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Warbird and Carnage and Venom - oh my!

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Your one stop thread to chat about success, irritation, hope, faith, despair, strategies and suggestions regarding the recent exclusives - the two that already happened and the upcoming one.

I had Warbird in my cart few seconds after 9:00 am, or in my case 6:00 am. When I immediately clicked "check-out" or whatever the actual tab is, she was "sold out". This all happened in less than a minute.

I'm hoping she's as easy to get as Black Widow was for me and not the incredibly ridiculous debacle that was the Tracksuit Mafia. I'm no longer a completist so I didn't even try for Carnage and we'll see so how I feel when Venom comes up.

How about all of you? BTW - WELCOME BACK!!!!!

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I've been waiting for over 7 years for that Venom. Started collecting toys again around 2016-2017, and every Venom they've released is just barely not my ideal Eddie. Now they finally reveal him and he's going to the most heinous place for exclusives, gah! If I can't secure a pre-order, I'm just gonna have to hope that the flippers don't upcharge too much on the secondary, cuz my Legends collection has very few holes at this point, but one of them is shaped exactly like this Venom. 

Also, thank the maker that the Fwoosh forums are back, that was a rough 3 weeks where I had to hang around Reddit and scour numerous instagrams and sparsely populated toy news site forums hoping to find anything close the the amazing community that exists here. The folks that frequent this forum are my favorite kind of toy people, and I'm just very happy that it's back up. 

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I love that Venom and I'll definitely be getting one.  Only two things I wish they had done differently.  First include an Eddie Brock head and second get rid of the "veins" on his limbs (arms).  I would think it was all but perfect if they had done that.

Carnage and Warbird are not high on my want list.  Carnage is fine but I have no interest in the movie version and not at the price they will be asking for it here (Canada).  Warbird is a nice figure but I have moved on from this version of Danvers.   Give me a classic/first appearance look that can be used to do a Dark Avengers version as well.

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Glad the site and forums are back up.

Was hoping to order Warbird but by the time I even found it on the Target website it was completely sold out. Hoping I come across it in store like I did with Black Widow.

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Black Widow was tough to find if you weren't looking for her several times per week around the time she released, and the same will likely be true with Warbird.  Target is absolutely terrible with inventory management now--just assume they're going to screw something up and be vigilant if you want Warbird, because in all likelihood they will screw something up.  All of this was true last year when Widow released, and just waiting for local inventory to show up via Popfindr secured her easily for me.

Reminder--you can only do web searches via sites like Popfindr with Target using their product code they call a TCIN (Target.Com Item Number), and since the Target page for Warbird is up we know what that is--89970539.

It's a weird situation because employees can't do lookups on that number and you can't do them with the inventory scanners in the stores using TCIN, you have to use their other internal product code they call a DPCI.  They list both numbers on every product page though so if you can find it on their site then you always have both numbers available.

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I had good luck with Target exclusives for a while now, but not anymore. Missed out on Warbird and Carnage, which is disappointing. The Warbird costume is the first look I knew about for Carol Danvers, and it’s still a favorite of mine. Plus this new Warbird figure looks great.

I wish Warbird was a regular figure, because I’d prefer to buy a few of this figure— she goes with several teams like Mighty Avengers as well as the main Avengers team. And she was wearing this costume in Iron Man’s Heroes Return comics. 

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Missed out on Carnage, but got Warbird (I set an alarm to make sure I was ready to go. Did not want to miss this one).

More than positive these will both be available again once they transition from pre-order to "in-stock".


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Last year's Black Widow screw-up was good for us, but bad for Target.  They released one round of Widows to every store in my area, and they all sold out within a week.  That's all fine and the sign of a popular figure getting snapped up quick.  But apparently they had more inventory and released it several months later--but by then their marketing department had put her on clearance, so an entirely fresh case went to most stores in my area and hit the shelves at 50% off.  😳 

This is just one of many examples where it's clear Target isn't intentionally mis-managing things over the past year or two.  Sometimes it's in their favor, sometimes it's in ours, but the vast majority of the time their screw-ups are just bad for them AND bad for us.  🙄 

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I missed out on Warbird, but honestly since I have the older 3-pack version if I never find the new one I'll survive. Still really irritated about that whole process though.

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I did manage to get Warbird as I was camping out on the page right at 9. I had two in my cart since it was discounted and it's a great looking figure, but knocked it down to just the one I actually needed before checking out.

She was definitely sold out by 9:03. I would have sworn she'd go right back up because that seemed crazy fast. At some point a few minutes later the "Add to Cart" button was active but gave a Sold Out notification.

Anyway, I'm hoping she won't be that hard for folks to find once she's released, but who knows? I know there was at least one person here who all but gave up on the line because he was so frustrated trying to find Black Widow, but not everyone had such a tough time with her.

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Man....  not only was I bummed that I missed out on Warbird -   6:00 am drop for West Coast people?   Eat a dick Target -   but was even more bummed that I couldn't come here and whine about it  😆 


For serious that Warbird selling out in less than 5 minutes was crazy.   Just have to hope it will be well stocked on store shelves.


For Carnage though, I didn't even care.    It's not a character I care much for and I have SO many Legends versions of Carnage already this one didn't feel like any kind of need at all.


I did have to laugh at all of the Twitter and Facebook outrage over Hasbro still giving Target exclusives.   Like, after the blood bath Target took on Legends the last two years promised exclusives are probably the only reason they keep stocking the figures at all.   

SDcomics reacted
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I also missed out on Warbird, but I wasn't there the second it went up.  I too have the 3-Pack version.  Hopefully my near-daily Target runs will net one.

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Posted by: @panthercult

Man....  not only was I bummed that I missed out on Warbird -   6:00 am drop for West Coast people?   Eat a dick Target -   but was even more bummed that I couldn't come here and whine about it  😆 


For serious that Warbird selling out in less than 5 minutes was crazy.   Just have to hope it will be well stocked on store shelves.


For Carnage though, I didn't even care.    It's not a character I care much for and I have SO many Legends versions of Carnage already this one didn't feel like any kind of need at all.


I did have to laugh at all of the Twitter and Facebook outrage over Hasbro still giving Target exclusives.   Like, after the blood bath Target took on Legends the last two years promised exclusives are probably the only reason they keep stocking the figures at all.   

The action figure subreddits about broke in half over Warbird selling out so quickly. Which, I get it - it honestly seems like some sort of mistake - but I'm pretty sure she'll be attainable. Retailer exclusives are obviously important to the big stores (aka Hasbro's real customers) and aren't going away any time soon.


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The Warbird situation was my biggest toy disappointment during the outage.  I had all the parameters set to narrow the search and started refreshing before 9am and I still didn't get her.  I was on Target's website, not sure if it is better to search in the app? Maybe my phone and work Wi-Fi is too slow.

I ended up buying her from Star Action Figures in the UK.  It will work out to about $14 more than finding her in store at the regular price.  

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Said this in the Retro Spidey thread, but it's frankly obscene that they made Venom a Walmart exclusive. Literally one of the most popular Marvel characters right now, always a hot seller. The last one they released as an Amazon exclusive was going for roughly $100 on the aftermarket before this announcement.

I can only hope Venom will be as easy to get as Kraven, but considering the huge gap in popularity between them, I doubt it. Probably gonna be even worse than trying to get that Retro Lizard.

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