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Who would buy a 90's Toybiz revival line?

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The only ones I would be interested in are Jean and Jubilee to finally complete the 90s line-up. They should look simpler/similar in style like the early 90s figs although finally getting to own Flying Fighters Jean would make me happy so that style is fine.

They could release a really cool poxed-in-boxset of all nine Animated X-Men and include Jean and Jubilee and that would be all the one-off nostalgia I would need in a line like this. That would be a fun Xmas retail shelf item. But I'd also take such a thing for ML-sized.

Another thought: all of the character/costume re-releases they're doing right now seems to be most of the line and those are not exciting to me at all, so I kinda want them to get off the nostalgia train. The comic wave is not at all exciting to me because I own all of them but one.

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Posted by: @panthercult

So here's the thing... I still have every single Marvel figure Toy Biz made and the problem is there is almost zero consistency within that group of toys in terms of style, sculpt accuracy and even scale.    

Would you want figures designed the way the line started with very basic 7 poa figures in straight up and down poses like the first Marvel Super Heroes releases?   Or do you want stuff more like they were doing toward the end of the line with the exaggerated poses they were doing in the Monster Armor wave for example?

Definitely a valid point.  My personal favorite time for the line were the very first three or four waves with the orange and purple cardbacks.  The figures were more or less vanilla posed with roughly 10 points of articulation and there was a modicum of consistency in size and sculpt.  That's what I'd like to be emulated in this hypothetical toy line.  As they kept going with the sub lines with wacky gimmicks, scale creeping, pre-posing, that's when they started to loose me a bit.


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I collect so many lines, including many of the nostalgia lines mentioned here. I got those 4" retro Marvel figures from Hasbro. I collect MotU Origins. I got those updated original TMNT with the added articulation. I cherry pick the McF Super Powers line. I did nearly all of Marvel Universe. And I still have most of the 5" Toy Biz lines that I collected. That said, I think seeing those on the pegs would be charming, but like @panthercult said, the TB lines were vastly inconsistent.

I think the lines that would evoke the most nostalgia are already reaching their audience with the 6" retro carded figures we've been getting for years. I don't think I'd really want remakes or gap fillers of the 5" lines because most of that felt kinda crappy to begin with.

I wouldn't mind a Psylocke or Jean Grey to match those first waves of X-Men figures that were released hot on the heels of the '90s comics they were based on. That's probably the most impressive thing about that line, is that it came out almost instantaneously or simultaneously with the comics. But they were the only thing available like that. And they were kinda crappy looking figures. That Gambit with the vinyl coat? That Banshee with the whistle in his chest? Would I want Psylocke and Jean fitting in style with those ugly figures? Probably not.

PantherCult reacted
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Posted by: @yojoebro82


That retro 4" line was based on nothing.  It matched with no preexisting toy line.  It was "retro" in that it was dumbed down to standards of a 30-40 year old toy line, that's it.  I hate using the phrase "who is this for?", but who was that for?  Nah, I'm talking about a completely different thing here.



Clearly it was based on an imaginative exercise. What if Kenner was making Marvel toys in 1980. It was fun. I would feel the same way if Marvel Legends did a Retro carded Thor or Capt America line in the style of their Toy Biz inspired Spider-Man, Iron Man and X-Men lines. Would be fun. Just make some card art that looks like it could be of that era from a 90s Thor or Cap show that never actually existed.


Red Ogre
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These aren't for me. I had a couple of Secret Wars figures and didn't buy another Marvel figure until Marvel Legends Deathlok in the Galactus BAF series. Hasbro or whoever else can make whatever they want/think will sell but I have more connection to Starriors and Mantech than those early ToyBiz figures.

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I'm kinda surprised that no 3D sculptor has taken on Jean and Jubilee in this style, like the Star Wars guys who make Retro characters. I think we all have the skill to paint them in a style to match the OGs.


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There's a dude on IG I follow, who I believe used to post here, La Calavera. He 3D prints lots of figures in this 5poa style to match the 5" figures of those times. Has some really nice stuff that I'm almost always fooled into thinking are/were real figures.

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Posted by: @normdapito

There's a dude on IG I follow, who I believe used to post here, La Calavera. He 3D prints lots of figures in this 5poa style to match the 5" figures of those times. Has some really nice stuff that I'm almost always fooled into thinking are/were real figures.

Got a link?  I searched that name but came up with a pizza place.


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@yojoebro82 try la.calavera.3d.print

yojoebro82 reacted
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I wouldn't start to purchase a new toy line, but I would gladly buy a Marvel Legends ToyBiz homage Retro Wave like this, based on various ToyBiz series that are less likely to not get an entire Retro Wave on their own:


Vermin on a Dark Side card


Stegron on a Vault card


Spat & Grovel on a Marvel's Most Wanted card


Wizard on a Marvel Universe card


Sharon Ventura Ms. Marvel on a She-Force Marvel Hall of Fame card


Wild Thing on a First Appearance card

puckace, Basil Elks and NORM reacted
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Hey... that Wizard came on a Fantastic Four card first fella... what are you trying to pull  🤣 


If you're going to run with the KayBee Marvel Universe line, get us this guy instead:

Basil Elks reacted
Basil Elks
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We NEED a Marvel Legends retro The Dark Side wave, with Vermin in it. 😀 <3

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Happy to sell you my vintage ToyBiz. Carded and loose

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I would be down with this.  I wouldn't expect any other response than the one you mostly got here, but there are people who would enjoy it as a niche line I think.  Toy Biz produced a lot of cool figures and got better every year.  Like mentioned, the collection doesn't adhere to one aesthetic like Kenner lines did.  So there's the rub.


I don't see Hasbro doing it, but if the license was broken up and something like a ReAction line at a 5" scale coming from a company just thrilled to be in the Marvel playground then that could be neat.  I have fond memories of those days, occasionally pick up old figures and loved having the Blackbird.

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I would be down with this.  I wouldn't expect any other response than the one you mostly got here, but there are people who would enjoy it as a niche line I think.  Toy Biz produced a lot of cool figures and got better every year.  Like mentioned, the collection doesn't adhere to one aesthetic like Kenner lines did.  So there's the rub.


I don't see Hasbro doing it, but if the license was broken up and something like a ReAction line at a 5" scale coming from a company just thrilled to be in the Marvel playground then that could be neat.  I have fond memories of those days, occasionally pick up old figures and loved having the Blackbird.

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