It's been 2 weeks, so here's the next Top 10, and this is the LAST Just For Fun Top 10 I'll be doing before the REAL Top 10 in 2025.
Who are your Top 10 most wanted Timely/Atlas/pre-Silver Age characters? Quite possibly the most overlooked genre of them all. Please do not include retroactively added classic characters like Spitfire or Baron Blood.
Comic, movies, TV shows, video games, other forms of media - who would you like to see as figures?
No restrictions at all. All All-Winners Squad? Cool. All Romance? Sweet! Updated figure on a new body? Nice!
No need to separate between standard, BAF, Deluxe, HasLab - it's all your Top 10. If you'd like to notate what size/format you'd like to see it made in - go for it!
Mix and match media! It's up to you - it's your list!
Also, keep in mind that you can certainly double up on a character from one Just For Fun thread to another, like if you already put Whizzer on your Avengers list, you can put him here, too.
Let the fun begin!
NOTE - One character per line please, or a much smaller pack in. No standard figure size 2-packs or multi-packs.
1) Jim Hammond Human Torch
2) Toro
3) Whizzer
4) Miss America
5) Blazing Skull
6) Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
7) Electro
8) Vision/Aarkus
9) Kid Colt
10) Rawhide Kid
What? Beamish didn't put Two-Gun Kid in his Top 10?
Matt Hawk Two-Gun Kid didn't debut until 1962. The Golden Age Two-Gun Kid, Clay Harder, isn't in my Top 10.
Human Torch
Miss Fury
Black Widow
Blackstone the Magician
Armless Tiger Man
Subbie the Sea-Going Lad
Ooh fun!
1.Human Torch
3.Bucky (usually I hate re-dos but the figure we have is HORRIBLE)
4.Blazing Skull
6.Miss America
10.Blonde Phantom
I didn't include any members from The Twelve but count me in for all of them. Normally I wouldn't mention more than 10 but if anyone from the Hasbro team stumbles upon this thread I want them to know there's demand for Golden Age characters!
Normally I wouldn't mention more than 10 but if anyone from the Hasbro team stumbles upon this thread I want them to know there's demand for Golden Age characters!
Thank you. 😊
@beamish Thank you for doing this, Beamish! I hope you have a Happy New Year and may all our Legends dreams come true.
Not as familiar with this time, but there are some definite gems I hope the Legends team gets to.
1. Rawhide Kid. I had a couple of comics with him as a kid and have always liked the character.
2. Kid Colt. I want more western characters and their horses.
3. Human Torch. We need the original in Legends asap.
4. Toro. Gotta have the sidekicks.
5. Whizzer. I have a soft spot for speedsters. While his name cracks me up, he does have a good look.
6. Miss America. We need at least one female from this time and I'm a sucker for patriotic looks.
7. Vision. I know nothing about him, but I dig the look.
8. Blazing Skull. Because a skull 😉
9. Venus. Can always use a few more beautiful Legends.
10. Bucky. Yeah the last one pretty much sucks.
This was actually a hard category. There’s so many characters I wanted to include, that a top 20 wouldn’t have been enough. So I reluctantly narrowed it to these. Tomorrow some of these could change, because there’s so many I wanted to see.
Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
The Mighty Destroyer
Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
The Angel
Blonde Phantom
Eternal Brain
Flexo, the Rubber Man
The Falcon
The Challenger
Right, so many to choose. But I HAD to include the Armless Tiger Man, on my list. <3
I don't know a lot about Marvel's pre-FF days, but I really liked that What If? story that lead to Agents of Atlas. I'd love a set of 50s Avengers.
I'd also found the Liberty Legion way more interesting than the Invaders, so if they count, I'll vote for them.
And now that I'm seeing pictures, I'm seeing a lot of the characters that Rick Jones wished into being during the Kree/Skrull War and they're kind of cool.
Turns out I'm interested in a lot of pre-FF characters. Who knew?
There’s a lot during this period I’d love to see, so as always narrowing it down to just 10 will be agonizing.
1-6) First and foremost are, like many others have listed, the ‘50s Avengers. 3-D Man, Namora, Marvel Boy, Gorilla-Man, Venus, and The Human Robot/M-11.
7) Whizzer
8) Bucky
9) Aarkus the Vision
10) Miss America
Noticeably absent from my list is the Jim Hammond Human Torch only because I’m satisfied with the figure I made using the Select head on the FF Classics Torch body.
It would be nice to see the 5 that were in the old Spider-Man animated series, in the 90s. 🙂 Miss America, Whizzer, Thunderer, Black Marvel (90 animated series version, more so than the original), and Destroyer. 🙂
Right, so many to choose. But I HAD to include the Armless Tiger Man, on my list. <3
Gone ... but never forgotten.
Human Torch (Hammond)
Miss America
The Blazing Skull
Blue Diamond
Blonde Phantom
The Destroyer