I'd been eyeing this seller's wares for a few weeks, and was close to buying this right before SDCC. You'd think the reveal would be a signal to just wait, but for some reason it pushed me to buy it...
Really love the details and paint work on this thing! There are a few differences between this and the official release that I can see (the "Time Platform" has a cool design on the official version; this one seems to have more detailing on parts of the body, and I'm guessing the paint won't be beat). I'll still pick up the official release when it comes for the extra bits and bobs, but I definitely don't need two thrones for Kang.
You know this, but for the thread--Kang's throne is $75 from that Etsy seller, and the Fantasticar is $375.
Given infinite resources and assurances of quality I'd buy almost everything that Etsy seller is selling, but I REALLY hate 3D-printed plastic. The way it stacks up plastic with the passes the print arms do usually leads to really rough textures, and the plastic I've seen from every 3D-printed item to date is usually really stiff, brittle, and breaks easily. That's all consistent with the fact that commercial 3D printers mostly advertise themselves as being for item prototypes as opposed to final products. But certainly not all of them make the fact that 3D printing is most ideal for prototyping plainly obvious, and in my experience when I talk to other collectors almost none of them seem to realize how rough 3D prints are and just assume that given a detailed-enough digital model we could all be printing our own action figures which is just not at all true unless you're willing to settle for figures that are of a worse plastic quality than either Toy Biz or Hasbro have ever given us.
Having said all of that we don't have a ton of options for accessories that Hasbro doesn't create for us with the superior injection-molded plastic they use, so I've bought quite a few 3D prints and will continue to do so when it's an item you just can't get anywhere else, and certainly that Fantasticar is tempting for that exact reason. But as you noted we're about to get an injection-molded Kang's chair pretty soon. With this new one in hand any idea which one you think you'll end up liking more? How is the plastic, and how was the paint job, are you satisfied with the purchase? Do the extra details on the 3D print model make it worth it over the upcoming Hasbro version?
Etsy sellers can be VERY hit and miss. For example I bought a 3D-printed Capcom Iron Man proton cannon about a year before Hasbro released their own version, and the seller painted it HORRIBLY. I've had it in a box for a few years, and the paint is STILL sticky to the touch and leaves goop on your fingers today. 😉 Dunno why that paint is eternally sticky, but I'm guessing only some types of paint work with 3D-printed plastic.
I hear you about 3D printed items - I've only bought a handful, and they are hit or miss indeed.
This one really works for me. The texture from the layered printing seems to have been factored into the design as it complements rather than detracts from the sculpt, and there are places where it was clearly smoothed out. The piece doesn't feel brittle or like the plastic will break off - helped, I'm sure, by the design not having too many thin parts, but it feels quality. The paint is *excellent* and really where it shines - no troubles so far from normal handling, posing, etc.
I think the extra details - but most especially the paint - will give it the edge over the Hasbro one for me. I think the production piece looks great, but there's no competing with a (well-made) hand painted product. I certainly wouldn't say it's a must-have given how excellent the Hasbro version looks to be.
The Fantasticar will be interesting because it does have a lot more smooth surface on it. From the pics there's no obvious texture, but that wouldn't be terribly obvious. I'm rolling the dice on it! Once I figure out why Etsy canceled my initial order...
@h-bird I've been eyeing that seller's work, too. I think they all look amazing. Looking forward to your report on the Fantasticar!
Regarding upgrades, I just got the reissue of Mafex Wolverine, and I really want to pick up a pair of painted custom claws that aren't so long. Would appreciate any suggestions from anyone that has successfully gone that route. I know the figure has been out for years, so I'm sure some Fwooshers have made the upgrade.
The Fantasticar will be interesting because it does have a lot more smooth surface on it. From the pics there's no obvious texture, but that wouldn't be terribly obvious. I'm rolling the dice on it! Once I figure out why Etsy canceled my initial order...
Wow, nice. I'm really tempted by that, so definitely let us know what you think. It looks absolutely amazing with the Mezco figures loaded up into it. Particularly cool is that those two headlights on the front are actual lights.
There's a dedicated thread for it in the General Toy Board (find it here), but Ramen Toy has launched the van they've been developing for preorder! The REV/Ramen Economical Van. Comes in 4 flavors, with the REV03 looking like a pretty sweet ride for our dear friend Frank Castle.
The price on these is pretty great at $110 for the van + the upgrades. The shipping however is a bummer - almost $50 to ship it to me in the US, same as with the Ramen Racer. I believe they ship direct from Singapore (or wherever in SE Asia the product is actually manufactured) so I get it. But it sure would be great if they could figure out a more reasonable fulfillment method.
Man, that Fantasticar is both gorgeous and extremely tempting. I'll be curious to hear from folks who have gotten it if it's worth it.
Man, that Fantasticar is both gorgeous and extremely tempting. I'll be curious to hear from folks who have gotten it if it's worth it.
I saw on their instagram that they sent out the first batch in the last week or so. Mine wasn't included but I'm hoping to make the cut next time! Will definitely report back with pictures.
I'm mostly just a window shopper when it comes to 3rd party luxuries.
Though, I am hoping a hero comes along and makes/sells Ego the Living Planet beach balls.
I delayed getting a cloth cape from GPSLot or CJESIM for Herald Thor and tried to buy one from another seller because the pros were sold out. I got a pastel pink and violet cape that would be great for when Thor attends a spring cotillion. It would have cost me just as much as the cape to return it, seller only offered 50% refund, and eBay removed my negative feedback. Lesson learned.
I'll buy custom heads if there's a particular look I'm really after. I recently bought a couple; a Bagley inspired Venom which I posted not too long ago and a more classic Molecule Man from IBMMT which I've been meaning to share. It amazes me how fine people's brushes can be to paint such details especially when it comes to eyes.
Edit: Added pic of Molecule Man
This same seller also has a pretty incredible Fantasticar he's been developing for a month or so now that finally went up for sale yesterday. More expensive than I hoped, but I get it (I think he posted it was 80+ hours of print time, plus assembly, paint, etc etc).
I do wonder if ML will get around to making this in the next year or so as the FF hype train ramps up, though it seems just as likely that whatever shows up on film gets made instead.
🤯 Oh my... How I wish I had the funds and space for this.
If I had a spare $375 just laying around, I'd definitely buy that Fantasticar. The only thing that could make it better, is if it were modular so you could separate it into its 4 individual pieces.
I'll be honest, in the weeks they were teasing this I set a ballpark max amount for how much I'd be willing to pay. Let's just say the actual price wasn't even close to my limit. I decided to justify it anyway, but it definitely blew a hole in the budget for the rest of the year!
I'll be honest, in the weeks they were teasing this I set a ballpark max amount for how much I'd be willing to pay. Let's just say the actual price wasn't even close to my limit. I decided to justify it anyway, but it definitely blew a hole in the budget for the rest of the year!
OOoooOoo! Please post pics when you get a chance 😆
FYI, BBTS has listed the Ramen vans for sale for anyone who would prefer that over ordering direct - not having to pay for it up front might be preferable. The listed price for the "Raider" (aka Punisher van) comes out to roughly the same for shipping to the US, with a slight savings if you order direct since there's no sales tax involved.