Oh, well good thing I checked back here for absolutely no reason at all. Otherwise I was about to go live life for a couple of hours thinking the time they clearly had posted was accurate. I'm glad I don't deal with Walmart too often.
Anyway, I got my order in 🙂
Walmart is ridiculous, I looked earlier this morning because I figured this was going to happen. Missed one figure I would've bought, Ultimate Warrior. Not a fan, but the figure looked neat. Walmart's WWE figures have been brutal, still trying to get some from the last collector con.
Those jerks have the countdown clock running.
Yup, this has been a trend of theirs the last few collector cons 😑
They state a launch time, but then everything can be purchased hours earlier. Sometimes just from your saved like lists, right from the product page, just from the app...
Hope that wasn't all the available stock. It still says it will be available at 7am pst.
Really annoying. I had luck with all their other exclusives except for animated Spider-Man. That order is still in my order history as "placed" 😂
Hope that wasn't all the available stock. It still says it will be available at 7am pst.
Really annoying. I had luck with all their other exclusives except for animated Spider-Man. That order is still in my order history as "placed" 😂
I think you might be right that it could still go back up at the original intended time (10am EST/7am PST). Warlord Professor X was also available early, and also no longer available. I'd be surprised if he sold through in such a short window (less so with Venom).
Links again to make it easy on everyone:
It seems like everything got pulled down and someone on a wrestling board said one of the figures I thought sold out never went in stock. If that missing figure goes up later, I'll have to pay shipping on it or add something to the order.
Ugh, hope they come back in. I was up an hour early just to open tabs for these and there wasn't anything but a little blurb about these coming up at 7 am my time and no order button. The oddly "1000+ sold since yesterday" tag does not bode well though.
The only thing giving me a little hope to stay logged on is that a lot of the non-Hasbro collector con exclusives I'd expect to be up for awhile are also listed as sold out.
Are there any links for Canada?
The figure I missed during the first batch of preorders was in stock this time. I had to order two figures for the free shipping. It was the only sensible option.
Got em! Hopefully nothing weird happens with the preorder.
@canprime Thanks! Just found Warlord but can't get Venom in the search. Do you have a link (if he isn't sold out!)?
@joedick Sorry but it looks to be sold out (for now, maybe keep checking).
Here is the link though: