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Wolverine's 50th Anniversary

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Oh I never caught that. Is it on the new body, or is it pinless? I'd have to see it before I determine whether I'ma get it or not.

Lucid Silverback
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Personally, I am not really liking whatever hasbro is doing here. IMO, the brown is far too light and creamy, the yellows don't seem to match and should be far more orange anyway, something is off with his mask, and I don't like the skinny tapering of the brown on his abdomen.

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It's obviously most definitely paying homage to the Secret Wars figure 🤩 

Pretentious Buck
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Yeah - it's a safe bet this figure will end up in some sort of Secret Wars wave.  Gotta assume the body will be used a few times over for a darker brown/tan release and a comic Tiger Stripe somewhere down the line. 

Ideally they would use an updated torso with the inverted ab crunch a la the new Venom to go along with the pinless limbs.  

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Isn’t this figure using the ‘97 tiger stripe body?

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It looks like it. The claws are definitely VHS/97. It looks like most of rest is. I wonder if this is his 97 brown outfit figure...I know people are saying secret wars, but to me it just screams 97 brown suit.

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@trunks3540 No, no, no... Secret Wars! 🙂

See related image detail. Marvel Secret Wars WOLVERINE action figure. Mattel, 1984. | Marvel ...


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Posted by: @trunks3540

It looks like it. The claws are definitely VHS/97. It looks like most of rest is. I wonder if this is his 97 brown outfit figure...I know people are saying secret wars, but to me it just screams 97 brown suit.

You might be right, could be either/or I guess.  97 does use the black "shading" which typically denotes a darker shade so that would not be as accurate to the figure shown.....not that that would stop Hasbro.

Personally I'm not buying another Wolverine on that buck.  I like it, but it's been done.  When they do brown suit or tiger stripe on the Astonishing buck I'll be interested.


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Posted by: @yojoebro82

Personally I'm not buying another Wolverine on that buck.  I like it, but it's been done.  When they do brown suit or tiger stripe on the Astonishing buck I'll be interested.

I hope the Astonishing body doesn't become the new normal, it looks awful in a lineup with all the other Wolverines we've gotten proportion-wise.  No boot swivel, can't put his head back much to do the fastball/comin-at-ya poses, and his arms are freakishly large to the point where the double elbows almost aren't necessary because the biceps inhibit your ability to bend his arms fully.  I have it and it's an "okay" figure, but the twist torso lines the deco's up weird and to be honest I'd rather have the waist crunch than the more McFarlane-esque twistable chest/torso.  It may look better in certain poses, but I wasn't that impressed with the range.

Not dissing anyone's taste if they like it, I just found the figure overall overall underwhelming despite the hype for it.


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Yea. I too wasn't xtatic (see what I did there?) About the new body either. I don't hate it, but it's not as revolutionary as the other one was when it came out.

Maybe this one is for secret wars. I just thought maybe since they were using the animated claws this was possibly from there. Honestly I would be happy If they just used the animated claws from here on out. The old ones are a bit too bendy, even though I don't hate them. And the thick ones are fuckin awful. They look so dumb. And the movie ones, while pretty good, don't look as good with the comic figures. I think that's one thing that throws off the Astonishing figure. They're nice, but they don't look like the comic claws for Astonishing. I'll have to decide on whether I actually want the new brown suit or not. The claws and body are great, but the colors and face look off.

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Well...maybe I'll just leave well enough alone on Wolverine, then.  I'm not aching to replace the ones I have.  "Can't look up for a fastball special"?  That might be a deal breaker.  That double ball peg is a tricky one, huh, Hasbro?

[img] [/img]


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Posted by: @yojoebro82

Posted by: @trunks3540

It looks like it. The claws are definitely VHS/97. It looks like most of rest is. I wonder if this is his 97 brown outfit figure...I know people are saying secret wars, but to me it just screams 97 brown suit.

You might be right, could be either/or I guess.  97 does use the black "shading" which typically denotes a darker shade so that would not be as accurate to the figure shown.....not that that would stop Hasbro.

Personally I'm not buying another Wolverine on that buck.  I like it, but it's been done.  When they do brown suit or tiger stripe on the Astonishing buck I'll be interested.


This Wolverine has the buckle though. 97 has the X belt.


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The '97 figures don't have the cel shading that VHS figures do. '97 Wolvie passes as a comic Wolvie. Cel shading is not a signifier for '97 figures, so this brown Wolvie can't be ruled out as such. But the narrow brown towards the belt looks an awful lot like the Secret Wars figure.

The Astonishing Wolvie is a VERY specific sculpt for that costume. All of the piping and stripes are sculpted. That should not be reused for a brown costume Wolverine. Not even tiger stripe because the stripe and color delineation is different.

Pretentious Buck
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Posted by: @normdapito

The '97 figures don't have the cel shading that VHS figures do. '97 Wolvie passes as a comic Wolvie. Cel shading is not a signifier for '97 figures, so this brown Wolvie can't be ruled out as such. But the narrow brown towards the belt looks an awful lot like the Secret Wars figure.

The Astonishing Wolvie is a VERY specific sculpt for that costume. All of the piping and stripes are sculpted. That should not be reused for a brown costume Wolverine. Not even tiger stripe because the stripe and color delineation is different.

Yeah the Astonishing "buck" is about as non-standard and specific as it gets. Definitely could not be used for brown/tan or anything else. I could see them using different boots on the pinless '97 body to create some of the other uniforms like Utopia or another X-Force. Was photographing the '97 figure the other day - there is something about the legs that is very cartoony. Not as defined? Maybe it's the color they used. I would love another Tiger Stripe on this body with a slightly darker yellow and less cartoon inspired head sculpt. 


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boy this thread had a lot of activity yesterday. So just to clear things up:


The Secret Wars Wolverine is on the the 97 body based on the claw design and the sculpt of the shorts.

the Astonishing wolverine is unlikely to be retrofitted into something else because most of the elements on that costume are sculpted on details as well. Like the stripes, piping and so forth.

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