@justice Oh! My bad! Yes, they showed up yesterday, as a matter of fact! Haven't gotten around to opening them yet, but man, am I glad to finally have the Tracksuit Mafia Saga come to a close!
Ironically, I ordered them well before and got them well after I purged a lot of my MCU figures, including the other army builder. I probably wouldn't have gotten these normally, but I almost felt compelled to keep the order out of spite. I'll see how I like them, but if nothing else, I'll get some good shelf time with them and then check back in.
Yeah, that's kinda funny about getting them after a purge, but this has been hard-fought.
Yeah, that's kinda funny about getting them after a purge, but this has been hard-fought.
Oddly enough, the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to see them in a different light. Maybe it's just me rationalizing it a bit to try and not regret buying them post-Blip for my figures, but at least with this army builder, you get some specific characters, versus the Hydra Builder from ages ago. I'm all for a good nameless army builder, don't get me wrong (I probably have more Clones than the amount of people I've ever met in my life), but there's something about a pack like this that doubles as both an army builder and a named character.
Sorta like the Vers figure from a while back- you get 2 for the price of 1, here it's 3. Kazi, who was a pretty important character, so I'd feel okay keeping him no matter what, a comedic side character, and a nameless masked thug. Getting one more nameless head might've been cool, but it's pretty solid as-is, and easy enough to throw some other extra head on there! So I feel okay getting them to pad out the display a little, especially with the upcoming Daredevil show, and knowing that things will still stay street-level, at least for the time being. Could always have them flanking Kingpin, and add Echo to the mix whenever she gets here.
My only real gripes with the figure is that they don't include the necessary hands for all their accessories. The bottle can only really be held by the neck, at least in the ones I got, and that seems rather counterproductive to grab a molotov cocktail by the neck (but somehow, still in-line with the goofiness of the Tracksuits). So all in all, I'm quite happy I got them, rationalizing or not. I'll let them live on the shelf for a bit and if one or two need to go in the next Blip, so be it.
I got two, one for Kazi and the "Bro", didn't need a third.
All the accessories they come with are great!
I love the pinless Mr. Knight legs, wish they had used them on Bruce Banner. They really just need to destroy the mold for the old suit legs.
Entertainment Earth for the win! My order just arrived. After nearly a year of Target jerking me around it'll be nice to add my 2 guys to the shelf.
I used BBTS and mine has had absolutely no movement. Oh well, I have written these off as a loss at this point. Not paying after market for these, so I just may not get them
I used BBTS and mine has had absolutely no movement. Oh well, I have written these off as a loss at this point. Not paying after market for these, so I just may not get them
Same boat but holding out hope. Maybe I'll place a PO at EE as well...
Possibly. Chat they didn't have any updates either. So just yeah, I am thinking I am done with these figures at this point. Trying to acquire them has been a hassle. Hasbro dropped the ball with these badly
BBTS still lists the PO as Jan 2024. I have more faith that BBTS will fulfill than Target.
We will see. They were listed as Dec 2023 before, and never shipped
In general you can't trust any BBTS release date that's the current month or the current quarter. They're usually correct for items that have never released, but on re-releases they're often wrong. When an actual release period is in the past they have always just inserted the current period for the release date. Usually that works out when something is just late or sold out with more stock expected, but on items that will never release the BBTS release date will always be the current month or quarter.
I first noted this behavior in 2019, and as far as I know it still applies today. Here's an example--two years ago I placed a pre-order for the Black Series Captain Rex that at the time was announced by all of the fan channels as being re-issued. Two years later that still hasn't happened, and ever since I ordered BBTS just keeps auto-updating the release to the current quarter:
I'll second that about BBTS updating release dates. I order a lot of Super7 products through them and given that Super7 misses it's projected ship dates on pretty much everything I just end up with a stack of orders that look like they are shipping this month... every month.
Right now the oldest one is the Ultimates Czarface figure. I think that was originally supposed to ship in October. It changes every month and currently lists as shipping in February, but seems unlikely. I currently have 11 Super 7 Ultimates figures listed as shipping in February on the BBTS site. I would bet not even one of those goes out this month.
So, I concur that you cannot trust the release date BBTS lists for product that is overdue.
I don't use BBTS's listed release dates as truth. But I prefer to PO from them than EE, which is why I chose them. BBTS hasn't ever canceled a PO on me, but I typically have not had to order rare exclusives from them. Apparently, I lost the gamble between BBTS and EE. With BBTS still being up in the air, and EE already being proven, I might put in a new PO there, but I'm not any more sure that EE will fulfill at this point than BBTS. I'm not giving up though, I want these figures, so having two new possible avenues is not something I'm going to take for granted. I don't care when they show up, as long as they do.
For what it's worth, I received the "pre-order processing soon" email on these today. Less than an hour after I requested a pile of loot order to be shipped, of course.