set drop in price because that Wolvie is VERY specific. I'm going to wind up pulling the arms off Hellverine to turn this one into a regular brown costume version.
Do show us how it turns out and if the browns match, as I'd considered doing this very thing. I'd considered keeping him Brood, but that look was so flash-in-the-pan, I'd rather they had just included astronaut Wolverine or a proper early 90s Jim Lee brown & tan Wolverine than the Brood one.
I didn't look at how much she's going for on the aftermarket, but you could look into getting just Lilandra off of somewhere like Ebay or another site similar that exists. Could be cheaper if you don't really want the Wolverine.
Ha, just looked her up and she’s selling for like $40-$45. At that point I’ll just pay the extra $5 for Wolverine, lol. Maybe I’ll grab one from GameStop eventually with my monthly $5 coupon giving me just enough justification to go through with it.