Warlord Prof. X arrived yesterday and I like him. The helmet sculpt is cool, and I really like that the blues match Lilandra's perfectly. They look great standing together.
But yeah, that unmasked head is just disturbing. It went right into the extra heads drawer. No way I'm using that anywhere.
Trash seems harsh. I think he's somewhere in the "good" area.
The white chest and back paint feels less sticky after a day and a half out of the package. I was worried it might rub off and tested an area below the armpits by scratching it with my fingernail. The paint held up.
Geez. Who do you believe on these reviews?
I'm honestly not hurting for a new Venom. I'm using Marvel Select and while he doesn't check ALL the boxes, apparently no other Venom offering does either. I've got the Walmart one but I haven't opened him. Deciding whether to keep or sell.
Venom is consistently released in an imperfect manner. I've resisted most, but it sucks that Venom fans need to compromise so much with every release. Even the MAFEX one has glaring issues. It's just odd because he's not a complicated design (unless you intentionally make it so with tendrils and transforming heads and such) and should be easy to render in plastic.
Venom is nowhere NEAR trash; that's just Youtube click bait. Yes, that neck sucks, but it doesn't ruin what is an otherwise awesome body mold.
It's mostly just a slight downgrade from the 3-pack version which is the best Venom from Hasbro. The 3-pack masking-up head is one of their best to date across all characters, and while I love the McFarlane head with the new one it doesn't touch one of Hasbro's best heads ever. The torso is a slight upgrade on the new one, and the neck is a big downgrade from the 3-pack version. But it's still mostly the same overall excellent figure it was last time.
I think the Xavier smiling head is great - looks just like X-Men '97! I pulled Gladiator off that shelf and put Xavier in the spot. He looks like the megalomaniacal psychic that he is on his lesser days.
Without that headsculpt, I don't think I would have bought the figure at all.
Unlike Green Goblin, Loki, and Magneto, Venom has always had good figures. Even dating back to the Toy Biz days. I don't know if this one is the best, but it's another great figure.
I don't think I've ever seen opinions this divided on a Legends figure. Very much a love it or hate it toy. I'm surprised the tacky paint is getting as many complaints as it is. Am I the only one who had the same thing going on with Retro Symbiote Spidey and PulseCon Animated Venom? Whatever process they're using to print it on so cleanly just does that. It always works itself out in a couple days.
Unlike Green Goblin, Loki, and Magneto, Venom has always had good figures. Even dating back to the Toy Biz days. I don't know if this one is the best, but it's another great figure.
I don't think I've ever so strongly disagreed with an opinion here than this one. Venom was always my favorite growing up so I'm probably a harsh critic, but most Venom figures have let me down in some way. Be it the over-stylized original Spider-Man Classics or that first Legends one with the Sabretooth fins, there were a lot back then that didn't do it for me. The Marvel Select Ultimate Venom (with the logo) was probably the most content I was with any Venom figures, not counting the Venom with removable mask in the Spider-Man '94 line (got a lot of mileage out of that one), but even that Ultimate Venom was more statue than action figure so my appreciation was limited.
This new Venom isn't terrible or trash, it just has some obvious faults that shouldn't exist. I would say most Legends collectors or those who are typically content or impressed with most Legends releases will be fine with it.
This is my favorite looking Venom that Hasbro has done so far. The last Venom I had, and loved, was that jacked one from the Toybiz Spidey sub-line ha.
I just couldn't make myself buy another Venom after buying both the 3-pack version and the winged version that came with Knull a couple of years ago. Venom is one of those characters that I have a weakness for, but enough is enough. Having one on retro card back would have been cool to keep in the package, but I decided to pass.
This new Venom isn't terrible or trash, it just has some obvious faults that shouldn't exist.
I'm just not interested in buying many more figures, Venom or otherwise, that are "this" close except for: "Oops, we kept that one inferior design element because we didn't want to invest back into the line to fix it but maybe we'll get to that the next time around but the next time around will probably have a different inferior element so you're left with a whole bunch of the same character each with their pros and purposefully-included cons and none are really "better" or "worse" than the other so just give us $25+ again and again just so you can say you have the latest (but not necessarily best) version."
Venom is not a difficult make. If you have the right buck and the right head, you're there. There's no reason his head can't look up.
I loved buying last year's Black Widow because that figure left nothing on the table. They brought all the modern-day action figure tooling available, there are zero "Why did they do THAT?" issues with it. I want more figures like this.
@yojoebro82 Yes, this exactly. I'm beyond tired of buying multiple attempts at the same character over and over and over again, so I just need to stop doing it and rewarding failure. I understand that the industry is evolving and technology changes, but I don't feel like I should ever have to buy more than one attempt at a character any more often than every 3-5 years, and even that's probably too often. I tend to only keep one "definitive" version of any character and sell the old figures off for pennies on the dollar. It's an endless cycle that I've been repeating for 20+ years and I think that I've just finally hit my limit with it.
Yes, I'll occasionally buy a newer version of a character but if my purchases have an any worse ratio than 2 brand new characters to 1 repeat/re-do then I feel like I'm just endlessly throwing my money down the drain because I'll never ever have more than one version of a character in use at any given time.
I got Retro Venom... Happy to report that mine doesn't seem very gummy...
That head articulation is just bad, though... I carved up the back to get more movement and it is a huge improvement. Shouldn't have to do that, but glad I did.
Same on all counts here. Just a snip snip snip with the sprue nippers and the head has the appropriate articulation. Still, a disc joint or more thoughtful engineering would have been preferred.
Maybe I'm in the minority, and perhaps it's because I haven't picked up a ML Venom before, but I'm liking mine quite a bit. It'd be nice if the head could rock back a bit more, certainly, but I think that's my only real gripe so far. I really love the non tongue head as it feels very much to me like a midway point between McFarlane early Venom and Bagley around the time of the introduction of Carnage. It works for me.
Unlike Green Goblin, Loki, and Magneto, Venom has always had good figures. Even dating back to the Toy Biz days. I don't know if this one is the best, but it's another great figure.
I don't think I've ever so strongly disagreed with an opinion here than this one. Venom was always my favorite growing up so I'm probably a harsh critic, but most Venom figures have let me down in some way. Be it the over-stylized original Spider-Man Classics or that first Legends one with the Sabretooth fins, there were a lot back then that didn't do it for me. The Marvel Select Ultimate Venom (with the logo) was probably the most content I was with any Venom figures, not counting the Venom with removable mask in the Spider-Man '94 line (got a lot of mileage out of that one), but even that Ultimate Venom was more statue than action figure so my appreciation was limited.
This new Venom isn't terrible or trash, it just has some obvious faults that shouldn't exist. I would say most Legends collectors or those who are typically content or impressed with most Legends releases will be fine with it.
I'm on the other side of it. I'm not a symbiote guy at all. I think Venom has had a ton of awesome figures over the years. While imperfect, I would've counted all of these releases as very good figures:
Sinister Six box set:
Spider-Man Classics:
Marvel Select:
Monster Venom:
Animated Series:
Knull two-pack:
I thought I was taking crazy pills when I started doing research into this. There are even more good Venom figures than I realized. I'd be curious to know what flaws you're talking about. Venom has repeatedly gotten figures on the best bodies the Marvel Legends line has to offer. I believe the newest one is on the same body as this year's Sabretooth figure. That Sabretooth is one of my figures of the year. They aren't perfect, but outside of Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine, I struggle to think of another character with so many consistently good figures.