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Toy Biz Marvel Legends highs and lows

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Magneto Was Right
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I couldn't get Walmart Thor or ML3 Thor to stand. Not sure if it was the weight of the cape or what. The leg joints were all too loose/weak. I wound up leaning them both on the figures behind them in my display at the time.

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I'm not good at remembering which figures came in which wave of ANYTHING, even recent releases.  EXCEPT for vintage GI Joe.  I can tell you the year any character came up up until 1990.  That info is pretty stuck in my brain.

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Posted by: @yojoebro82

I'm not good at remembering which figures came in which wave of ANYTHING, even recent releases.  EXCEPT for vintage GI Joe.  I can tell you the year any character came up up until 1990.  That info is pretty stuck in my brain.

That's impressive. I'm constantly referring to for those assortments, because I like to display my Classified figures with their "debut classmates".


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Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @yojoebro82

I'm not good at remembering which figures came in which wave of ANYTHING, even recent releases.  EXCEPT for vintage GI Joe.  I can tell you the year any character came up up until 1990.  That info is pretty stuck in my brain.

That's impressive. I'm constantly referring to for those assortments, because I like to display my Classified figures with their "debut classmates".


When I first started using the internet in the early 2000s, was pretty much the only site I went to.


Lucid Silverback
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Toybiz ML HIGHS: Brief but powerful.  Most likely a result of the paint fumes.  But seriously, TB probably gave us all brain damage.

Toybiz ML LOWS: That feeling when you finally found that HTF chase figure and then the mf had a factory error.

HOT TAKE: Doop is for external use only!

Red Ogre, yojoebro82 and NORM reacted
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Resurrecting the thread for this awesome toy line with a WANT.  I'll post my email if anyone is able to help me out.

I'm also going to spoiler tag this because even though I'm not going to go into any details, if you're even remotely good at connecting dots, you might consider this a Deadpool and Wolverine spoiler:


Anyway, I'm looking for the shades, blaster, and boomerang blade thingie for my TB Blade figure.  God this figure is so good.  I'd like to complete him. if you can help

[img] [/img]

[img] [/img]

"There's only one Blade".

......until they cast the next one, Wesley Snipes, until they cast the next one 😀

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Sentinel, Galactus and Giant Man.  Otherwise, at the time I loved Series 5 Sabertooth and Colossus, S6 Cable, S8 Captain America, Doc Ock and Man-thing, S9 Hulk, S10 Black Panther, Mr. Sinister, S11 HB Iron Man, Taskmaster and Wonder Man, S12 Cable, S13 Blackheart and Green Goblin, S14 Falcon, S15 Destroyer and Moon Knight as well as the Face-Off 2 packs, Legendary Heroes,  House of M and the Monsters Box Set.

Disappointments (mostly the sculpts and/or articulation/paint apps): Baron Zemo, Captain Britain, Luke Cage, Sasquatch, Juggernaut, Silver Surfer, S1 Hulk among many others. 

Funny, when Hasbro took over I quit the line for a bit. Sure glad that didn't last long.

NORM reacted
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- The villains wave was really gummy and Onslaught got undersized

- chase variants and running changes were a headache as I generally only wanted one version and they had the ability to do swappable heads but chose not to most of the time

- redundant articulation for the sake of keeping the POA count high, usually hands that were wonky in both open and closed positions and couldn’t grip a weapon properly 



- comics, diorama bases, baf pieces, even vehicles as pack ins, the value was really good

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As much as I like Toybiz ML, all of my TB female figures are gone, replaced with a Hasbro version.


I was digging through the loose ML figures at my LCS.  Nothing new that I needed.  I was just about to leave when I noticed clear Invisible Woman variant from the FF box set laying on the floor apart from all the others.  $7!  I snatched her right up.  I almost missed her too (she is invisible after all!)

This figure works out great because I don't like the face on the regular release and now you can't see it!

[img] [/img]

Boy Wonder
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Posted by: @kailryu


- The villains wave was really gummy and Onslaught got undersized


I feel like the biggest issue with Onslaught was the design. When folks think of Onslaught, they’re probably thinking of the one we got from Hasbro. I remember when that wave came out, a lot of us, myself included, had zero idea that was even one of Onslaught’s looks. 

Didn’t help that mine had a bicep that would fall off by just looking at it wrong. 

QC issues like that was probably my biggest gripe with ToyBiz. Lots of wrong parts like having two right arms and lots of frozen/broken joints from ToyBiz’ patented Never-Dry black wash that got slopped on everything. 

kailryu reacted
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