it wouldn't shock me if their online inventory was withheld to better time itself with the upcoming D+ wave
It would shock me because that implies some sort of competence. I've seen so many different issues this year that it's clear that their inventory management systems are in a state of utter chaos.
So what I learned from talking with Target is that the preorder inventory is being held till they get a new street date from the manufacturer. This is the case for all of those pre-orders we had without dates. So Masterverse Sun-Man, Transformers Origins Jazz, and the Track Suit Mafia. Seems to be a case of miscommunication between Target and Hasbro. Now what is interesting is that Origins Jazz just shipped from Target despite already being on shelves this spring and clearanced out this summer and being sent out by Pulse in April. There's still hope that Tracksuit mafia will show up.
While it's possible that's true it doesn't explain all of their issues. For example their exclusive Mattel Hammond Collection brachiosaurus has been showing on their site as sold out for weeks, yet it is just now starting to hit stores. I saw three on the shelves of one Target yesterday and two a few days ago, yet their web site thinks it's totally sold out.
I've seen too many issues to attribute them all to one cause without it being some internal system issue that their developers might possibly be aware of. They have a bunch of different things going wrong this year.
My target preorder has not yet been cancelled. When will these things ship? Has anyone received from them yet?
Add me to the list of cancelled. I want 3 of these but I’m not sure I’ll even get 1. I hope these go to fan channel because this is getting absurd. Of course after Target cancelled my the preorders, I still had the hold on my account for a week. Awesome.
Mine hasn't been cancelled so far... I wonder how they determine that. I've had the pre-auths for everything from Target on my credit card for months.
Mine hasn't been cancelled, but I am getting pretty pessimistic on these coming out. I have no idea what's going on here, but I wish someone would figure this out. Cause last thing I want to do is buy the on ebay at 50 bucks a pop when I don't have money
I still have my 3 pre-ordered, and no cancellation just yet. I'm holding out hope- perhaps ignorantly. I'm getting mighty tired of the authorizations every week or so. Never thought I'd be this invested/upset about the Tracksuit Mafia, of all things, but I liked Hawkeye quite a bit, and if nothing else, could work them into a Christmas display. I want them quite a lot, but not enough to pay the eBay prices some are asking for. I hope the theory about being held until the next wave is true, even though that would be a pretty large pre-order window, even for Hasbro. I don't see this being a figure they make multiple production runs of, so I think once they're sold out (which they seem to be), that's it. I guess we'll see.
I still have 3 pre-orders hanging out there with a placeholder charge every week also. I did cave and bought one on ebay for $28 (which I think is actually the retail price for these) not too long ago, just in case. It's been so long that I agree that it seems unlikely these will actually ever ship now - but I'm holding out hope and will keep my pre-order active until something actually happens. I might watch for an opportunity to pick up one or two more from ebay as well.
My original POs got canceled but my second, more recent (still a couple months old) POs have not. No way am I canceling them on my own. They’ll have to cancel them for me, at which point I will proverbially set fire to one of those huge red balls in the Target parking lot. They may be minor characters, but they’re army builders with appeal for both MCU and comic fans, if you watched the show or read the book. I hope they find a way to fan channel outlets like BBTS.
My original POs got canceled but my second, more recent (still a couple months old) POs have not. No way am I canceling them on my own. They’ll have to cancel them for me, at which point I will proverbially set fire to one of those huge red balls in the Target parking lot. They may be minor characters, but they’re army builders with appeal for both MCU and comic fans, if you watched the show or read the book. I hope they find a way to fan channel outlets like BBTS.
Guess the name of the song...
Wait for it...
I ended up buying a set on eBay. I paid just under the average for each one.
My preorders weren’t canceled but I don’t expect them to be fulfilled. I imagine something weird happened with these and a bunch of them will show up in a year or two at BBTS/EE or at discount retailers like Ollie’s. I don’t have any of the discount retailers by me, so a little less chance of getting a crack at them even when they do show up.
Was black wifebeater Wolverine an exclusive? Cause that's the figure I remember seeing cases of at Ollies.
Target yes you are the extreme butthead for how you handled this preorder.
eBay got me a couple for $20 more than retail. Oh well. My PO is still active. It will remain there until Target cancels it.
My Target pre-orders are still alive but I grabbed one (maybe a second) from TRU up here in Canada. At $42 plus tax, it was not a fun decision.
Was black wifebeater Wolverine an exclusive?
@left-field Not exclusive. Fan Channel, so not at most B&M stores.Maybe Gamestop is the only physical store that got them.