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Unknown upcoming "Most Epic BAF" wave

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The Critic


Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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"Comic Rack"? What if it's someone like Titania, or Volcana? 😉

Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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Posted by: @beamish

Can you imagine a Jack Kirby wave where all the figures are based off Kirby's art?

I can imagine several waves.

*Homer Simpson-style drooling*


SDcomics reacted
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Posted by: @beamish

Can you imagine a Jack Kirby wave where all the figures are based off Kirby's art?

I can imagine several waves.


I know people love it -  but that would be a way for me to save some money.   I respect the heck of out of Kirby and his innovation and creativity -  but I find his faces blocky and frankly ugly most of the time and just much of his aesthetic less than appealing.   I grew up on Byrne and Perez - kirby inspired for sure but smoother, sleeker, prettier.   


I prefer Legend to stay well away from "artist inspired" styling.   Like, I get it with Spider-Man mask renders, since we're going to get a million spider-man figures anyway, might as well do a Romita mask and McFarlane Mask and Ditko mask and whatever.  


But entire figures sculpted to look like Kirby drawings would be a pass for me.


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Posted by: @basil-elks

"Comic Rack"? What if it's someone like Titania, or Volcana? 😉



Basil Elks reacted
Good grief. Admin
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I'd love to get a Jack Kirby figure. Since the One Above All has taken on the appearance of Jack Kirby it would be a cool way to get the most powerful/omnipotent/omniscient entity in the marvel universe in figure form. Outside of being a cool tribute, it would be a genuine Marvel character. 

SDcomics and TheGillMan reacted
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I bought the NECA TMNT Kirby figure because I figured that would be as close as we ever got. He's hanging out with Stan, Agatha and the Watchers in a background corner of my Fantastic Four display.

It would interesting if the Comic Spinner BAF wave was figures of artists or writers, though.

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Posted by: @thor-el

I got the NECA Turtles Kirby figure so I could at least have Jack represented somehow (he's currently on display with my DCUC New Gods), but I'd LOVE an actual Marvel Legends Jack Kirby figure.

Would have to make another 1/12 scale cigar. Do they have a civilian body short enough?


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Posted by: @derrabbi

Posted by: @thor-el

I got the NECA Turtles Kirby figure so I could at least have Jack represented somehow (he's currently on display with my DCUC New Gods), but I'd LOVE an actual Marvel Legends Jack Kirby figure.

Would have to make another 1/12 scale cigar. Do they have a civilian body short enough?


Could always use a 5” JJJ figure, with custom head.




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I don't know if you folks are aware, but today is Jack Kirby's birthday.  He was born on August 28th, 1917, in Manhattan's lower east side.  He would be 107 years old.

He was a fixture at the San Diego Comic Con from the first one in 1970 all the way up to 1993. He died in February 1994.  I spoke to him several times over those years and I have to say he was a kind, considerate and thoughtful man. More than anyone else I ever met in the industry.  Just the nicest guy.

There are two things about Jack that I will always remember. 

For starters, if you showed even the slightest interest in his work, he made time for you.  Always.  Without fail.  He would give you a couple of minutes and tell behind the scenes stories, critique your art if you were an aspiring artist, sign autographs and just shoot the breeze.  He was great.  He signed autographs everywhere.  He signed at the Marvel booth, the DC booth, his own table, in the aisles, on the stairs, in an elevator,  in the lobby, in the courtyard outside the convention center, down the street and in front of his hotel.  I never saw him refuse anyone.  And he never charged anyone for an autograph ever.

The second thing I'll always remember about the King is a something he said to a group of us one evening outside the convention center as the exhibit hall was getting ready to close.  This would have been in either 1988 or 89.  He was looking around the city and he said (not exact words here but pretty close) "You know, someday this convention will take over this entire town.  Hollywood will come down every year to show us what they have coming out and to steal our ideas for future years.  Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country and the world will travel here.  It will be the ultimate celebration for people who love fantasy and pop culture."  People applauded Jack's words and I did too, but I was thinking "C'mon, Jack.  I love you but comics and superheroes have a niche audience.  They're only going to appeal to a very narrow subset of the population.  Your average person is not going to care what happens to Tony Stark or Steve Rogers. This convention is as big as it's ever going to get."

See kids, this is why Jack Kirby is the visionary creator of The Fantastic Four, The Silver Surfer, Thor, Hulk, X-Men, Captain America, Ant-Man, the New Gods and tons more.  He had incredible foresight.  He saw the world not as it was, but what was possible.  And me, I'm just a 65 year old rando who posts on message boards. 

Happy Birthday, Jack.  Thank you for everything.

Justice, ditko, TheSameIdiot and 15 people reacted
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I think its a wave of the original Image creators figures who left Marvel and each of them comes with a portion of the rack and one of their QR-backed comics they worked on before dumping Marvel.  Excelsior!

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Posted by: @sdcomics

I don't know if you folks are aware, but today is Jack Kirby's birthday.  He was born on August 28th, 1917, in Manhattan's lower east side.  He would be 107 years old.

He was a fixture at the San Diego Comic Con from the first one in 1970 all the way up to 1993. He died in February 1994.  I spoke to him several times over those years and I have to say he was a kind, considerate and thoughtful man. More than anyone else I ever met in the industry.  Just the nicest guy.

There are two things about Jack that I will always remember. 

For starters, if you showed even the slightest interest in his work, he made time for you.  Always.  Without fail.  He would give you a couple of minutes and tell behind the scenes stories, critique your art if you were an aspiring artist, sign autographs and just shoot the breeze.  He was great.  He signed autographs everywhere.  He signed at the Marvel booth, the DC booth, his own table, in the aisles, on the stairs, in an elevator,  in the lobby, in the courtyard outside the convention center, down the street and in front of his hotel.  I never saw him refuse anyone.  And he never charged anyone for an autograph ever.

The second thing I'll always remember about the King is a something he said to a group of us one evening outside the convention center as the exhibit hall was getting ready to close.  This would have been in either 1988 or 89.  He was looking around the city and he said (not exact words here but pretty close) "You know, someday this convention will take over this entire town.  Hollywood will come down every year to show us what they have coming out and to steal our ideas for future years.  Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country and the world will travel here.  It will be the ultimate celebration for people who love fantasy and pop culture."  People applauded Jack's words and I did too, but I was thinking "C'mon, Jack.  I love you but comics and superheroes have a niche audience.  They're only going to appeal to a very narrow subset of the population.  Your average person is not going to care what happens to Tony Stark or Steve Rogers. This convention is as big as it's ever going to get."

See kids, this is why Jack Kirby is the visionary creator of The Fantastic Four, The Silver Surfer, Thor, Hulk, X-Men, Captain America, Ant-Man, the New Gods and tons more.  He had incredible foresight.  He saw the world not as it was, but what was possible.  And me, I'm just a 65 year old rando who posts on message boards. 

Happy Birthday, Jack.  Thank you for everything.

This is super interesting - thanks for sharing, and for marking the occasion of his birthday. It's hard not to mythologize a guy who created so much of the modern comics landscape and was somewhat of a superhero himself in the way he made a habit of regularly beating up nazis. That he could be all that and as grounded and in touch with his fans like you say is pretty remarkable.


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Man I really appreciate your sharing this.  I've never had the chance to attend SDCC or any other bigger con except for WonderCon when it was still in SF.

Stories like this about the giants in the field like Jack Kirby are priceless.  So thanks for letting those of us who never had the privilege of meeting Jack a glimpse into the great person he was beyond his many accomplishments.

Happy birthday Jack!

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