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Warbird and Carnage and Venom - oh my!

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It's not looking great for my orders so far. So I'm in Bergen County, where the antiquated blue laws keep stores like Target from operating on Sundays. I placed one order at one of those stores, so I won't know its fate til tomorrow. But I did place another order at a store in the next county. That order lists as "processing", but the store has gone "out of stock" since I placed the order. It's over an hour past the store opening, so I have to imagine that if they haven't fulfilled it already, they can't. At the same time I made those pick up orders, I placed another order to be shipped. Hopefully the order is fulfilled, which should arrive Wednesday.

Edit: aaaand canceled in the next county.

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I forgot there was a Warbird thread.  I already voiced my displeasure in the 85th thread.

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Target just told me my Warbird order I got in before my last local store went out of stock is ready for pickup.  I bet I see several others on the shelves when I go pick her up.

The other possibility is that Target does fulfill online orders from local stores, sometimes, so hypothetically the disappearing local stocks could be online orders clearing them out rapidly.  But this definitely does not always happen, and in my experience I've NEVER seen my local stock of ANY figure just disappear quickly and then also disappear quickly off of the shelves. I've seen LOTS of figures showing on their site as sold out for shipping when all of my local stores have plenty of that item in stock.

The moral of this story is that if you want Warbird today go to your local Targets and there's a decent chance they will still have her.  If you don't like taking extra trips then call them in advance, ask if they have her in stock, and ask if they will hold her at Customer Service for you to come pick her up.  Most of my local stores are eager and willing to do this when I ask, but occasionally I do get a person who doesn't want to be bothered to do this.  They always answer the same way--"we're not allowed to (or can't) do this" when I know for absolute sure they ARE allowed to do it, but many individuals simply choose not to for whatever reason.

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I was lucky to be able to order Warbird on CMDStore earlier this week and got her yesterday. I missed out on the original Target preorder, the app didn’t notify she was back in stock this morning, and the app isn’t showing her in stock at any NYC area Targets. 

I never saw Black Widow in stock last year, and I assume it’ll be the same with her. The Targets in NYC suck.

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I went to my local Target at 8:15 a.m. this morning hoping to grab Warbird and 3-4 different DC Multiverse figures that were all street dated for today, but they had nothing. The only thing new that wasn't there last week was a case of Hot Claws Wolverine from the Bonebreaker wave (why??). (I know why, of course. It's actually pretty smart if the movie figures aren't going to be immediately available).

I tried to order online as soon I got home and no longer available for shipping. It shows the store that I was just at has "limited stock" and "pickup orders not available." So frustrating. I guess that this is just the world that we're going to be living in again for a bit now that the production pendulum has swung so far back the other way to underproduction after years of extreme overproduction. I'd really like this figure but not enough to pay twice retail scalper prices for it (knowing that I'm probably already going to have to do exactly that for Death's Head in a week or so). I'll stop back at that store later today and hope that I have better luck. Otherwise, I'm just going to have to hope that it gets reissued or more stock becomes available.

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One thing to keep in mind when you go into stores is that your local Target may still have them either in the back or on a cart waiting to be put on the shelf somewhere. If you go in and don't see the item then always ask an employee to check to see if they have it somewhere in the store.  If you don't ask an employee to check then you've really wasted your time because at least half of the time on release days when you don't see something on the shelves it actually is somewhere in the store, and employees can figure this out quickly including where it is in the store.

Target's internal store inventory systems do indicate where the item is, although if it's in the back or on a cart certainly some employees won't know where they're kept in the back or perhaps which cart they might be on.  When I get an employee who doesn't know where to look for something I always just ask another.  SOMEBODY in every store knows where inventory is kept.

The main scenario where their systems will show items in stock but nobody can find them is either it's on a cart that an employee has parked in some random location that only that employee knows, or sometimes new inventory is wrapped up in cellophane on pallets waiting for a shelf reset to happen. I don't know when their last reset was, but if it's around now then certainly some stores have Warbird wrapped up on a pallet that nobody can get to except the people doing the shelf resets.

If you're having trouble finding someone in a store who knows where things are kept in the back then I usually go to customer service. They're more likely to know who the inventory gurus are because they're the ones who get called the most about it on the phone.

kryptonian reacted
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Just picked up Warbird earlier this morning at one of my local Targets. They had about 8 to 10 on the shelf. 

Love the sculpt. Wasn't sure id like the more classic 70s style head. Looks much better in person. Both head scuplts are pretty darn nice. And she's actually right around the same height of the earlier figure. I think not as buff looking as the older one which is why she looks smaller in pics.

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Posted by: @justice-freak

Just picked up Warbird earlier this morning at one of my local Targets. They had about 8 to 10 on the shelf. 

Did you look up inventory online before you went in? If not, could you share which Target it was? City, state, and if you know it then road name would narrow it down to a single store.

My guess is that the Target online web inventory is showing zero for your store despite the fact that you saw a bunch on the shelves.  I'll probably pick mine up in a few hours, and despite the fact that online the store is showing zero I bet I see a bunch on the shelves.

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I stayed up til 4 am.  The nearest Target is an hour and a half away from me so it's not like I can easily just pop in and check.  Was able to order 2 Warbirds but had to wait on the Roadblock and Tripwire pack to come in stock for shipping.  Tiger Paw never did so I had to do a pick-up order for that.  I have several days before I have to pick it up so I'm hoping it comes in stock for shipping and I can cancel that so I don't have to drive all the way to Target.

Are the Warbirds limited to 2?  I have concerns about the order actually shipping and considered doing a pickup at the only store that has them in the area I'd be driving to but I'm afraid if I put the order in then my shipping order will auto-cancel and then the store won't be able to locate them and I'll miss out.

Toys shouldn't be this complicated, but I guess my neurotic brain isn't helping simplify things.

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Posted by: @justice

Are the Warbirds limited to 2?

Yes, for online orders.  Usually Target lets you easily get around this limitation by just placing multiple orders, but I haven't tried that in a few years so I'm not sure it still works.

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Just to be clear for people reading this later--Warbird has been showing as sold out for shipping for at least 2 hours online. It went in and out of inventory throughout the morning, but it has shown as not available for a while now.

I wasn't really expecting this figure to sell out quickly. Don't you have to be over 40 to even recognize this costume? She hasn't worn it since what, the '70s?

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@enigmaticclarity no she wore that one in New Avengers (I think that was the team).  The modern head goes with that iteration.

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A lady at Target offered to look around the pallet of toys and boats in the backroom.  She couldn't find anything front facing without have to dig through boxes.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Lucked out and managed to order Warbird for pickup at Target while on vacation. Got her but there were none on the shelves. She looks awesome! 

Carol wore this costume for a long time from Heroes Return through Mighty Avengers and New Avengers. It’s my favorite costume for her. 

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Easily her best costume ever, in my opinion. I really wish they'd have her revert back to it in the comics.

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