List your ten favorite Marvel Legends figures of 2023.
Spiral - X-Men retro card
Black Widow - Avengers 60th Anniversary
Extremis Iron Man - Puff Adder wave
Emma Frost - Ch’od wave
Cyclops - Ch’od wave
Mindless One BaF
Peter One - No Way Home wave
Green Goblin - No Way Home deluxe
Banshee - X-Men 60th Anniversary
Wolverine - X-Men ‘97 wave
runners up: Amadeus Cho, Destroyer, Ultimate Captain America, GotG3 Cosmo, Groot, Clea, Elektra-Daredevil/Murdock Daredevil, Lady Bullseye, NWH Murdock, Sandman, Joe Fixit, Corsair, Hawkeye/Skycycle, Blob, Bishop, Rogue ‘97, MCU Kingpin, Astonishing Antman, Wonder Man, AtSV Spider Punk (I’ve been editing my runners up as more lists reveal the figures and waves I forgot came out this year!)
My top ten, more or less in order, would be:
Spider-Man - ASM2
Green Goblin - NWH
Sandman - NWH
Kang - Quantumania
Monica Rambeau - The Marvels
Yelena - Disney Plus
Kingpin - Disney Plus
Wasp - Quantumania
Nebula - GOTG3
Spider-Man - NWH (the latest Tom Holland)
Runners up are Thor - Dark World/Infinity Saga and Spider-Man FNSM because those are the only other figures I got this year that I kept.
1. Blob
2. Black Widow
3. Spiral
4. Hawkeye
5. Iron Man Mark 1
6. Ant-Man
7. Moondragon & Drax
8. Elektra Daredevil
9. Destroyer
No particular order:
Astonishing Cyclops, Elektra Daredevil, Bishop '97, 60th Anni. Black Widow, Monet, Extremis Iron Man, Emma Frost, Lady Bullseye, MCU Monica Rambeau, Mindless One BAF.
Peter 3
Peter 2
Peter 1
Deluxe Green Goblin
Deluxe Doc Ock
Peter (VHS Animated Series)
MJ (VHS Animated Series)
Spider-Man (Walmart Animated Series)
Scarlet Spider (does he count? I think he's out overseas)
Honorable Mentions:
Thor (Ravager), Wolverine (Xmen 97), Bishop (Xmen 97), Spiral, Dark Phoenix and Banshee/Gambit/Psylocke 60th Anniversary set.
- Blob
- Black Widow
- Antman (FA)
- Mindless One
- Clea
- Destroyer
- Iron Man (FA)
- Monica Rambeau
- Ronan
- Cosmo
Hon Mentions: Corsair, Lady Bullseye, Hawkeye, Orb, Baron Von Struker, Mockingbird
I did a very unofficial count in my head and came up with roughly 21 Marvel Legends that I bought this year. That's more than I thought. In no particular order:
Black Widow
Andrew Garfield
Tom Holland (Final Swing)
Tobey McGuire
Banshee (UXM 275)
Psylocke (UXM 275)
Gambit (UXM 275)
Honorable mention goes to Outback Rogue. A lazy effort that I shouldn't like but I kind of do.
Out of all of these, only Black Widow and Blob will for sure be on my overall top 10 list for the year, maybe Spiral and Garfield Spidey.
This is the first time I've purchased less than 10 Legends figures in a year and they all felt worthy of inclusion on a top 10 list. That counts for something.
- Black Widow (Target)
- Daredevil (three-pack)
- Cyclops (Astonishing)
- Hawkeye (60th anniversary)
- Iron Man (Extremis)
- Emma Frost
I'm still trying to track down Blob, as well.
I heard a lot of "I'll wait for clearance" chatter when it came to the new Blob, and while that is certainly something I will do 90% of the time when it comes to ML, something told me clearance just wasn't in the cards for this figure. To my knowledge it hasn't happened yet. He's a bit pricey, but I'd say he's worth it (If you don't have BAF Blob, now you have one. If you do have BAF Blob, you can make your money back easily.) They did pretty much all they could do for a guy this big. Sculpt, paint, articulation, decent accessories, it's all there for Blob. He's a lot of fun.
Looking back, I only bought four MLs this year.
1. Blob
2. Spiral
3. Karnak
4. Avalanche
Really low amount of additions this year for me too. The bulk of my new figures came from the X-Men packs and the WCA box set. My favorites: Blob, 97 Wolvie, 97 Bishop, 97 Rogue, Mockingbird, Elektra DD, Target Widow, Emma, Ult. Cap, and Hawkeye.
Sersi and Luke Cage compete for my biggest disappointment
I would put Spiral on my top list, except..
I really don't remember Spiral coming out early. I checked my orders, and mine was delivered in January. So clearly it's possible. I even mentioned her among my top 10 back when I spoke to Ryan Ting at NYCC, and he corrected me saying she was a 2022 figure. Well, I didn't get her til this year, and knew immediately she'd be among my best of the year.
I would put Spiral on my top list, except..
Spoiler...I got her in 2022
Very few people did though. The only objective way to structure this is to count figures in the year that they became widely available, and that definitely was not in 2022 for that X-Men retro wave. Spiral should absolutely count for 2023.
I even mentioned her among my top 10 back when I spoke to Ryan Ting at NYCC, and he corrected me saying she was a 2022 figure.
I'm guessing his criteria is either the very earliest date they were available, or perhaps even the date they begin shipping to retailers--both of those would make her a 2022 figure. Either way the vast majority of us couldn't review her in 2022, so I don't get why you'd ever objectively call her a 2022 figure.
Eh, for this list, the criteria can be loose. If he got Spiral in 2022, she probably squeezed into last year's top 10 for him. These are personal favorite lists. Based on personal experience. If he got Spiral early, good for him! I certainly would have included her in 2022 if I had gotten her that soon.