...I just received "Classic" Starlord from Walmart today (Clearanced Down to $5.97!), and really dig him! Other than a couple of tiny missed spots of white paint, he looks Fabulous, as I have always preferred This design over later versions (was never a fan of anything past the "Annhilation" look!), as it's so Retro- Buck Rodgers/Flash Gordon-y! Really appreciate the heft and sculpt of this Buck too, which got me to thinking, who else really needs to be done or re-done on this body? For me personally, it is definitely Moon Knight first and foremost, as that spindly Sunfire Buck is way too lean for his later years, and Sleepwalker and Darkhawk (never happening, I know lol!) As both of them are too short, Sleepy especially! Who else really needs this buck??
Yeah... at the $5 price point I've been stacking fodder for later customs. Madrox, Longshot, Starlord - I don't even know what specifically I'll do with them but they're good base bodies to work with I figure. I just got a couple Starlords delivered today because $5 each was too good to pass up.
Classic Taskmaster is the primary one I want redone on this body. Feels like it'd suit him more and that Bucky Cap one they did has really gummy plastic.
I want the Punisher done on the Vulcan body.
I’d like to see the Vulcan body on:
Original/Classic/Infinity Gauntlet Adam Warlock
Annihilators Quasar
Nova Prime
Genis Vell
I want Batman on the Vulcan body. How are there no Marvel characters with grey bodies aside from Grey Gargoyle??
I want Batman on the Vulcan body. How are there no Marvel characters with grey bodies aside from Grey Gargoyle??
In a perfect world, Hasbro world get the DC license so we could get those characters in a matching scale and aesthetic.
I’m sure we’ll get him any day now…
The existence of the Whiplash head and ponytail probably moved Killer Shrike up the list quite a bit. All that would be new are the wrist blades and cape
Falcon on the Vulcan body would be neat. 🙂
I fully expected Hawkeye to be on the Vulcan body and was shocked when he wound up on a body even thinner than the Barnes body he’d been on for several iterations.