I don't think getting Warbird will be a problem for me. Target exclusives have always been easy for me to find in stores. Carnage is movie related so that's an easy pass for me. I really want that Venom but Walmart never puts their exclusives in stores anymore just online. No credit card use means no preordering online. The last one I saw in a store months and months after its release was Classic Dr. Strange which I had already bought from a toy dealer friend who bought him online.
Agreed about Boseman. His death was tragic, but not recasting T'Challa is a major part of the demise of this franchise. Covid is something no one had control over. Boseman's passing is something no one had control over. But they certainly COULD have kept the character around to continue the stories that could have been told.
Strongly disagree that Iron Man’s story was over. He had one good story arc, yes, but there are decades of more stories to tell and character interactions. Marvel is still mining Iron Man stories and characters—like Mandarin, Ghost, the entire Armor Wars movie!, Kang, Secret Invasion. All are key characters/stories for Iron Man.
It’s fine to let characters retire, at least for a while. So that other characters get the focus. Or be willing to resurrect characters freely, like in the comics. But permanently killing characters off is not the right way, in my opinion.
The original Avengers are gone and we never even got the Masters of Evil on screen.
Personally, I think Secret Invasion was not handled as well as it could have been. In the comics, Secret Invasion was such a big deal and setup Dark Reign and the Dark Avengers. Would have a great setup for several fun movies and shows.
The real missed opportunity with Black Panther was centering the future movies around Letitia Wright instead of Lupita Nyong'o.
@akatsuki I don’t think even the most strident of Marvel fans will defend Secret Invasion.
I don't want Tony brought back, because I don't want the emotional impact of his death in Endgame to be cheapened. That's why I'm not a fan of superhero comic books. Death means literally NOTHING (unless you're Ben Parker 😆), so why even get invested in the first place? How many times has Jean Grey come back? I don't care anymore, and X-Men were my life until Fox shat all over the source material.
Also, I've always thought it was majorly questionable that they were like "we can't recast T'Challa!" and then immediately recast Thunderbolt Ross. (Also, having Nakia's son be "T'Challa Jr.," they basically did recast him, they just need to wait for him to get old enough to take over from Shuri, lol.) So, one cancer victim is irreplaceable, but the other isn't? K. 😒
I mean... to be fair, Boseman was THE main character of a billion dollar blockbuster and featured in several other huge box office smash films - while Hurt had his biggest role in the Incredible Hulk in 2011 - where he was still the 4th most important character - and showed up briefly in a minor supporting role in Civil War and Infinity War - with a much smaller role in each of those films than Boseman had.
Hurt's role in the Marvel Universe was much, much, MUCH smaller than Boseman's. It isn't the same, and you know that
So as the biggest Black Panther fan on this site, how do you feel about the way Disney handled Bosman's death by not recasting T'Challa's role? I love the character and didn't see the need to eliminate future stories in the mcu. Very sad to lose Boseman to cancer, but I think he would have wanted the character to continue.
That's what bothers me the most - I don't think he thought of himself as bigger than the character. But I also wish he'd given them more than the very little heads-up so he could express his wishes to TPTB and they could talk about it. Simply out of respect for the billion dollar/extremely emotionally-resonant-in-the-hearts-of-fans character he played.
But that didn't happen, and now even Wakanda is in a weird "what do we do now?" place. I think Shuri is great and Letitia is very talented, but... what now? I actually just bought another Okoye and Shuri Panther for a new shelf but as I'm slotting them in, it's like... hmmm...
Totally. Avengers : Earth’s Mightiest Heroes did everything in a fantastic way! Such a wonderful show that deserved more seasons.The superior Secret Invasion adaptation happened in the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, in my opinion. Better than the original comics, even.
Totally. Avengers : Earth’s Mightiest Heroes did everything in a fantastic way! Such a wonderful show that deserved more seasons.The superior Secret Invasion adaptation happened in the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, in my opinion. Better than the original comics, even.
Maybe in a few decades they can pick it back up with "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes 2013"
Totally. Avengers : Earth’s Mightiest Heroes did everything in a fantastic way! Such a wonderful show that deserved more seasons.The superior Secret Invasion adaptation happened in the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, in my opinion. Better than the original comics, even.
Maybe in a few decades they can pick it back up with "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes 2013"
I wish! We never got to see the Surtur story they were setting up. Nor Wonder Man becoming a hero. And Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Tigra, etc.
I turned that show on recently after all the raves on this site and struggled to get through the first episode. Is it one of those shows that just gets better, or did it have a rough start?
I turned that show on recently after all the raves on this site and struggled to get through the first episode. Is it one of those shows that just gets better, or did it have a rough start?
The official first five episodes of the show are individual introductions for the main cast - an Iron Man episode, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, and Ant-Man and the Wasp. They're all good in their own right and do some interesting worldbuilding, but they're your basic introduction to the characters. I'll admit that sometimes I skip those on a rewatch and jump straight into episode 6 - "Breakout, Part 1" - which is where the Avengers get Assemblin' for real. If you started on that episode and weren't into it, then, well, I guess there's no accounting for taste. (kidding. sort of)