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Warbird and Carnage and Venom - oh my!

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Posted by: @puckace


So as the biggest Black Panther fan on this site, how do you feel about the way Disney handled Bosman's death by not recasting T'Challa's role?  I love the character and didn't see the need to eliminate future stories in the mcu.  Very sad to lose Boseman to cancer, but I think he would have wanted the character to continue.


This is a fair question.    So, as a fan - and as someone who understands how these movie universes work - I thought the choice not to recast the role was probably a mistake.


But I also understood and respected where the decision came from for Coogler and some of the other decision makers.   Coogler and much of the cast and crew were still mourning Boseman when they made the sequel.   Coogler has said he considered walking away from the film after learning the news and the only reason he returned was with the idea that he could do it in part as an homage to honor Boseman,    


So yes, as part of a larger comic book universe recasting and moving forward would have been smarter.   But these are still people making these movies and they made a human decision that I can understand, empathize with and respect.


And, of course, now the multiverse angle gives them at least the opportunity to pull an alternate actor in for the role if they so choose cleanly.   


allynewns and puckace reacted
Magneto Was Right
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I wouldn't have recast. It would've felt like we were putting the character over the person. It would've been especially gross coming from Disney, one of the most soulless corporations out there.

It's not like they have to stop telling Black Panther stories. They just need to find a way to make Shuri as compelling as T'Challa (good luck!). I maintain that Nakia would've been a much easier sell. You can't make Q into James Bond, and Letitia Wright isn't a quarter as charismatic as Lupita Nyong'o.

TheGillMan reacted
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Posted by: @tsi

I maintain that Nakia would've been a much easier sell. You can't make Q into James Bond, and Letitia Wright isn't a quarter as charismatic as Lupita Nyong'o.


I actually agree with this in terms of the MCU -  I think that would have worked better and honestly been more believable.   Nakia was a field agent, trained in fighting -  Shuri was a lab rat.   In universe it would have made WAY more sense for Nakia to take up the mantle than for Shuri to assume it.    


But in the books Shuri had already done it, so that was the shorthand they used - that story already existed.   I think your idea would have made a better movie, frankly.


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Well, Carnage had been instock at CMDStore, $27.99+ shipping, checked on a whim when I pulled up to the office just now and he was back in stock, so I said “what the hell”. Looks like I got the last one. Hopefully they get Carol as well so I can save myself the worry and headaches.

left field
Kansas City MO
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Warbird is supposed to drop July 11?. Just figured I would mention the little game that came close to costing me figures I pre-ordered  - Whether or not it's actually delayed or not, I've had Target message me about approval for keeping pre order for delayed products. Its a good idea to keep an eye out for messages from Target the closer the ship date gets- Somebody on another forum mentioned that and I just barely responded in time the first time they pulled that BS. I believe it was multiple track suit mafia orders.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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She's available online now! Go get her!

SDcomics reacted
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Posted by: @red_ogre
She's available online now! Go get her!

Sweet!  Got one, thanks!

Imma sleep in tomorrow morning. 


Super Camel
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I just ordered Warbird since she seems to be in stock, because my previous Warbird pre order, as well as some other Target pre orders, have all been changed from preorder status to "backorder" status.

Why would multiple pre orders just up and become backordered?  

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Okay, Warbird is back in stock. 

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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

I just ordered Warbird since she seems to be in stock, because my previous Warbird pre order, as well as some other Target pre orders, have all been changed from preorder status to "backorder" status.

Why would multiple pre orders just up and become backordered?  

Because we got her for the sale ($19.99) price and Target likely doesn't want to honor it.  Surprise!  It took me over a half hour on the chat w/ their cust. service because my Knightfall Batman had been delayed 5x before being finally cancelled before they finally broke down an gave me a $5 credit.  Playing the "sword of Damocles" game on Target preorders for 2.5 months wondering if today's the morning they'll cancel your order at 1am makes online shopping not so convenient.


Super Camel reacted
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I was able to order Carol just now, placed a couple different orders for pick up and delivery. Hopefully at least one order goes through.

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My sale price preorder is now shipping, after having been in backorder status. Pretty sure this was just routine e-commerce shenanigans, no need to assume foul play.

Super Camel reacted
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Several Targets close-ish to me show her in stock so I just did an order pick up for her.  The stores aren't even open yet so it's a safe bet I have one secured, right?  Right?

Now I'm just looking out for that Walmart retro card Venom.

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Wacky inventory shenanigans at all of my local Targets on Warbird.  When I woke up around 3 AM and checked local inventory virtually every store around me was showing 9 Warbirds.  I wake up this morning and their site claims every single store is now out of stock except one--and that one has all 9 units left.  I'm not buying the accuracy of that inventory, but I did buy it for pickup.

So I just bought two from the store with 9 left.  I check inventory via Popfindr and it drops from 9 to 7.  Wonderful!  Maybe it IS accurate?  Ten minutes later it drops from 7 to 0, and now it is supposedly gone from the area entirely.

Something similar happened with Black Widow last summer.  She was showing zero at all local stores, so I went to one on her release day--and they had a full box on the shelves, whatever number that was--I think a full box of Widow was 6, but I forget now the exact number.  So their inventory showed she was gone, but she was actually there on the shelves.

If you call local stores you'll usually get the real counts.  For whatever reason their web inventory database is separate from actual store inventory, and the web inventory is quite often incorrect.

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Posted by: @yojoebro82

Several Targets close-ish to me show her in stock so I just did an order pick up for her.  The stores aren't even open yet so it's a safe bet I have one secured, right?  Right?

Now I'm just looking out for that Walmart retro card Venom.

I saw my local Target stock tick down after I placed a pick up order, so your order should be secured.


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