The epic BAF could be Bushmaster from the Serpent Society. Figuring out his tail body could be an epic challenge. As could the arms for Anaconda.
Aragon, the pegasus, would be a cool choice. Especially if the wave also has classic Valkryie, who very much needs a redo.
Make Jack of Harts the BAF to pay for that insane paint deco. That would be epic.
While I appreciate the posting of that video to confirm the upcoming "epic" BAF news - why are these guys such shitty interviewers man?
Like there were multiple times where they were giving fun expansive answers where he looked annoyed and just wanted to read the next question from his phone. These dudes are taking time out of their con work schedule to talk to you - engage with them and look like you enjoy it as much as they do. It shouldn't be hard, you're talking about toys, which you ostensibly love.
I don't know... maybe it's harder than it seems, or he was really anxious about getting through his list of questions or whatever - but yeesh.
This has largely turned me off from most of the guys who do these interviews. I'll temper my criticism by saying that I probably couldn't do any better, gotta ask questions they can actually give answers to, and if you do get them talking about something they're excited for - let them keep going! Ask follow-ups! This one really wasn't bad compared to others, because some are just...unwatchable.
MCUCollector24 usually asks pretty good questions that the team actually can answer.
Don't really get the criticism about him looking at his phone as they answered, but I was guessing that he was trying to decide what question to ask next, and that sometimes he audibled based upon their answer to the last question.
While I appreciate the posting of that video to confirm the upcoming "epic" BAF news - why are these guys such shitty interviewers man?
Like there were multiple times where they were giving fun expansive answers where he looked annoyed and just wanted to read the next question from his phone. These dudes are taking time out of their con work schedule to talk to you - engage with them and look like you enjoy it as much as they do. It shouldn't be hard, you're talking about toys, which you ostensibly love.
I don't know... maybe it's harder than it seems, or he was really anxious about getting through his list of questions or whatever - but yeesh.
In the day and age of YouTube, TikTok, etc just b/c some of these people have found success doesn't mean they have any degree of professionalism or taste. Though I didnt find this interview all that bad. At least it wasn't a whiny wish list. He prob was just anxious maybe told he had 10 min max or something so he was trying to cram it all in.
Does Dwight lean that classic? He seems to like Bronze Era twilight (late 80s) and early 90s a lot. The other 2 tend later 90s
MCUCollector24 usually asks pretty good questions that the team actually can answer.
Don't really get the criticism about him looking at his phone as they answered, but I was guessing that he was trying to decide what question to ask next, and that sometimes he audibled based upon their answer to the last question.
So, I will concede that he IS in fact better than many - nay, most - of the other dudes who do these kinds of interviews, so my comment was more meta intended while inspired by this one - than solely about this single interaction.
And admittedly I'm old so I am viewing this similarly to how I watch TV - I'm consuming everything on screen, so the interviewer should know this and act accordingly. If the interviewer were off screen and I am only watching the Hasbro team, I don't even have the issue. But he chose to make himself part of the viewable portion of this - he chose to be on screen with them - so he should try to be watchable.
Do we know for sure that this supposedly "Epic" BAF wave is not the rumored Secret Wars wave? Because that would probably be right in line with Dwight's previously-mentioned tastes.
Heh, BaF Beyonder in giant-shouldered space armor.
"Epic" huh? What if it's a wave of a bunch of their Epic comics characters, from the 80s? & What if the BAF is a big character from that universe?
Maybe the BAF could be battle-damaged Doom?
I dunno; I'm spitballing here.
I think the epic BAF is Bushmaster in an all-comic Cap wave
Sign me up! 1980-1990 Captain America was and is my all time favorite era of any comic. This would truly be epic for me.
One of my favorites too! I'm sad that after 22 years we've still only gotten one Scourge victim. I would happily buy every character on the cover of Cap 319.
Also need more Serpents, Flag-Smasher, D-Man, Battlestar, Zaran & Machete, and armored Porcupine. I'd even take Everyman and S.U.L.T.A.N. ha ha
I would love that. If they took the time, made him a dedicated detailed sculpt, it would be an awesome figure. I just think it would be more likely to show up as part of a wave, or more likely a deluxe release. In any case, it would be cool, and I’d buy it.