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Warbird and Carnage and Venom - oh my!

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Lucid Silverback
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@tsi you failed to mention the Absorbing Man BAF Venom. Which is the one I have ...and actually prefer.

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Posted by: @tsi

I'm not a symbiote guy at all. I think Venom has had a ton of awesome figures over the years.

Venom has repeatedly gotten figures on the best bodies the Marvel Legends line has to offer.  They aren't perfect, but outside of Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine, I struggle to think of another character with so many consistently good figures.


This is exactly how I feel about it.   In fact,  I actively skipped the new Venom figure because I felt like they've already sold me so many Venom figures that are fine and I just don't really like the character enough to buy another one that doesn't seem that different than those that we've already got and I'm sure they'll force feed me more next year.  


Justice reacted
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@yojoebro82 and I whole-heartedly endorse your desire to not want to settle for what is given. These toys aren't the most expensive hobby in the world, far from it, but they're still luxury goods, in a sense. Why not spend your money on something you really like? I admittedly only buy a few Legends here and there. I could settle on this Venom who I think has some problems, but is it still a solid, generic, Venom. If I had bought the dozen that came before I'd be far less enthusiastic about doing so. I'm the type of collector that wants the figures I buy to match a given source material and be meticulous about it. It still drives me nuts that the animated Venom has holes in his traps and is missing the white patches on his hands.

@tsi agree to disagree. I think most of those figures look bad, in particular the early ones. The only one I like the aesthetics on that I didn't buy is the Marvel Select Venom which was because I hated the articulation. The multi-pack one is fine if you want that sort of portrait and this new one is fine too. He still has small shoulders that sit too low to go with the other problems myself and others have pointed out, but the portrait I like so I bought it. For a Legends release, I can see why a Legends collector would be more satisfied than I am. My personal top 10 in a given year is unlikely to ever contain a Legends release, so that's where my tastes lie. 

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @feces-flinger

@tsi you failed to mention the Absorbing Man BAF Venom. Which is the one I have ...and actually prefer.

You won't catch me endorsing any figure on the Hyperion, Spider-UK, or Grim Reaper bodies. I hate them all.

Posted by: @misfit

@tsi agree to disagree. I think most of those figures look bad, in particular the early ones. The only one I like the aesthetics on that I didn't buy is the Marvel Select Venom which was because I hated the articulation. The multi-pack one is fine if you want that sort of portrait and this new one is fine too. He still has small shoulders that sit too low to go with the other problems myself and others have pointed out, but the portrait I like so I bought it. For a Legends release, I can see why a Legends collector would be more satisfied than I am. My personal top 10 in a given year is unlikely to ever contain a Legends release, so that's where my tastes lie. 

I'm not quite as harsh on Legends, but my top 10s are usually 70-80% higher-end figures and imports.

If they don't meet your expectations, I get it. I don't think any number of Hasbro Venom releases will ever fix that, though.


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Posted by: @tsi

Sinister Six box set:

This one cracks me up. If Hasbro tried anything as egregious as reusing a figure right down to the elbow fins today, they'd get crucified.


Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Got the 85th Venom and he is really nice. As mentioned, the neck articulation could be better, but the McFarlane style head sculpt is awesome and the body is otherwise really cool. Great proportions and articulation. Another excellent Venom figure.  

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just a little heat and some prying gives you an empty helmet and some nightmare fuel. 

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If you guys keep ragging on Xavier's resting bitch face he's going to get a complex.  People can't help having angled eyebrows that make them look constantly evil!

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Posted by: @thwiptster


just a little heat and some prying gives you an empty helmet and some nightmare fuel. 

Strange as it may sound, I kinda like the look of that head without the helmet. It could pass as some kind of alien on the right body. Maybe a different skin tone like light blue or gray, but honestly it’s kinda working for me as is. Not that I’m going to do that to mine, mind you. 😉


JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Posted by: @thor-el

Posted by: @thwiptster


just a little heat and some prying gives you an empty helmet and some nightmare fuel. 

Strange as it may sound, I kinda like the look of that head without the helmet. It could pass as some kind of alien on the right body. Maybe a different skin tone like light blue or gray, but honestly it’s kinda working for me as is. Not that I’m going to do that to mine, mind you. 😉


Give him a bit of a conehead, pointy ears and paint him green- ya got yerself an Impossible Man.


rocko and puckace reacted
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This unmasked Xavier is the exact head I've been waiting for to make a Puppet Master custom with that Power Rangers Lightning sculptor guy I bought years ago. Not sure if it will be proportionate though!

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Posted by: @h-bird

This unmasked Xavier is the exact head I've been waiting for to make a Puppet Master custom with that Power Rangers Lightning sculptor guy I bought years ago. Not sure if it will be proportionate though!



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Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @h-bird

This unmasked Xavier is the exact head I've been waiting for to make a Puppet Master custom with that Power Rangers Lightning sculptor guy I bought years ago. Not sure if it will be proportionate though!


If you get to it before me (very likely!) please share pics!


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@enigmaticclarity swipe to the second pic.

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@thwiptster People are not seeing the second pic, I'm going to put it below:


Thwiptster reacted
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