Yeah; I think I'm out without a classic head. Tired of the close enough whack a mole. Maybe if I see it confirmed the Dazzler hair is a 1 to 1 fit.
Dark Ms. Marvel seemed to sell out really fast on Pulse. I missed her there. But I did order her at BBTS.
All this talk of Dark Avengers Ms Marvel got me to finally get around to opening the Target Warbird. I was worried from pics that the small stature would bother me, but she's great in hand. Even more excited to get Karla now.
I'd love for them to do extra heads - or even experiment with swappable hair for flying characters with long hair. An extra head or hair pushed back in a flying motion would be really great for dynamic flying poses. Same with Thor, Sentry, and any other flyers with long hair.
All this talk of Dark Avengers Ms Marvel got me to finally get around to opening the Target Warbird. I was worried from pics that the small stature would bother me, but she's great in hand.
She's a top ten Legends of the year candidate. Haven't thought it through yet, but she's definitely somewhere in the top 20.
I got Karla from Pulse today. No notes. Just a really nice figure. I appreciate they didn't just repaint Carol Warbird - the build is slightly but noticeably different. Been waiting for Dark Avengers Ms. Marvel so long I ended up ordering two so I could display both head options. Prooooobably could've just gone with one but she's a character I like enough to have two of. Good stuff.