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Warbird and Carnage and Venom - oh my!

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@mrboshek where are you located?

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My Venoms and Xaviers all were marked shipped today from CA to CA. Not picked up yet, but hoping to see them soon. Ordering pages for both are down so I’m glad they actually shipped my preorders this time. Sorta nuts these and the Sentinels hit so soon. Feels like I just saw and ordered the things. 

Rough that people are finally spotting those Warbirds now. When those get zeroed out by employees that couldn’t spot them that leaves a whole case of untrackable ghost-stock floating around. Guess it’s good for brick n mortar finds.

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My 2 Venoms and Xavier lists arriving Tue which is fine with me. I already have 2 Warbirds but have 4 pre-ordered from staractionfigures. I may cancel that preorder since I'm not happy with the height.

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Posted by: @hagop

@mrboshek where are you located?



hagop reacted
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Venom and Xavier shipped.

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My Venom and Xavier shipped as well. Should have them Monday or Tuesday. 

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Carnage is up for shipping on the Target app, here at 1:23 pacific time on Sunday morning. Seems like they’re cycling through a few cases.

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Oh hey wasn’t expecting this until Tuesday!

SDcomics reacted
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I just received Xavier and Venom, a day early. I ordered two of each. The Xaviers were shipped in a padded paper envelope; the Venoms shipped in a cardboard box. ONE of the Xaviers had a crushed bubble with a creased card, while the other was pristine (even though I watched the delivery guy toss it onto my porch via my Ring camera). One of the Venoms had a dented bubble, but the other was also in great shape. I try to make it practice to order at least two when it's a retro carded figure to increase my chances of getting one in good shape to keep carded.

Xavier is fine. Pretty straight foward. Thought he'd be using the Amazing Fantasy body, but it's just the pinless version of the Sunfire body. The unmasked head is creepy. I don't know why he's smiling that way. When does Xavier ever have that expression? At least it's printed well.

Venom is ok. He's got that great new torso articulation set up with the lower ab hinge and torso pivot, but then they sacrificed the ball hinge neck for a barbell with limited range. They really need to fucking work on that joint if they're gonna keep using it. It's so poorly executed in different ways on too many figures. Also, all of the white paint from his logo felt sticky to me. Could have been due to the heat of the delivery truck, but I was afraid of it getting smudged or scraped. I doused it in Gold Bond powder to get rid of the tackiness. Seemed to work. I prefer the smiling head to the tongue-out head. But I also think I prefer my kitbash of the Life Foundation 3pk version with a head from the Knull 2pk. I like this smiling head the most, so maybe I'll put that on the 3pk body.

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Anyone wanna trade their extra Wal-Mart Venom for my extra Target Warbird? I'm deeply annoyed that Venom stayed up for weeks but Walmart has deemed my account no longer allowed to order from them for NO reason. :\

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My Venom arrived this morning. This was very much a FOMO purchase for me as I really liked the McFarlane-like portrait even if there were things about the body sculpt I didn't care for. The good thing is I like that head as much in person as I did in the promotional shots, but not much else. This is a very gummy feeling figure. The plastic feels low quality and it is unpleasant to handle. Mine was also sticky out of the box in a few places, and as someone else noted, most obviously on the chest where the logo is painted on. I think I'll give him a bath and see how it feels after. There's also random glossy spots on the figure that are odd looking and I'm not sure if it's intentional or just how the figure turned out. Articulation is at least improved over the prior retro card animated Venom by virtue of the diaphragm joint. Hasbro continues to suck at implementing double-ball pegs in the neck as they buried the thing and minimized the range as a result. The neck is also sloped forward as part of the sculpt which further hinders the figure's ability to look up. If they're going to do this joint (and I do think it is superior to the hinged peg if they do it right) they need to either raise how deep the lower ball sits in the joint or just start adding another ball joint at the base of the neck. Either way, this joint does not have to be that hard to implement, but Hasbro sure makes it seem like it is.

allynewns reacted
Boy Wonder
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Hey, they actually arrived today! You know, I’ve had a few things arrive via Lasership/OnTrac lately and they’ve gone pretty smooth and quickly? 

Like others have said, Venom’s fine. I ordered two and both had some minor flaws in the logo and eyes. Both had spots that looked like someone went back in and manually touched up the paint. 

I never got the 3 pack because I was waiting it out to get marked down like everything on Amazon does, but it seems to be the one Amazon thing that never did. So it was nice looking forward to this even if I don’t have Agony and Riot. But between the super limited neck and me not being sold on the diaphragm joint, I’m almost thinking I could look past the crummy shoulder tendrils and would like the 3 pack more. I don’t dig how the diaphragm joint breaks up the logo in exchange for the bit more fluid movement. 

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Posted by: @misfit

If they're going to do this joint (and I do think it is superior to the hinged peg if they do it right) they need to either raise how deep the lower ball sits in the joint or just start adding another ball joint at the base of the neck. Either way, this joint does not have to be that hard to implement, but Hasbro sure makes it seem like it is.

My guess has long been that they bury the dumbbell so deeply to meet their own internal safety standards so that the dumbbell doesn't ever come out, in which case a kid could swallow it.  My Mafex neck dumbbell joints can come out fairly easily if I pull specifically on them.  I don't accept this as a reasonable excuse, but I do bet that's the reason they bury them so unfunctionally deep.  If that's the case then they really should just stop using them given that they're usually worse than neck hinges the way they end up having to implement them.

I've had a small number of Legends where the dumbbell does completely come out--Into the Spider-Verse Miles Morales is an example.  I don't recall any others at the moment.  And I do have a few Legends where the single dumbbell works REALLY well with Endgame Thor being the quickest example I can think of.

Super Camel
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Got my Venom today as well.  I held off on Professor X for now in hopes they do the same figure but with gold armor and purple details over the black attire.

As far as Venom, I almost skipped this one.  Thinking of how many Venoms I have, and the fact they all look cool.  But I'm so glad I didn't skip this.  It really looks and feels like the perfect Venom figure.

I really like it.

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