Aaand mine are canceled too. Knew it was too good to be true.
Target is asking me to approve another delay to 11/17.
I approved it but I'm strongly considering just canceling it because my interest in MCU figures is at an all-time low and because I hate the way Target handles exclusives/POs.
Approved the delay too. I'm gonna hold out hope until the bitter end on these, but part of me is just tempted to resort to eBay. They're only gonna get rarer and more expensive as time goes on. Still keeping my fingers crossed that Santa will come through somehow.
The cancellation email said that they sent an email asking me to approve the delay, and I did not respond. The truth is they DID NOT send me an email to approve the delay, they canceled the orders on their own accord. Orders they never planned to fill anyway. For an item that was so unevenly distributed that people found it on clearance in other parts of the country. Meanwhile those of us who POed from day one got some annoying runaround.
Yeah, Target has been terrible with sending out notification emails lately. I've approved delays on a few things, but the only reason I knew about the delays was reading someone else got it and going to check myself. Otherwise I'm sure they'd have been canceled. They used to be really good at it, at least in my experience. Amazon still sends out emails when I need to approve a delay, but Target hasn't in ages.
I'm hoping that this'll just turn out to be the Legends version of the recent Wal-Mart Black Series wave debacle, where it may take me 10+ times, but after many a headache, they'll finally ship.
Target is asking me to approve another delay to 11/17.
I approved it but I'm strongly considering just canceling it because my interest in MCU figures is at an all-time low and because I hate the way Target handles exclusives/POs.
Don't flinch. Don't let them win!
See, I was looking at it as a, "You can't cancel me! I canceled you!" situation.
But if you do cancel them, then you can't request compensation for when they cancel on you. I forgot what product they last pulled this on, but I kept asking for a gift card in an amount equal to the amount they had on hold in my bank account for 10 months or something insane and I finally got up the chain enough to get it. Don't give in!
I've never been less invested in a character getting this pushed back but I just keep clicking approve. I loved the show but of all the figures to have Target repeatedly delay on, this is such a weird one. Meanwhile I got shipping notices for a few other Target Hasbro exclusives without issue. Wonder if a bunch of these fell off a boat on the way from the factory or something.
I've never been less invested in a character getting this pushed back but I just keep clicking approve. I loved the show but of all the figures to have Target repeatedly delay on, this is such a weird one. Meanwhile I got shipping notices for a few other Target Hasbro exclusives without issue. Wonder if a bunch of these fell off a boat on the way from the factory or something.
They are just really good generic goons, much better than the stuff shartimus is doing.
I think this is the absolute worst preorder experience I have ever had
Wonder if a bunch of these fell off a boat on the way from the factory or something.
Wasn't that the rumor when it came to the original figures of Hunter and Crosshair from the Black Series?
I've never been less invested in a character getting this pushed back but I just keep clicking approve. I loved the show but of all the figures to have Target repeatedly delay on, this is such a weird one. Meanwhile I got shipping notices for a few other Target Hasbro exclusives without issue. Wonder if a bunch of these fell off a boat on the way from the factory or something.
If they fell off a boat somewhere, they must have floated down here to Australia, because I wouldn't have any trouble going to a store and picking one up right now, and it's been that way for months.
Trust me when I say these figures are not worth anywhere near the amount of existential pain some of you appear to be going through over them. Though I admit I was excited, too, until I opened one.
I gotta say, I hate the new forum text box for replies. Like seriously, I largely post here on my phone and one wrong move, and I got a text box I can't click out of unless I hit the back button or close the browser. It's so annoying and not helped when I am posting and kids are handing me stuff constantly.
End rant
If they fell off a boat somewhere, they must have floated down here to Australia, because I wouldn't have any trouble going to a store and picking one up right now, and it's been that way for months.
Trust me when I say these figures are not worth anywhere near the amount of existential pain some of you appear to be going through over them. Though I admit I was excited, too, until I opened one.
How much are they going for over there? I'm sure I could probably row a boat there and back faster than they'd ever ship here. Part of me is tempted to goad one of my Australian friends to get them for me and ship them out. I'm sure shipping would be a pain and a half, but at least I could stop worrying about constant cancellation (not to mention all the dang holds on my card).