@stoopid_sandwich see, why couldn’t Hasbro have just given us that to begin with? Good job, looks great.
That trading card is cool!
For those of you bothered by Warbird's size, I just swapped her feet with punk Storm's and they work great. I guess they will also work with the upcoming Bloodstorm. Now Warbird is the perfect height.
Finally got the Target exclusive Carnage! Love the new head and dynamic weapon arms. They go great with this detailed body sculpt. Coolest looking version of Carnage!
Warbird from star action figures finally arrived and with a trading card. A classic FOMO purchase.
How do you get the trading card?
"Dark Avengers Warbird". They clearly don't care much for details with this figure. So it's Karla Sofen in the Ms. Marvel outfit, though she never went by Warbird. They cheaply just reused heads from Carol Danvers, which is a pet peeve when it's a different character. And they didn't include a Carol Danvers head with the hairstyle she wore when she wore this costume. It's a great base figure, but very cheap reuse.
@normdapito The card was included by Star Action Figures from the UK. I'm not sure if they personally had those cards printed or if it was part of an official promotion. I preordered her shortly after Target's initial 5 second preorder window.
"Dark Avengers Warbird". They clearly don't care much for details with this figure. So it's Karla Sofen in the Ms. Marvel outfit, though she never went by Warbird.
No, it’s a branding thing. For whatever reason they don’t refer to classic Carol (or in this case, someone pretending to be her) as Ms. Marvel in merchandise anymore. Even the 3.75” figure just called her “Carol Danvers.”
"Dark Avengers Warbird". They clearly don't care much for details with this figure. So it's Karla Sofen in the Ms. Marvel outfit, though she never went by Warbird.
No, it’s a branding thing. For whatever reason they don’t refer to classic Carol (or in this case, someone pretending to be her) as Ms. Marvel in merchandise anymore. Even the 3.75” figure just called her “Carol Danvers.”
Pics of Karla here: https://marvelousnews.com/252-36157
The names makes sense to not confuse people with Kamala. Not sure why they wouldn't call her "Dark Avengers Captain Marvel" though.
Excited to get this figure for the Dark Avengers. I hope they'll release a proper classic Ms. Marvel down the line though - this won't quite cut it.
Wish they would have included a head for Superia though! Any suggestions of what might work?
Same. I would’ve got two for Superia! Oh well maybe that can be the alternate head when they inevitably do classic Farrah Fawcett hairdo Carol.
Wow, Hasbro - you took a cool reveal and totally ruined it.
Re-using heads is SOOOO LAZY! This was SUCH an easy re-do and they chose to treat their fans like crap by not creating a) either one good new head or b) including two accurate ones.
Wish they would have included a head for Superia though! Any suggestions of what might work?
And of course Disco Dazzler's fluffy 70s hair might work for a classic Carol.
Warbird's up on Pulse now, FWIW.
Wish they would have included a head for Superia though! Any suggestions of what might work?
And of course Disco Dazzler's fluffy 70s hair might work for a classic Carol.
Hela is a great idea!
I actually have an extra disco Dazzler I was eyeing for classic Carol. Still think they'll get to her sooner than later, but it's a good option in the meantime.
So are the heads any different where it could pass for OG Carol, or is this strictly Moonstone?